A big sin that made God destroy two large cities..
2007-05-25 10:04:18
answer #1
answered by Redeemed 5
According to some yes. If you take the Bible literally, and take the words of Paul about certain types of homosexuality being an abomination. However, if you recognize that Paul was writing in a particular cultural context in which slavery was part of society, and homosexuality was considered against nature. Paul would have had no notion of homosexuality as a natural orientation. Sin can be defined generally as anything that separates or alienates us from God or from others. So, in one sense, if a person goes against their nature as a homosexual, that would be a sin. Any reasonable person of faith cannot believe a God of love would cause a person to be born a certain way, then call that an abomination.
2007-05-27 11:57:21
answer #2
answered by keri gee 6
No, I define a sin as choosing to do something that you know to be wrong. And no one chooses to be gay, the only choice in the matter is how you live your life and the way you express yourself.
The ones who are saying that it's a sin, against nature and all that other BS need to take a look in the mirror at themselves before they start judging others. Yes, it says in Leviticus not to lie with another... but there are a lot of other crazy rules that no one follows today, like wearing multi-blend fabrics, eating shellfish, etc., things no one in their right mind would enforce today. And it says a man cannot lie with another man, but what about lesbians?
Also, Jesus never once mentioned homosexuality during his time on earth. If god hates gays so much, wouldn't it have been on the top of JC's things to preach about list? And if it's so horrible, why is it not in the 10 commandments???
And finally, if God hates homosexuality, then why does he make 10% of the people gay? Seriously, no one chooses to be gay. Who would choose that life? 30% of gay teens commit suicide, if they could just straighten out and find the right girl/guy don't you think they would??? Most of them would still be alive today if it were truly a choice.
I think Christians do a lot of good, but they also preach a lot of hate. They should try to be like Jesus, and love their neighbor instead of bashing them.
2007-05-25 21:14:29
answer #3
answered by ㋳㋔㋑ ㋐㋥㋱ 4
Absolutely not.
The most Homophobic most religious people believe is that the act of homosexual intercourse is a sin.
And even that seems bogus, when you look at the seven biblical passages, and read them in context.
BTW, Jesus never says anything about Homosexuality. If being gay were as bad a sin as a lot of the other people on this answer list think it is, then why did the Messiah forget to condemn it?
2007-05-25 09:59:43
answer #4
answered by Mr. Bad Day 7
According to the bible, disrespecting your parents is a sin that should be punished by a public execution. The bible also promotes the complete genocide and slaughter of peoples not of the Jewish religion/ethnicity--- why does anyone take that book as a guide to morality?--You'd have to be freaking stupid.
The only sins you can commit are those that you commit against your fellow men and women, there is only one important moral litmus test: does a given action increase (immoral), decrease (moral), or not affect (morally neutral) the suffering of others.--So consensual homosexuality is not immoral, not a sin and in many cases may be viewed as a positive.
By the way, I am straight.
2007-05-25 10:00:06
answer #5
answered by elgüero 5
Being gay is against the nature itself. This life is carrying on by the relationships among males & females couples.
I believe it is a sick attitude and when someone feels he is going to be a gay or she is going to be a lesbian they should go to psychologic consultancy.
And yes being gay is a sin.
2007-05-25 10:03:33
answer #6
answered by Eve 5
That probably depends on who you ask. The word "sin" means to "miss the mark" and other religions may not call this "sin" but do ascribe to it "missing the mark" for example --
The Dalai Lama is the leader of the Tibetan people and is revered by millions of Buddhists worldwide. At a press conference he commented: "From a Buddhist point of view [lesbian and gay sex] generally considered sexual misconduct". This belief is not based on the partners being of the same gender. In his book "Beyond Dogma," he has written that "homosexuality, whether it is between men or between women, is not improper in itself. What is improper is the use of organs already defined as inappropriate for sexual contact." Buddhism prohibits oral, manual and anal sex for everyone - both homosexuals and heterosexuals.
Homosexuality is also a complex matter in Hinduism because of the many types of religious life. In general, "twice-born" Hindus are prohibited from homosexual acts (maithunam pumsi), such as in Manusmrti 11:174, which mentions both men and women.
In Islam, homosexuals (called qaum Lut, the "people of Lot") are condemned in the story of Lot's people in the Qur'an (15:73; 26:165) and in the last address of the Prophet Muhammad.
They often view it as abnormal, unnatural, and condemned by God. They view their Scriptures as forbidding all homosexual behavior as a grievous sin, irrespective of the nature of the relationship of the participants.
They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. (Romans 1:25-27)
2007-05-25 10:08:09
answer #7
answered by gigiemilu 4
actually, being gay is a very lame decision someone can make in their Life !
Why would anyone decide to be gay and all the persecution that is associated with it?
Just to be gay ?
Give me a break...
Being gay SUCKS...
ALL the gay and lesbian people in know are sad, lost, confused, suicidal, suffering, etc...........
Go find yourself an inflatable doll, or a jar of Vaseline or KY Jelly, a banana, a carrot, a broomstick, what ever, it's better than being GAY !
2007-05-25 10:00:43
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
being gay is a satanic delusion or spell....the only reason the devil wants people to be gay is because God hates it and it's a violation of His natural order...and yes people can be born gay because like anything else such as diseases or special traits that can be passed on genetically! If you come from a line of homos(open or closet) there's a good chance you could be born's satanic bondage like being under the spell of a cult or coven...spiritual deliverance is the only cure!!!
2007-05-25 10:00:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
In my opinion... NOT AT ALL!
I don't think anything that is innate/"instinctive" is a sin and it's becoming more and more obvious that homosexuality is in the genes (at least partially).
Also, I think a sin is something that is wrong and it's wrong because it effects others negatively (killing, stealing, infidelity, etc.). Being a homosexual doesn't hurt someone else.
So, for those reasons, I say no.
2007-05-25 09:59:31
answer #10
answered by dpfw16 3
Being Gay is not a sin. Acting gay and the gay life style is sinful. A sin is not what you are, it is what you do.
2007-05-25 09:58:00
answer #11
answered by Anonymous