you're 2 young to be in a relationship, get out there and meet some new friends, have fun with boys but don't get serious, this guy was brought up wrong, and people like that have serious head problems, stay away from him and get yourself healthy, search out a teen helpline, you're on the computer, now use it in the right way
2007-05-24 19:13:04
answer #1
answered by britannica 3
First of all, if what you say is true, why would you stick around with this guy if he was so abusive to you? I'm sure this guy was much older than you, which is why girls shouldn't be going out with guys with such an age difference. But you're bringing this up after the fact. You said he's in jail, so he's in jail. If I were you, I'd made sure that you make your circumstances clear in a deposition. That will ultimately take him to trial if there is a case. You need to make sure that you tell the authorities that have custody of him what he did to you.
If you're 12 and this guy is over 18, he can end up with A LOT of jail time. You're parents also need to be held accountable. If you are in a situation where you are accesible to this guy period, they need to be investiagated as well because they're aren't doing there job as parents and you could potentially could be removed from their custody and placed in Child Pertective Services.
It's no surprise that you'd be an emotional train wreck after that. But suicide or harming yourself cannot do anything. You're only hurting yourself. You made the choice to associate with that guy and now you're lying in the bed your created for yourself. You made the choice and now you have to face the consequences. There is nothing any therapist or anyone that can say to make it all better, because it ain't that simple. Ultimately you have to get back on your feet and move on.
2007-05-24 19:16:37
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Because he was a coward and had a self esteem issue. By hitting you and abusing you, he was taking the attention off of him and putting it on you. Dont ever take that crap from anyone. Sweetheart do not hurt yourself over some idiot. Im glad you promised your friend you'd stop cutting yourself, but make a promise to yourself, Look in the mirror and see the beautiful girl in front of you and do it for her. Make sure you get an order of protection from that guy and you should probably go to counseling so that you can talk about these feelings your haivng. Through talking you will gain peace of mind. I grew up in an abusive household and i seen first hand how it affects people. Goodluck and Godlbless you.. I will keep you in my prayers.
2007-05-24 19:10:48
answer #3
answered by Its Just Me 2
First of all why are you getting in to serious relationships at 12years old? Second the first time this guy laid his hands on you you should have gone to the cops. I know what your going through iv been through it to you know cutting myself and being in abusive relationships and its not good for you I was sent to a psych ward for 2weeks and than started seeing a doctor and I ended up getting on meds for depression. If you have insurance to cover the cost you could go to a doctor but besides that I really don't know what to tell you except you could start going to church or just pray about it if you believe in that kind of stuff sry I couldn't really help you but I hope you get better.
2007-05-24 19:27:06
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
a. You stayed in an abusive relationship for 7 months. After he hits you the first time you're supposed to get out of it. Any idiot knows that.
b. You're 12 stop dating and go play with barbies.
c. You're 12 and too young to be cutting yourself.
d. What do u want me to tell you. You already know the answer to the question you asked. They like to make women feel inferior to men and they like the power. But then again this kids 12 hopefully so he needs to go play with cars.
2007-05-24 19:12:59
answer #5
answered by ~**~ 2
You need to look afte yourself. Stay single untill you build yourself up, untill you are confident in your abilities, looks and all that. Once you are happy with yourself you will be healed/healing.
Look after yourself because you even begin to think of men again
He did if from anger issues. Its nothing personal towards you. Its not your fault. He just has issues that he took out on you. Dont feel to blame ok
2007-05-24 19:13:40
answer #6
answered by KS 4
its all him pls dont take any blame it all comes from him wanting to control u like an object he wants u to operate like a car or farm animal to pull a plow, but u need to think for yourself as a human being or u will be like a miiindless robot who will suffer a life of fear & torture stay single for a LONG time until u can be independant and not need a guy then you will be ready for a relationship
2007-05-24 19:11:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If your parents wont get you help then you can go to any hospital and tell them your suicidal and they have to admit you! You shouldnt even have a bf old enough to go to jail he should be in jail just for seeing you. But if your suicidal and need help go to a hospital and tell them your wanting to committed suicide and they will help you! Please keep your head up things can only get better! I will say a prayer for you!
2007-05-24 19:11:32
answer #8
answered by Creative D 2
Guys do this because you let them do it.
Don't get me wrong, I understand you don't want this to happen but why are you with him. Forget him. Talk to a friend about it. It's the next best thing to therapy.
And please don't do anything that will make him feel he has accomplished anything. Maybe he did want to kill you, but if you kill yourself, he still wins.
By the way, guys do'nt hit girls. Aholes and jerks hit girls. They get off on it.
2007-05-24 19:10:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
get out of this relationship, if you aren't already. is he in jail because of what he did to you? getting justice is a part of the healing process, so do what you can do get him convicted and behind bars. get some help. surround yourself with good friends, including guys who respect everyone and everything particularly girls.
2007-05-24 19:13:26
answer #10
answered by iceman 2