About a month ago i was in a relationship with a guy who was about 3 years older than me. i did'nt know how my family would react towards his age difference so i did'nt tell anyone but my mom, that was'nt a good choice because 1 day my boyfriend called my house and my big brother answered and started asking him questions , he finally asked him how old he was and i knew when he had told him because he looked straight up at me like he was ready for murder , after it all he gave me the phone and i did'nt want to talk because i knew that i was in a world of trouble so i just let the phone sit there and he eventually hung up so after my brother had this long speach with me about older guys he was mad at me. So i just happened to look on my cellphone and saw 8 missed calls and they were all my boyfriend and he left a message on my phone saying that i was acting very childish and i was acting like i did'nt want to be with him and that it was over? Do you think that i did something wrong ?
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asked by
Mercadese C
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