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I'll be graduating next year and I don't know how to plan to go to college or apply for a grant and what's worse I don't know which college in Texas I should go to!!! Any suggestions?!?

2007-05-27 09:20:40 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Financial Aid

8 answers

First, you need to assess yourself. Are you college student material? Can you manage your time WITHOUT an adult telling you to get your work done? Are you responsible enough not to stay up partying all night just because someone else is? Going to college just to be going to college is not a smart move.

College is not always the right course to take. If you do not have a strong interest in a particular subject, then don't waste your money and time at an expensive 4 year school. Take general classes at a community college to see if any clicks with you. Or visit the career center at your high school. The counselor should be able to give you websites that will help assess your interests and give you insight into careers that might be a good match.

Also, think about what you would want to be doing in 5 years, 10 years, 25 years. If you enjoy travel, maybe you should look into being a flight attendant, or working on for a cruise line--neither require college. Do you enjoy cooking? Then investigate culinary school.

Want to do hair and nails? Enjoy auto repair? Into computer? You can go to specialized schools to train for each of those careers---NOT COLLEGE.

Don't limit your vision. You can do a lot with your life, even if you do not end up at college immediately after high school.

Good luck

2007-05-27 14:20:53 · answer #1 · answered by pwernie 3 · 0 2

Pwernie gave some EXCELLENT advice, please consider every facet. The job market is tight everywhere and people who know a trade or a skill (such as stylists, electricians, computer repairpeople) have the most security. Take it from someone who received a Masters degree from a prestigious Midwest university and I've been working at Starbucks since my graduation in 2006 searching for work in my field. If you do consider a traditional 4-year university one of the few courses of study that guarantee employment is nursing.

Here's another option. Try americorps. You have a summer or 1 year of volunteering at a nonprofit organization in your local community (or one of your choosing) doing real work such as fundraising, community outreach, grant writing, counseling and a number of other real-life positions, not internships where someone babysits you. Once you've completed your term, you receive an education stiped of $4725 that you can use towards your future education and you receive preference for any federal position that you choose to apply for. AND it looks great on your resume. So you have a ton of options so talk to your parents, school advisors and think about what you may be interested in.

Here's the Americorps website:


2007-05-27 18:52:14 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Look on the bright side--- you have the internet as a tool. Definitely be sure to fill out a FAFSA, this will help you possibly be eligible for federal student loans. Once you figure out where you want to go to university- that school will offer additional grants and loans and such. Visit a few colleges in the areas you are interested in and see which one seems to fit you best. And remember- you can always transfer after a year if your first choice isn't a right fit!

2007-05-27 09:30:22 · answer #3 · answered by mekku 3 · 2 0

All you need to do is contact your High School counselor or even a teacher you trust. Tell them what you need help with. The have all the resources you will need to make an educated decision. They will also help you fill out any neccesary paper work. Also, you can get online and google all the colleges in Texas and check out their web sites. Don't freak out. You still have another year before you graduate. Best of luck to you and your future.

2007-06-04 09:04:41 · answer #4 · answered by Bindy 3 · 1 0

i agree with tex. start at a small college and apply for scholarships either online or through school. at least you can have the prerequisites out of the way and focus on whatever career path you have decided.

2007-06-04 08:34:36 · answer #5 · answered by venusjlowe 1 · 1 0

They probably meant never take a piercing gun on your very own ear. Claire's has pierced hundreds of thousands of ears, so if there grow to be a topic with the way they did it, you may probably understand approximately it.

2016-10-08 22:58:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I assume that you are still in high school if this is so the best place you could start would be with your guidance counselor at your school good luck

2007-05-31 12:25:47 · answer #7 · answered by cole m 1 · 1 0

start at your community college its cheaper then go to university

2007-05-27 09:29:04 · answer #8 · answered by tx filly 2 · 2 0

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