It depends. If you have any scarring in your tattoo, expect to be scarred from its removal. Some colors are harder to remove than others. A lot depends on the basic skin tone you have. The darker you are, the higher the chance you have of losing your own natural pigment in the removal process.
I would be sure to go to a laser removal place that has the RIGHT lasers for the particular colors you have. All lasers are not created equally. It will be expensive and it will be time consuming. I am of the opinion that they do the removal sessions far too close together, therefore you end up paying more money. I would schedule them at least DOUBLE the time they suggest to you. If I was going to have a removal done, I would wait 3-6 months in between each session. Seriously!
2007-05-27 04:41:26
answer #1
answered by tatt_bratt 7
My good friend had to get a tattoo removed and it left a NASTY scar, but she went the store and bought this stuff called Mederma. It helps get rid of scars. How noticable the scar will be depends greatly on how big the tattoo is, and how many treatments of laser you need. Good Luck!
2007-05-27 04:39:10
answer #2
answered by michelle b 1
Yes, it will scar, and it will hurt. The ink is placed deeply enough in the skin that it is permanent and the removal is timely, costly, painful, and will leave scars. In response to one of the above posts: tattoos are a good idea only if you've thought them through and decided you really want that marking permanently on your body. I have 4 and haven't ever wanted to remove mine, while some of my friends have had several cover-ups done.
2007-05-27 04:33:39
answer #3
answered by Ararodiel 4
ive heard of this new treatment called wrecking balm,not sure if thats how you spell it but its a fading process that does not scar or any pain ,good luck
2007-05-27 04:31:12
answer #4
answered by dwayne t 2
I hope more of the fools who think tattoos are great decisions read this question...
2007-05-27 04:30:54
answer #5
answered by Anonymous