Yes, Paul completely perverted the message of reformist Judaism that Jesus preached.
2007-05-27 12:51:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You seem to want a cut and dry answer for what you ask, and that is not the case. You have to be careful that you do not take the situations out of context or scripture out of context for what you say. Paul done things as Saul before his conversion and that caused people to "not" want to believe him when he was later called Paul. Paul was specifically called by God to do the things the Lord said do, but he was human as we are and we can see that mistakes can and will be made and God is there for us and still leads us through to learn, cause friend no one then and no one now will walk the path set and do it all right the whole time. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful God and to have the Bible to see he took a Saul and made a Paul and He can take a sinner like us and well God knows the possibilities for each of us. Praise God!
2007-05-27 20:03:45
answer #2
answered by deeprnll 2
Oh, I sincerely hope not. Though Paul did a lot of work in getting the new Christian church going, he was only a man and should not be worshipped. Paul did not know Jesus personally as a human man. Paul had problems of his own, which we are never told the nature of, though there is a lot of speculation.
I will not dignify your last question with an answer.
The Ol' Hippie Jesus Freak
Grace, Peace and Love in Christ
2007-05-27 19:55:44
answer #3
answered by Dust in the Wind 7
I have pondered this one also, and this is what I have decided for myself:
Jesus said stuff.
Some of what Jesus said is recorded.
More of what Jesus said has been found.
Paul is not the Christ (I think everyone agrees on this).
Paul went a lot farther and on many different subjects, than Jesus did.
The New Testament image of Jesus is not exactly consistent with the Gospel of St.Thomas... I suppose we ought to get our image from what Jesus said, rather than what Paul said about Him.
The stuff Jesus said is in the context of the Old Testament, and to consider bits of it out of that light is to use it as a fortune cookie jar.
Jesus set out a way of living that is good and workable. It leads to decent relationships between people and a humane world, as well as peace at heart.
Whether I can *know for sure* or *prove* who or what Jesus is/was, there is obvious personal advantage to following His teachings, and to a world based upon His teachings. A Christian is someone who follows the teachings of Christ, as best as he/she can determine what those are, to the best of their ability (even if they stink at it).
2007-05-27 19:59:21
answer #4
answered by Gina C 6
Eph. 4:5 tells us that there is 1 faith.So it is up to us to examine all the religions out there and see which one is following Jesus foot steps closely. Love would be the Identifying characteristic of true christians (jh.13:35)These would also recognize that salvation is God's provision through Jesus christ (rev.7:10,acts 5:30,31) while NOT being involved in affairs of the world and of unbelieving mankind. (jh.15:19, jas.4:4, 1joh.2:15) submiting themselves to Christ as heavenly king. ehp.5:24 col.1:13...obeying the worldly rulers, unless there is a conflict with Gods law(1 Peter 2:13,14 rom.13:1, MATT 22:21 ACT 4:19,20 serving as soldiers of christ in a spiritual warfare..2 tim 2:3 Their religion is a way of life not simply a set of teachings or performance of rituals acts:19:9they put aside the works of the flesh, and manifest the fruits of the spirit eph.4:17,19-24 and like Jesus, they are Witnesses of Jehovah God.rev.1:5 rev.3:14 jh. 17:6 1 tim 6:13 rom.15:5,6 isa. 43:10-12 heb.13:15 also concerning Jesus acts 1:8 all christians are to be preachers of the Good News matthew 28:19,20 rom. 10:9,10 rev. 22:17, luke 10:9 isa. 61:1,2 ,1 cor 9:16 ,1 cor. 11:1 and expect to suffer persecution .144,000 are called to heavenly life with Jesus others submitt to life on earth Ps 37:29 all are a united organized people not scattered throughout sects of christendom JH.10:16 jh.17:20,21 1 cor 1:10 not all who bear the name christian are really disciples of Jesus..Matt.7:21-23 2 cor. 11:13-15 , 2 peter 2:1romans 16:17,18...hope these scriptures help you to find the true answer!
2007-05-27 20:13:39
answer #5
answered by ? 2
Yes, a true Christian believes the Creeds and lives the Beatitudes and other ethical demands of Jesus as the Christ,the Lord and God Incarnate. We can have a real and personal and corporate friendship with Jesus who died,rose and will come again for us?
2007-05-27 19:54:41
answer #6
answered by James O 7
essentially Christians are Christians...our pastor used to say: "we are Christians by choice and Baptists by preference." So you can be a Methodist / Protestant / Episcopalian etc. and it doesn't matter so long as the gospel you believe in is that Jesus is the only way the truth and the life with no additions whatsoever. Jesus Christ is the beginning and ending of the Faith.
2007-05-27 19:52:51
answer #7
answered by meredith 3
And your real question is?
Paul easily is a better man than you by a tremendous stretch, and would not think of openly smearing someone's name if they weren't present to defend themselves as you just did.
He worked hard and traveled many miles, often on foot to establish churches all over Europe and was treated with a lot of disrespect including attempts to murder him, and finally he was executed for his faith. He was a man of impeccable character and godliness, and nobody questioned his veracity.
I am convinced by your ramblings that you never met and/or talked with a "true Christian" or you did and didn't pay close attention to what they told you. That would be a good place to start, and will clearly eliminate the confusion you seem to have with reality in your post.
2007-05-27 19:58:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
A true Christian is one that walk in the example of Jesus Christ. Keeping our affection on things above and not on the earth. Loving one another as Christ has loved us. You will know them by their fruits, by the things they do.
For out of the abundantant of the heart the mouth speaks and the body acts
2007-05-27 19:56:28
answer #9
answered by I Wanna Know 3
First of all his writings were affirmed as scripture by the apostle Peter who wrote, " Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction." 2Peter 3:15,16
Secondly if you're referring to circumcision he didn't view it as applicable to Gentiles but to Jews. Thus he circumcized Timothy who was a Jew. Nothing inconsistent about that. But as Peter has stated above, so even today there are those who distort and reject Paul's writings to their own destruction.
2007-05-27 19:56:12
answer #10
answered by Steve Amato 6