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He' so wonderful, so loving, so forgiving, he gave his only son, he wants us to be good and not follow Satan.....so why are we expected to follow blindly? Why can't he just show up and prove who he claims to be?

Don't talk to me about the beauty of the earth and nature and how everything seems to work out and that it must be the work of God, there's scientific evidence to support all that...also known as FACTS. Don't quote the Bible either, give me YOUR words.

2007-05-26 21:22:34 · 41 answers · asked by KJ 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Nice to know I'm amongst friends tonight....

KAREN....come find me and I'll prove beyond a reasonable doubt that I exist. Flesh, blood, the whole kit-n-caboodle.

2007-05-26 21:29:32 · update #1

But Albert, doesn't your God know that some of us are just not capable of that?

It's not just a matter of opening my heart to Jesus. I NEED something more, something physical, something factual that CAN be proven.

Pretend you're in a courtroom....you have to prove your case with cold hard evidence...right?

2007-05-26 21:34:36 · update #2

Sola, when others tell me they love me, I know it because I can see it and feel it. I can physically see it in their eyes; when my husband makes love to me and when my children smile at me I can see the love gleaming in their little faces.

2007-05-26 21:36:56 · update #3

Hey Buhin...it's all in the presentation...

2007-05-26 22:03:14 · update #4

Baron...I think maybe I dont' come across as I think. I truly would love to see proof of a God. I just can't seem to fathom it. This is why I ask. Not to prove anyone else wrong. I'm hoping that someone else can prove me wrong. It sounds so wonderful, yet so surrealistic at the same time.

I don't know if anything will ever change my mind, but I'm staying open minded.

2007-05-26 22:07:56 · update #5

41 answers

It seems like a simple request. Why not indeed? Keep shaking your fist at the sky and I will too.

2007-05-26 21:27:44 · answer #1 · answered by hypno_toad1 7 · 3 1

Please explain your thoughts and understandings of the existence or nonexistence of the Deity. What is your concept of this Deity?

What only son? If the God is immortal offspring would be unnecessary.

Who expects you to follow blindly? Who requested this? If the Deity gave you the ability to form questions, then perhaps the proof is also connected with your ablility to find the answers.

How accurate is your perception? Are there other things that you have difficulty understanding even if proof is provided? If so the issuse might be in your ability to perceive. How often has your perception changed because you understand differently? In shor how many times have you been wrong and even been wrong about being wrong? How sure are you?

Can you prove that outside of a few individuals that you know personnaly, that there are others answers on these forums and not just one person with a highly sophisticated database of patented answers, just as this?

Ask the Deity about the business of the Deity.

2007-05-27 00:05:19 · answer #2 · answered by LeBlanc 6 · 0 0

The truth is: I can not prove in a simple way to you that God exists. Even for me, faith took a long time coming. I was agnostic/atheistic for more than 20 years before I became a believer. But I respectfully submit this comment in regards to science: you said don't talk to you about the beauty of the earth and nature and how everything seems to work out that it must be the work of God (so o.k., I won't), but then you say there's scientific evidence to support all that...also known as FACTS. To which I say, I disagree: science only proves that a tree is a tree. It doesn't prove who made the tree. Or put it this way, and again I don't mean this disrespectfully: An atheist, a buddhist, a Christian, etc - we all have different viewpoints about God. That is a FACT. As an atheist, your SUPPOSITION is that God does not exist. And you may say you have science that supports that as fact. However, I as a christian say that God does exist, and science does support that as fact, but until it's proven out, it will remain to you as a SUPPOSITION. That is fine. I would be willing to take on the gauntlet of trying to show you what I believe is real, and that there is credible fact that supports my supposition. However, it is nearly 2:00 a.m., and I have to sleep so I don't die. But even if I write you a small novel, or you write me one on your stance I doubt that either of us will change our beliefs. The reason why is most people don't change when they've already decided something in their heart and mind. If you want to give it a shot let me know. Shoot me an email and I'll attempt to wring it out for you. For now, goodnight and God bless you.

2007-05-26 21:40:17 · answer #3 · answered by godcr8dyou 2 · 1 1

My own words are that he did show up when he sent Jesus, that was only 2000 years ago and he said he will show up again but this is how great he is................. he will only return when all have heard how they may have eternal life. Jesus came as a redeemer, this wouln't have been possible b/c of our sins without him dying. He paid the price. We couldn't of paid for our sins so he gave us a way.

He is a fair and a just God, he will not return until every human being has heard the news that Jesus is the way the truth and the light. That no one comes to the father but through him.

Think about it............. if he didn't ask you to just have faith you would be a puppet, then complaining he didn't give you free will and controls you. You can't have it both ways. He has given you the option to follow (blindly as you say, I say through faith) or not. He has also put people in your path that are telling you all of this so on judgment day you can not say you didn't hear.

What a great and awesome God we serve.

How fair is that? I would say quite fair for he is the Almighty and didn't have to do this. But he loves his creation.

Just like in Noah's day he could say the hell with all these creatures I created, they don't believe anyway and destroy us all but he promised he would never do that.

