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I'm probably starting a wildfire here but I'd just like to know why the hatred towards our country. This is by far the shining light of the world, look at how many people are trying and dying to get here. You have more freedoms GIVEN to you than most will ever see in thier lifetime. I'm tired of the Bush bashing antics, yes this war has divided the country but keep in mind that an entire congress had to authorize military action in Iraq and a lot of YOUR democrats voted in favor of the war. Why say hurtful things about our country when so many of our finest men and women have stepped up to the challange to keep us free and the bad guys at bay. If you hate it here so much then move somewhere else. And another thing, tomorrow is memorial day, if you can get past the anger within you take a moment and look at our flag and remember those who gave thier lives to HAND you freedoms that you take for granted. I don't mean to make this into an attack but enough is enough. GOD BLESS AMERICA !!

2007-05-27 14:51:23 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Carbon O
I've been in your son's shoes before and I've served my time in the middle east. As far as your comment is concerned you're way out of line. Tell your son i appreciate his service from one service man to another.

2007-05-29 17:16:00 · update #1

37 answers

I agree with you in some respects. I think you are over generalizing. I am and proclaimed lefty. LOL. I support GW Bush. I don't agree with everything, nor do I like him. I am from South Louisiana and I have a big problem with how he treated us and left us with no help. We had an incompetent government in that State. He should have and still should do more. He gives all the money in the world to the war, but left his fellow Americans sitting on rooftops and with no help. So I don't like him. I don't like his family, I don't like his values, I don't like anything about the man.

However. I respect him. He is our President. For that I will support him. I support the War because we started it and we need to finish it. Our Troops believe in our way of life and believe it what they are doing. We need to support them to the fullest extent that we can. GW is the only doing something about taking care of them. The left has total disregard for our troops. I don't like that. I don't like Pelosi. I think she needs to go too. I want nothing but the best for our troops and cannot thank them enough for what they are doing for us.

God Bless America and God Bless our Troops!!!

Oh yeah, if one more person tells me gas prices are GW's fault, I am going to scream! It is not the war and it is not him. Get educated people!

2007-05-27 14:57:16 · answer #1 · answered by atlantaboi3 5 · 3 7

Since you didn't use some of the childish terms so favored by the right, I will try to answer your question respectfully. I hope you will take my response with the same effort at respect with which it was composed and given.

1) I DON'T hate our country. I don't hate any country. The idea that leftist hate the US is entirely false. Criticizing a country isn't hatred. I disagree that the United States is the shining light of the world. People are dying (literally) to get into this country because we have helped to impoverish their countries. It would take too long to go through it all, but just read about something like the United Fruit Company. In the 50's, they had thousands of acres of undeveloped Guatemalan land while Guatemalans had nothing. A new government came along that took the land from the United Fruit Company and gave it to the Guatemalans, we sponsored a coup that led to the overthrow of that government and the installment of a new one friendly to US business interests. That kinda thing. Why do you think so many immigrants are reluctant to assimilate? Because they just want to earn a living. They don't give a tinker's cuss about being "Americans."

2)My freedoms weren't given to me. I was born with them.

3)Bush bashing is protected by the Constitution.

4)Democrats did support the war and those that did are not worthy of our support.

5)I have no complaints against any military member that respects my right to criticize the government and war. I am no-more anti-military than any individual soldier, sailor, airman, or marine wishes to make me. But when any tries to say that because they are military and love Bush, thereby implying that I have no right to voice my sincere feelings and ideas, then it is obvious that individual is in no way "fighting for me" in any way. They are only fighting for their political party.

6)I don't have to move anywhere else. The first amendment guarantees me the right to say whatever I wish. Why do you praise our freedoms and then say people should leave the country for making use of them?

7) I don't need memorial day to regret the loss of any life, military or civilian, American or international. It is all a tragedy.

2007-05-27 15:08:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Men and women have fought and continue to fight to give us the freedom to say what we want about our country. If we don't like what the government is doing we have the right to speak out against them. The most unpatriotic thing someone could do is keep their mouth shut and not speak when something bothers them. We have freedom of speech and should be able to exercise it whether we approve or disapprove of the government.

I'm not the spokesperson for the left, but I'm angry because we went to war with a country who didn't attack us or have WMDs. Don't you remember who attacked us on 9/11? It wasn't the Iraqis, in fact, the attacks had nothing to do with Iraq. I know that many Democrats voted in favor of war, and I don't support their decision anymore than I support the Republicans who voted in favor of war, but the Democrats are the only ones who are now offering a solution. We need to bring our troops home before thousands more are killed.

So tomorrow, when you're celebrating memorial day, remember that we too have the right to say good or bad things about the current administration, and how dare anyone say we are unpatriotic for criticizing the government. I think as Americans we can all agree on one thing; we all want what's best for the country we love. We just have different ideas of what and who is best for America.

