Oh, but didn't you hear? They found it.
That is, a team of crackpots found some hewn timber on Mt. Ararat and decided that it had come from Noah's Ark. It seemed the most likely explanation, apparently. Surely no other human being in the intervening millenia ever built anything else from wood on that mountain.
Never mind the whole thing about there not being anywhere close to enough H2O on the planet to have had a global flood.
Never mind the utter ridiculousness of the entire fable when misinterpreted as "literal history." I've never yet seen a "Christian" disturbed in the least by the absurdity of any religious claim.
Never mind that the "Noah's Ark" legend was plagiarized wholesale from the Sumerian "Epic of Gilgamesh."
You know, when I was a devout Christian - when I was about 8 years old - I used to read about this stuff, and I was really fascinated. I hoped that they WOULD find Noah's Ark, because (as others have said) it seemed to me that that would prove the "truth" of the Bible. Of course, then I turned 9, and outgrew the religion.
Now, as a grown, rational, educated adult, I understand that even if they DID find a giant boat on a mountain, intact, corresponding to the Biblical story - which they WON'T, ever - it would only prove that they had found such a boat. Religion will always require "faith" to make the final leap. (I think theists and atheists alike can agree with that last statement.)
2007-05-24 11:06:53
answer #1
answered by jonjon418 6
Well, ok, the ark thing I don't get. I think thay're trying to use it to prove the Bible and thereby prove God exists. Pointless. God could show up in a Cable Show and some people still wouldn't believe. Besides, it's not supposed to be about proving - it's about believing.
Me, this is how I am. I live in a house, with other people and I'm the one who works the most. When I come home, there's food on the Table. I eat it, put the dishes in the sink, and when I come back, they are washed. I'm good with the system. I don't make waves, asking for proof, looking for elves who wash dishes. I eat. Gratefully.
The Holy Grail. Well, first, it isn't a glass - it's probably a wooden cup and second it has some cool powers. Second, it probably would have been put somewhere for safe keeping because supposedlt Joseph of Aramithea wrapped if up and stores it someplace special.
2007-05-24 11:22:43
answer #2
answered by Cindy H 5
People are always looking for evidence to bolster their faith. The physical evidence of the ark of Noah would be the biggest archaeological find ever. It would validate everything the Bible claims to be. If a story as big as Noah and the ark were proven to be factual by the finding of the long lost ark, then people would be hard pressed to deny the rest of the scripture that goes with it. It is interesting that the evidence on Mt. Ararat has been covered up by governments and religious groups alike because they don't want the truth to be known. If governments really wanted the facts to be made known, they could arrange an expedition of sufficient scale to prove it once and for all within one season. The fact of the matter is that they don't want the truth to be known because it would upset so many current political and social structures. If people don't believe it is there, then a simple expedition would prove the non-existence and settle the issue. The powers that be fear that it is there and that is why they don't allow a decent expedition to be assembled. The ark has been preserved by the high altitude atmosphere on Ararat such that even though over four thousand years have gone by, the remains are still there.
2007-05-24 11:16:42
answer #3
answered by rac 7
People believe that by searching, and finding, some ancient 'holy' relic will somehow assuage their own feelings about the 'truth' or 'lies' that their religion holds.
In other words, if someone finds Noah's Ark, then that, ipso facto, means that it really existed, which means that the bible passage really occured which, by slippery conclusion, validates what the Bible says.
This never works because finding such objects only ever does one thing: it convinces people of whatever opinion they wanted to have in the first place. In other words, believers will use it to justify their beliefs, regardless of how much other 'evidence' there is (suppose it wasn't as big as the bible said it was, thus not allowing enough room for ALL the possible animal pairs to be loaded), and non-believers will use it to justify their beliefs (scientific, agnostic, whatnot) regardless of the evidence. Thus, no arguement is ever settled.
A belief cannot be proved or disproved by evidence for even truths are lies taken to a context beyond what they are capable of sustaining. A belief is its own evidence, thus the saying "Blessed are those who believe but do not see; theirs is the kingdom of God."
2007-05-24 11:23:47
answer #4
answered by Khnopff71 7
I do know the idea of the world being saved by an ark of gopher wood is far fetched to the unbeliever...The way God used Noah and his family to re-populate the entire human race and the animals is nearly amazing the two of each of his kind to survive a flood look an see the lines in the rocks of the grand canyon and think of the world greatly covered with water to wash out all the evil. Think of a God so upset with his creation that he had to take water to wash is off and drown it out because the evil was soul consuming that he had to find a just man a man of his own pure heart and mind to create a new world order. The different races were in his family the back to different color skin was in the wives the sons selected...The faith to say Lets stay in the Ark or to join up and say I will go on the Ark I think the Ark will work and look at the idea you and me are related from Noah all the way back to the family of Adam Jesus had us in mind when he died add He is watching me right now...I think of the religious stories and how blessed we are to be related to a family that was of Gods own heart to make it to 2007AD and Hopefully we will see Revelations come to pass and the Rapture..I hope to meet you then and we will have fun...The Sunday School teacher said Heaven will be like Cedar Point or Disneyland all day long and not sleepy...All the time...
See You On The Other Side...
2007-05-24 11:12:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes it is insane. As far as I can tell the story of Noah is a myth. The tale of Gilgamesh from the Babylonians is very similiar to Noah. The Popo Vu of the Incas (or was it Mayans, my memory fails me on this now) is like the story of Noah. Different cultures with the same tale of a world diluge. Still, there is no proof (geologically or historically) such an event occured, but is a mythic tale to teach and pass on a truth.
2007-05-24 11:10:34
answer #6
answered by som 3
confident. Curious, how can an "imaginary" god, be psychopathic? Your loss of a private adventure with God, coupled including your indignant, and assuming "comprehend all of it" recommendations-set, won't dispel the reality that billions of folk from all walks of life, socio financial, religious, and tutorial backgrounds from around the international, have had, and DO have an extremely real courting with God. Billions of folk around the international are ALL out of step, yet you're no longer? lol ok ;) conceited a lot? what's worse, being so ineffective set on your ideals that your blind, or finding for an ark?
2016-11-05 07:07:09
answer #7
answered by ? 4
I don't know about the Holy Grail but Noah was probably smarter than you think, and he realized that someday someone just might doubt what he did for God...maybe he left it intact because God asked him to because God wanted to prove to us later on that the Bible was true
2007-05-24 11:06:58
answer #8
answered by i<3garth[: 3
Think about it like this.
You like going out doors and traveling. You like digging around. You don't really want to get a real job. You say, "Hey! I'm going to find the Ark. Give me some money to go research this." All the while you know that you'll never find it but you'll always be getting 'closer' so you'll need more money.
"Hey I'm going to go find the Ark. Give me some money!"
2007-05-24 11:06:16
answer #9
answered by The Bog Nug 5
It's insane to think that a man called Noah ever built an ark in the first place. They search for it in a desperate attempt to prove an illogical belief.
2007-05-24 11:05:59
answer #10
answered by iamnoone 7