...in the northeast (specifically Maine).
went for a nice little nature hike, and every now and then i'd pass an unusually pretty white flower. i'll describe it: tends to grow by itself, doesn't grow more than 8 inches or so. from the stem of the plant branch out three big nonverigated leaves (the flower sits in the middle) that form a triquetra. the white flower is also made up of 3 petals, and within the center of the petals is fuschia pink. between each petal is a thin green mini-leaf (3 alltogether). the pollen part is yellow. i should add that the flower itself is about 1/3 the size of each green leaf.
what are they? they're quite exquisite -- so pretty that i wouldnt doubt it if they were poisonous. just wondering because i really wanted to pick one.
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Science & Mathematics
➔ Botany