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to become "unbloated"? b/c i like how i look before i've eaten anything- like in the morning- but after i eat i get huge- how long does it take for that to wear off? why does it happen?

2007-05-27 12:01:11 · 3 answers · asked by lily 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

when i dont eat my ribs are like, prominent- but when i do- my stomach gets so much bigger and its annoyinnnnng

2007-05-27 12:19:46 · update #1

3 answers

I also notice this happening to me, but it's typically after eating a large meal. If you split your meals into small portions and eat every couple of hours, you shouldn't notice the "bloat". If you drink carbonated drinks it could also cause bloating.

2007-05-27 13:07:09 · answer #1 · answered by jmtrmurray 2 · 0 0

maybe you're so skinny that any food in your stomach shows externally. it takes 5-6 hours for a meal to digest, but I don't really know enough to say for sure.

2007-05-27 12:05:52 · answer #2 · answered by wendy_da_goodlil_witch 7 · 2 0

omg im like that too and yes its sooo annoying. you know what, i eat fast and maybe thats the problem. maybe you eat fast too.

2007-05-27 12:21:33 · answer #3 · answered by ?love spell? 2 · 0 0

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