Though refinancing your home loan to get extra cash and pay off your credit card debt might be a good idea. It is not the best solution. This serves best the credit card interests and not yours. Because even if you get your debt settled and eliminate it for good, if you don't change the way you spend, you'll keep accumulating debt once again and maybe next time you won't be able to resort to your home equity.
Moreover, since refinance home loans generally worsen the terms of your mortgage, you are further risking your property if you fail to meet the monthly payments. And though you may be replacing expensive debt with cheaper and more affordable debt, you are also replacing unsecured debt with debt that is secured with your home. If you are not good at managing your finances (and that's why you had to resort to debt settlement), that's something that you'd better avoid. Read more anout it at:,Credit_Card_Debt_Settlement_Avoid_Refinancing!
2007-05-28 22:52:22
answer #1
answered by grierGRIER h 3
How much lower than 6.5 do you expect to get a refinanced loan for and how much will it cost you in application fees and closing costs to refinance??? It won't hurt to apply if you feel you find a better deal but I think you should make your existing payments on time for at least a year before switching out loans and banks and all of that. 6.5 is not a horrible rate so hang in there and wait to see what happens with the interest rates. As people are losing homes to foreclosures the banks are gonna have to lower rates to entice new people to buy and refinance. If you can get an offer under 5.5% grab it but the odds are you are in the right range for a home mortgage.
2007-05-28 07:07:12
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
With a fico of 650, 6.5 percent interest is pretty good right now. Before you start thinking about a refi, read your existing loan documents first. Check to see if you have a prepayment penalty. If you do, how much is that prepayment penalty going to cost you? Add on on top of that all of the closing costs you will have to pay on the refi. Plus, there is no guarantee in this current market that you will get anything lower than 6.5 percent. I have only see individuals with stellar credit (FICO in the upper 700s and above) getting rates lower than 6 percent. My advice is to keep paying on your existing mortgage and get a good payment history down and also make sure that any other credit you have, you pay on time everytime. Don't max out your credit card(s) and if you have to keep a running balance, keep it at or below 30 percent of your line of credit.
2007-05-28 11:35:59
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
With only 2 payments in unless you can get a fixed rate of at least 1% better you will actually loose money. If you presently have an adjustable that is a different animal, and I would refinance to a fixed shortly before you are due for a rate increase. With the market as volatile as it is now, and housing prices dropping you also have to take into account of how much or what percentage of the total worth of the house did you mortgage.
2007-05-28 11:33:05
answer #4
answered by Pengy 7
Mortgage rates differ a lot and are based on your credit rating and the value of the home. Before approving your loan, your lender will scrutinize your credit history. There are two types of mortgages according to the type of rate: fixed or adjustable. Consult a mortgage broker or contact the lender directly asking for quotes. This lets you decide between both the varieties of mortgages.
2007-05-28 06:33:18
answer #5
answered by See Saw 3
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2007-06-01 05:11:21
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
2007-05-28 08:02:48
answer #7
answered by lalu_manoj2000 1