He is powerful, gracious, loving and forgiving and keeps all his promises.

You will see, I can't wait for the day!!

God Bless

2007-05-26 21:33:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

For some simple crazed reason i feel this could be single handedly the best question to ever be asked on this entire site. The Answer simply being the fact that i see god every single day when i wake up and look down to see my god awful wood peering into my eyes like a hungary mexican kid, and i know the only way too end it is either a cold shower or a simple thrust. God exisit simply because of the fact that the belief of the blind sheep carries on and on, rushing and flowing like the nile river; never ceasing to devour itself until all thats left are locust swarmed fields bloody rivers disease and famine. i hope to see the day and know that the sinners cast stones and I simply stay stoned.

2007-05-26 21:33:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It is a good question. I think many people who do believe in God ask this also.
But, stay away from evil whether you believe or not.
Personally, I want to believe in God because of all he represents, but I can't say that I know he is there 100%.
I ask God this question all the time, going on 35+ years now and no answer yet.
I've had many good fights with him and continue to. They are exhausting.
I've come to a point where I think, ok, no, I don't know if he really is there, but I can hope and still pray. God (Jesus) does represent All that is Good and I choose to believe in that.
It's hard when you're stuck in the middle somewhere; wanting to believe, but you just can't for whatever your reasons.
It can't hurt to read The Bible and discuss this with others though.
Keep asking and searching, but no matter what you decide, if you do decide anything, do what is good.

2007-05-26 22:03:15 · answer #6 · answered by cut-it-out 4 · 1 1

Proof? Proof is asked for? In court, do they bring proof ...or EVIDENCE?

Proof is subjective- based on evidence presented. What convinces thousands may not come close to convincing you. What's makes the difference- when the same evidence is given to all? What makes the difference in God's case is an open heart vs. one that won't believe no matter WHAT is presented.

You ask for proof- and intelligently you would mean evidence, but then you call a ban on the most obvious evidences that exist! You truly have ALREADY ruled and judged-- so why do you call for evidence? But I've seen this before... people are desperate to further convince themselves they are right. As for believers, we are not desperate. And we have no need to judge anyone- your own heart is telling its own story.

Pastor Larry Lombardi

2007-05-26 21:40:30 · answer #7 · answered by baronbago 4 · 1 1

You say you do not believe in God. Yet you make the trip back to this place for a reason. What is that reason?
Whether you acknowledge it or not, that reason is that something is missing in your life. You are a living soul.
Upon creating man, God breathed into him the breath of life, a part of His own essence, the very thing that separates us from any other creature. Something happened that caused that essence to withdraw and you miss it.
It is impossible to quantify spirit with physical evidence. Stop looking for physical evidence and recognize the plain and utterly simple fact that your search must lead you into your own heart. When you have located the spot where God longs to dwell you will find your evidence, for you will come to know beyond any doubt that only He can fill the void.

cut-it-out...You do not have to keep beating yourself up. For all these years you have wanted to believe and struggled to find peace with Him. Nothing you do can do will give you that peace. God just wants you to tell Him the right thing. He will do it for you. It is so simple. Talk to Him. Tell Him you know your sins have kept you from Him. Ask Him to forgive you and to come into your heart to live.
He will keep His promises.

2007-05-26 22:00:02 · answer #8 · answered by sympleesymple 5 · 0 1

Why should he 'show up and prove who he claims to be?'

There are over a thousands and thousands of reasons for his existence. They are all around us..... the universe and much much more.....

Isn't that enough? What more do you want?

God gave you a life...... food.....shelter.....clothing and much much more

Stop being a selfish greedy scum and look at reality..... stop staying indoors watching TV all the time.....

Get a life.....

If you really don't beleive in his existence.... then jump offf a 100ft cliff. If you die, then God exists..... if you survive then God exists. The challenge is on!

And theres no point in me saying any more.. :).. it might not reach your brain because these thousands and thousands of proofs for the existence of God doesn't reach your brain, how will a few points reach your brain then eh? XD

2007-05-29 05:05:29 · answer #9 · answered by Mr Stick 4 · 0 0

God has proved Himself - in CREATION. Look at the earth, the sky, the sea, my friend.
He has showed up, in human flesh.
That is why we celebrate Christmas.
He died for your sin, and took the punishment which we deserved.
You want answers, but your not willing to accept where the truth comes from - the Bible, which is God's inspired Word.

Billions of people all down through the centuries have personal experience of Jesu Christ working in their lives.
There is plenty of proof, you just need to accept it!
Read Romans chapter 1 verses 18-20 if you have a Bible.
God bless you!

2007-05-26 21:57:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

My dear you are almost there. You seem to have a lot of vibes but haven't made the contact yet. Do you need to actually enter the heart of a nuclear reactor to prove for yourself the intensity of its energy? God makes direct contact with us through a different medium other than sight or hearing. Ultimately the contact is made through the human heart - just at the right moment when it is ready for the encounter. Look forward to that meeting for you will not be disappointed.


2007-05-26 21:47:33 · answer #11 · answered by ziffa 3 · 1 1

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