2007-05-27 15:04:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 8 1

The Democrats believe that the Government should be taking care of her children from cradle to grave, thereby willing to give up freedom for security. Hence, FDR, who referred to Joseph Stalin as Uncle Joe, has brought us down the path to socialism to the delight of the Democrat voter. Then comes Reagan, with smaller government, and reminds us that the government's money is in fact our money, and that Unions are not to be trusted, he told us the truth, so the Democrats set out to destroy his image once they gained power, DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR. The Democrats are using the same tired plays out of an old tarnished play book. They think the average voter is a dolt. and perhaps they are right. But the fact is that the smarter party, the Republicans will not fall for this illusion. The Democrats must be swept form power, they are the evil doers over here in America.

So Sayeth the Impaler!

2007-05-28 09:37:02 · answer #4 · answered by impalersca 4 · 0 0

I'm not bitter and angry at America. I love my country. But it is Bush that is leading our country down the wrong path. And, it is his policies and arrogance in his failures that is going to be with us for generations to come. Tell me the truth here, what freedoms are our troops fighting for? What freedoms have they given us in America when our government on both sides of the aisle and in the white house signed the Patriot Act that went as far as making it the right of the President to call off elections if he deemed it necessary in what he determines to be an emergency? I love my country too much NOT to question those in power. I love my country and the Constitution too much to just stand by and follow blindly like sheep behind those who are corrupting it.

2007-05-28 11:38:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

WOW!!!! that is pretty far out there buddy..I'm almost speechless.. but not quite yet... First off I am not angry at my country.. I love my country and have nothing but pride for my country... My freedoms were not GIVEN to me.. my ancestors fought and died for those freedoms so that their future generations (Me) would have these wonderful freedoms that I cherish.. they were not GIVEN or HANDED to me..Many people over the years have fought with their blood, sweat, and tears so that you could put that BS up there- and to say that it was GIVEN or HANDED to me completely downplays everything that they did...I can blame the President for anything I want.. that is what makes this country so great... when bad things happen.. why not go all the way to the top.. that's his job.. that is the job that he accepted- he is the leader of this country and if he does something that I don't agree with, or do not think it is doing what is best for my country then absolutely I can blame him...As far as the Dems voting for the war.. sure.. they were given a lot of false info from the President.. WMDs and all kinds of good stuff... so yes they voted for it and he gave the citizens of this country the same line... and most Republicans and Democrats were behind the war then too.. people trust the President.. the leader of this country.. and he let alot of people down including Republicans
But you did get one thing right GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!

2007-05-27 15:11:31 · answer #6 · answered by katjha2005 5 · 2 3

Although there are some who are bitter, let me caution you from thinking that those who post regularly on the Internet are in any way the majority or representative of "Ex" Jehovah's Witnesses as a whole. Most who are no longer Jehovah's Witnesses are either content to live a life in the "world" or are working to accept discipline and make adjustments. Thousands of "ex" Jehovah's Witnesses lose the "ex" every year.

2016-05-19 04:26:28 · answer #7 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I never said I hated my country. That's you putting words in my mouth because I won't blindly side with your @#$%^ President and go along with whatever he says like good little sheep.

BTW: Didn't you know already that Bush is just using our soldiers like the sacrificial pawns that they are unfortunately are?

He doesn't care about them. He doesn't understand what they are going through. And he doesn't give a rat's *** about what other people think.

Just like you don't.

So on Memorial Day, just remember: It's still a free country; whether you want to accept that or not.

2007-05-27 17:08:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are joking, right?
Either that or you are the dumbest person in the world. The only thing I agree with you is the fact about memorial day. I had as well as my son had gone to war for this country and we didn't question the motives, however, all the risks that we took and my son still taking is exactly to assure that. that the freedom to have an opinion and recognize when our leaders screwed up. GWB is my son's commander in chief, but it's not mine anymore. Now that he's in deep doodoo you all hypocrites want America to forgive him and stop the bashing and pretend that everything is honky dory, but when Clinton was President you wanted him crucified for having a BJ and you still using him as a scape goat for all your woes.
War has nothing to do with the military, it has to do with politics, and our politicians are the ones given America a bad name, specially Republicans.

2007-05-27 15:08:47 · answer #9 · answered by cabron o 4 · 4 1

Not hatred of our country. Disapproval of our leader. BIG difference.
Show me proof that someone has disrespected the soldiers. I have not seen it. Disrespecting Bush is allowed because he has not earned the respect of the American people. Disagreeing with the war and why we went to war s not disrespecting nor saying anything detrimental about the troops.
It all is about Bush lying to the American people to go to war in the first place, and for not getting OBL who was responsible for 9/11.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."

Theodore Roosevelt, 1918

2007-05-27 15:04:02 · answer #10 · answered by citizenjanecitizenjane2 4 · 9 0

They are ignorant and need someone to blame. If they blame islam terrorists they will get no response as terrorists want their heads on a platter. So they go where they can get some followers who hate the government and God which is easy since America lets all the freaks in. God Bless the Conservative America we all deserve to live in!!!

2007-05-27 16:14:24 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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