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2007-05-26 23:17:39 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

I think this is an interesting, but misleading question.

I can't deny there is a lot of hate and bigotry in the world. But how does one define that? Surely if there were, for example, an Evangelical that hated Mormons (or JW's or Catholics, or fill in the blank) surely they would not even admit this to themselves. No one, no matter how bigoted, will ever admit they are a bigot.

I propose the following test to determine your own personal level of hate and bigotry. Please consider this carefully. It will not be comfortable for many people to take.

Ask yourself if you really disagree with other belief systems or actually hate them. You will know you hate them (rather than just disagree) if any of the following are true:

1. Do you mock people with beliefs different then yours? (For example: An Evangelical that hates Mormons might be disrespectful or mocking about things they hold sacred, like their temple.)

2. Do you misrepresent or lie about other people's beliefs? (For example: A Catholic that hates JW's might claim that JW's only believe 144,000 people will receive salvation.)

3. Do you state their beliefs as they would state them or do you state them in such a way as to get a negative reaction? (For example: an atheist that hates Christians might say "You Christians ritualistically cannibalize your founder!" as a way of explaining communion.)

4. Are you always respectful in your communication to other belief systems? (For example: A Mormon that hates Atheists might yell and scream at the Atheist that he's going to suffer in hell for not believing in God.)

5. Do you allow individuals to state their own beliefs or do you state it for them. (For example: A Protestant that hates Mormons might say “you guys don’t believe in salvation by Grace!” rather then asking the Mormon what they actually believe on the subject.)

If you can answer all of the above in the negative, you disagree, you do not hate. If you feel uncomfortable with any of the above questions because you know you've violated some of these rules, than you are in fact guilty of hate and bigotry. No worries. Just repent and do it no more and God will forgive you. (This is true even of atheists. God will forgive them too. He loves them.)

Finally, let me just say that while it seems like Evangelical’s in particular hate Mormons and other faiths (because they regularly are seen to violate the rules of tolerant disagreement stated above) it should be noted that the vocal ones are usually the worse examples of any faith. It’s the silent ones, that maybe even didn’t tell you they were an Evangelical Christian, that are the best representatives. Because of this, you should not categorize all of a certain faith as “hating Mormons” because there is no possibility that it’s true. And in fact once we can look upon the heart, I think we’ll find that the vast majority of any given religion never did hate any other.

2007-05-30 10:35:53 · answer #1 · answered by BryanN 2 · 1 0

Why do Mormons hate Christians? Why even use such a strong word as hate anyway? I think the best word to use would be disagree. That is what's going on. Christians disagree with the Mormon doctrine. We don't hate you. We are to busy with our families, work and social lives to spend it on hating anybody. Mormons are the ones who say how all the Christian churches are of the devil, corrupt and an abomination to God. Who hates who now? If there are bad feelings toward Mormons from the Christians, remember you started it. If you have doubts about your religion that's fine. Just don't accuse Christians of hating you to give you an outlet for your own frustrations. Be angry at yourself.

2007-05-27 16:12:47 · answer #2 · answered by MistyAnn 3 · 0 2

i think of you have kinda lost your prepare of theory there alongside the way. you're concerning dodgy mormon suckers, perfect? For what reason? they want vehicles purely like Christians and all and sundry else does! not all mormons are automobile salesmen. some sell life coverage, scientific coverage, coverage for coverage. they don't scouse borrow purchasers. Mormonism steals souls. Get your info at recent next time. might I advise automobile Fax? there's a crafty fox in there someplace. Or is it a weasel?

2016-10-08 22:27:38 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I dont hate them , but this is why I dont trust them.

As recently as 1960 the church pardoned John D. Lee who was Brigham Youngs right hand man.
He was also responsible for the Mountain Meadows Massacre!

It was September 11, 1857. A wagon train of 160 settlers on their way to California was massacred by a bunch of Mormons dressed in Indian clothes. 17 children under the age of 8 were spared and lived to tell their story.
1st. They dressed as Indians but after five days they changed tactics.
2nd. Then they went a bit away ,dressed back into normal clothes and acted like the Rescue Party who had negotiated a deal with the"Indians".
3rd, Then confiscated all the guns as part of the deal for "saving" the travellers and Mormon dissidents( who were the reason for the attack in the first place).
4th. Took everybody off a mile or so and shot them all. 2 men got away but were eventually tracked down and killed a day or so later.
5th. Took the 17 children they had not killed back with them to Salt Lake City.
6th. Got away with it. After a publicized trial, with the childrens own testimony admitted into the court, only 1 man was convicted and shot, John D. Lee. ( pardoned by Church 1960)

It ended up being called the Mountain Meadows Massacre. The first time in U.S. history that U.S. citizens were massacred on U.S. soil by religious wackos. This event is even more significant because the total U.S. population at the time was much smaller.(I dont know the exact numbers, maybe only 30 million or so) In todays numbers it would be around 1400 dead.

2007-05-27 18:19:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Not all Christians hate Mormons. I certainly don't. I would go so far as to say that even though I disagree with some of their teachings, they are still my brothers and sisters in Christ if they have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

If some Christians DO "hate" Mormons, it's because they have fallen into the trap of believing that anyone who does not follow THEIR interpretation of scripture is not a Christian. There are some denominations who believe that Pentecostals aren't Christians, because of their focus on speaking in tongues. I disagree. Others believe that Catholics aren't Christians, because of their focus on Mary. I disagree with that, too.

I wish my fellow Christians would understand that it isn't our interpretation of scripture that makes us Christians. What makes us Christians is only thus:
1. BELIEVING that Jesus is the Son of God, that He was crucified, and that He rose again.
2. Asking for forgiveness of our sins.
3. Accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

All else is irrelevant, though if a person does these things, their lives should reflect it.

2007-05-26 23:44:52 · answer #5 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 2 2

We do not hate mormons or athetist or anyone of another faith we just will never agree with their philophy or faith. Christians that are not mormons often feel they twist the word of God to suit their own doctrinal needs. Like for example more then one wife. Also some think a little to hightly of there leader Joseph Smith.

2007-05-26 23:34:06 · answer #6 · answered by turtle30c 6 · 1 2

I've never seen that they hate them. Marginalize them and make fun of them definitely,but not actual hate mostly. The main reason I think for the bias that they do have,is because quite frankly,Mormons belief some silly BS. Unfortunately for the Christians they realize it's no more goofy than the BS they believe.


2007-05-26 23:26:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

I am a christian and I don't hate Mormons. I just don't believe the way they do.

2007-05-26 23:20:20 · answer #8 · answered by ? 6 · 5 2

Not hate, I just don't like mormons referring to themselves as christians, sure they have good values, but they do not except jesus into their heart, will not say they are sinners and say the sinners prayer and get saved, they only believe they are spiritually saved. They believe jesus is god incarnate, they believe that jesus and satan are spiritual brothers and that God has many wives and that the virgin mary and God were married. That man can become God, and God was once man, there is no other christian church that has any of this in their theology, therefore, thay cannot call themselves christian.

2007-05-27 04:19:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Historically American christianity and mormonism have been at odds ever since Joseph Smith said he found a "Golden Bible". It was a ruse to make money from a poorly written book, but when he adopted the religious angle, he polarized a contentious group of people even greater. It continues to this day.

2007-05-27 06:11:46 · answer #10 · answered by Dances with Poultry 5 · 0 3

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