Generally speaking any Asian food would be good for you. Most Asian foods are steamed, grilled or lightly fried with minimal oil or fat. There is minimal meat and primarily vegetables and Asians use a lot more fish than most Europeans. It does not matter whether it is Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Malay/Indonesia or any of the various types of Chinese styles.
MSG is used in SOME recipes, but not all, and not all restaurants use MSG. If you go to a restaurant you can ask about MSG and, if you have a reaction to it, you can ask that they not use it in your dish.
2007-05-24 17:54:01
answer #1
answered by Walter B 7
Not all the time but sometimes they load their food with Msg witch stands 4 Moidium sodium gluatme it is really bad 4 u it can hurt ur brain cells and other stuff, but not all chinese food is bad, but lots of chinease restrants just pour greace on their food, plus i want u 2 do a search about msg, they use it 2 make the food taste better, watch out 4 that very dangerous if 2 much aten, its in dorotes and other chips look on the back of a lays chip bag and u will see it, but thats like lemon chicken and the meat their even their noodles, the veggies arnt bad though but i would stay away from chinese food when on a diet, some stuff like soy sauce ids really high in sodium sooo stay away, ask 4 no msg in ur food and they will take it out
2007-05-24 22:34:58
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The food from a Chinese Restaurant in USA (especially Chinese take outs), they are unlikely to be a heathly food. Well.. most Chinese won't even call those food as Chinese food.
Foods ate in a Chinese family are usually much healthier.
2007-05-25 14:48:43
answer #3
answered by cmui1978 5
if you avoid the high-fat, fried stuff like general tao's chicken and egg rolls, and if you eat small portions, you should be okay. try getting steamed vegetables with lean meat like chicken or shrimp, and avoid soy sauce, which is very high in sodium. white rice is pretty low in calories, so fill up on that, and spring rolls are a healthy option.
2007-05-24 22:27:47
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Depends on specifically what it is, but a lot of Chinese food tends to be cooked with a lot of grease.
2007-05-24 22:24:12
answer #5
answered by lollerskates 2