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I'm adoctor 35years old ,married and i have a smart daughter 1 year old .Iflet my country after ihad arrested and tortured by local authorites that because i love christ and find light after darkness.I was muslim and my country considers coversion afederal offence and inslut of Islam .I'm old enough and educated to choose the right things for my live.Ididn't convert by accident, but after putting all facts in front of my eyes.If you ask me why you left Islam ? i will give you atight water proove and you will accept my justifications.Iflet muy country to another where Islam is main relegion and i leave with fear,beside ihave no money to buy food or place to sleep ,i'm homless and iscared the authorities of this country to recover my story and then ican't predict what going to happen. My guestion where ican leave in peace.Don't forget that i lost my wife and daughter and her i'm alone.

2007-05-26 21:46:38 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

God will reward you for abandoning Islam and the evil Muslim ways!

Stay Strong!!

2007-05-26 21:49:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

I'm sorry for the world you find yourself in; religious intolerance is a horrible thing, and we have it here in the United States as well, though not to the level to which you've experienced it.

If I were to recommend a place that is more free to you, I would say the United States, or a Western European country. Also, Canada, or perhaps Australia. The difficulty may be in securing passage to those places.

Too, you have the problem of maintaining contact with your family. I hope that some day you can be together.

I'm not a Christian, and I left the Christian faith after realizing the inconsistencies in that faith. I don't agree that your proof would be sufficient for me, nor that you could ever prove it to me. I recognize that you have found proof sufficient for yourself, and I do not doubt your intelligence. I applaud you for following your convictions, and I sincerely hope that you find the peace you are looking for.

While I do not believe as you do, I believe with all my heart that we should all be permitted to exercise our beiefs, whatever they may be, to the extent that those beliefs do not infringe on the rights of others. No religion should be held by the state as the proper religion for that state.

I pray that one day you will be permitted to enter again your home country, with the ability to worship whom you wish. I pray that your wife may have her husband, and your daughter her father.

Peace and light,


2007-05-27 04:59:03 · answer #2 · answered by Deirdre H 7 · 2 0

Dear Friend,

It would be more helpful to solve your problem if you had let us know the place you are living in at present. However, I feel the following advice would help you;

1. Forget all your worries and bitter experiences of the past.
2. Make good friends and narrate them about your present problems only and seek their advises. (join "easyliving group" @yahoogroups.com)
3. Go to any powerful Spiritual Master (any religion) and narrate him about all your problems and seek his guidance & blessings. Remember not to hate any religion.
4. Read Spiritual books like - Srimad Bhagavadgita, Philosophies of Sri Sri Adi Shankaracharya, Ramayana, Mahabharatha, Bible, Quran etc.
5. Read books on the life of Swamy Vivekananda, Mahtma Gandhi, Jesus Christ, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa etc.
6. Read "How to Win Friends and Influence People", "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" etc. (by Dale Carnegie). If possible, join the Personality Development Workshop being conducted by 'Carnegie's Institute' or Dr. Bharath Chandra's 'Winners Institute' or Prof. Anthony William's 'Zeal Institute' or any other premium Institute.
7. Read "I Love Money", "I Love My Life" etc. If possible, join the 'Money Workshop' being conducted by Mr.Suresh Padmanabhan (www.themoneyworkshop.com).
8. If possible, join the 'Art of Living Workshop' being conducted by Sri Sri Ravishankar (Art of Living Foundation).
9. Find your family and get along with them. If it is not possible, get married again.
10.Visit India atleast once in your lifetime.

With best regards wishing you a happy and prosperous living.

2007-05-27 06:26:27 · answer #3 · answered by ramsms2003 2 · 0 0

I was broke and homeless a few times in my life and found the west coast most hospitable.
Food - on weekends churches and synagogues serve food after services You can show up late and stay for the grub. During the week Supermarkets and Malls give out free samples of food and Hindu and Buddhist sects serve meals (usually lunch but sometimes diner) all they ask is that you listen to them for a while.
Shelter -- More people than you know live underground in big cities (Subway and railway tunnels that are out of use and under highways.) Come above ground frequently for physical and mental health reasons. Some cities encourage groups of homeless to takeover abandoned buildings, fix them up and live rent free while they're doing it. In fruit picking season orchards will house you while you pick apples or peaches or... and pay you for your labor. For more permanent lodging; some Hindu and Buddhist sects will take you in if you tell them you'd like to experience their way of life. Various cults will offer the same (in Los Angles the church of Scientology got me food, clothing, shelter and a paying job as long as I spent some of my time working for them for free) But some cults are dangerous and most are hard to leave.
Clothing - In parking lots near malls and shopping centers there are big metal boxes that ask for donations of clothing and shoes for the needy and homeless (that's you so just eliminate the middle man and help yourself) They can also serve as temporary shelters.

2007-05-27 05:43:55 · answer #4 · answered by hairypotto 6 · 0 0

You mean inner peace or circunstance?
In the first case buddhism can help you really a lot
in the circunstance, I do not know.....
try first to find inner peace that's more sure as it depend only by yourselves, total freedom finally
The Buddha seat under the bodhi tree and he was not disturbed from many 'demons' arriving to disturb him.
This is just a metaphora, if you are stron innerly you can sit in the middle of caos and stay calm, not even afraid of death.
Bigh hug

2007-05-27 05:03:23 · answer #5 · answered by dreaming 3 · 0 1

You will find peace in meditation. Convert to Zen Buddhism and meditate on the faces of your wife and daughter. Also, you must fast for 14 days, no bread, only water. Wander the earth and heal people as you go. They will reward you for this. You are a doctor. Send any money, beyond food, back to your wife and daughter. Fast more. Meditate more. Flagellate yourself on occasion and be abstemious from sex.

NamYoRenGeKyo (or something like that)
Uh, did my facetiousness get lost here? Like, funny? No?
A sense of humor is good for feeling peaceful, no?

2007-05-27 05:00:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

If you love Christ ......... pray. Know this that prayer is powerful, that it is not always answered in your time but in his perfect time, and when any two or more gather and agree in prayer it is done. Hold to that.

I will pray for you as well

I pray that this man finds peace. I pray your will be done in his life. I pray that you protect him and find a way for him. If it is he needs papers to be legally here and follow the letter of the law, let that be put in his path. I pray protection over his wife and daughter. Give them a peace Lord God that he is in your will. I thank you God for all that you are and will do for him. Show your power to him and cast all fear from him as you are a loving and gracious God.

I pray this in your precious sons name Jesus Christ

God Bless

2007-05-27 04:54:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I sincerely hope you do find peace, and find some way to reunite with your family under happier circumstances.

2007-05-27 04:49:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Finding peace is difficult this days.

2007-05-27 04:53:08 · answer #9 · answered by sxanthop 4 · 1 0

You please come to India and live like an ordinary human. Keep all your religious feelings to your self and do not exhibit to any one. Please do not join any religion group or visit them till you are comfortable.

2007-05-27 07:44:12 · answer #10 · answered by ravipati 5 · 0 0

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