It's not evil to read a book...and that's what we're talking about here...a book. It's the people who are so closed-minded that they can't see that, that are trying to put the evil spin on it, and are trying to ban the Harry Potter books from libraries and schools. It's rediculous. If they don't trust their kids enough to know the difference between real and imaginary, then maybe they need to spend more time teaching their children the difference between the two, and let other parents make the decisions for their children.
2007-05-24 09:19:56
answer #1
answered by Kellye B 4
Firstly only a few religions believe magic is bad and they are almost all Monotheist faiths.
I am a Celtic Pagan and like most Pagan faiths mine accepts magic as a fact of life.
Having said that,even if I thought of magic as evil Harry Potter is fictional.The spells in the books don't work.
And are Christian children really so stupid that reading a fictional story will make them worship Satan?
2007-05-24 14:52:07
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I don't think liking fiction necessarily is a sin. Some books are obscene -- it would be against the counsel of the Bible to indulge in those. I myself really liked the first Potter stories. The last one I saw was not quite as funny and more on the -- children not allowed to see scary stuff. Since I am a child at heart, I worry that the next ones to come will follow this unfortunate trend. Dragons, fantasy stories can be both entertaining and hilarious. One should be careful to keep in mind about witchcraft though how their incantations are made to work so as not to have young minds enticed by this. Realize that these spells / incantations are words said that supposedly have power! Where is this power coming from? These spells therefore are prayers or like prayers and are heard by some higher power who listens to them and make them executes these. For this reason, though the fiction is fun, the reality is bound up in demon worship. That is why the God of the Bible forbade this practice.
2016-05-17 05:39:59
answer #3
answered by ? 4
I do not believe in book burning at all. If you don't like something don't pick it up and read it. I remember my mother being all upset when in high school I brought home The Catcher In The Rye and she was going to call the school in protest and my father told her to stop being silly it was a good book with a valid point of view (both are christians but one was methodist the other baptist).
I don't have kids but I have all the Harry Potter books because I enjoy them. I think if you look past the actual setting you will find good values and wisdom throughout the books. Sometimes people just prefer to judge the book by it's cover.
2007-05-24 09:24:15
answer #4
answered by genaddt 7
This is just another of the things that drive me crazy. People who unable to separate fiction from reality. Harry Potter isn't even about magic really. It's about a boy struggling to grow up without his parents, in a hostile but wondrous world and battling a real mortal enemy. The magic is just the window dressing on the real story. These same people who fuss about Harry Potter often read old fashioned fairy tales to their children. Apparently they don't see the contradiction because they were raised with the fairy tale but Harry Potter is new.
2007-05-24 09:21:59
answer #5
answered by Sharon M 6
It's only the fanatics who think reading a fictional book is a sin. I've been a christian all my life, and there's nothing wrong with reading fiction. Apparently, there are some very susceptible people out there who can't differentiate fiction from truth, as can be seen from The DaVinci Code, so maybe the problem isn't that its a sin so much as the particular person is simply incapable of telling the difference, thus they end up burning books out of their own ignorance.
2007-05-24 09:21:51
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yeah, Harry Potter's about magic. But it's also about the triumph of good over evil. I think it's perfectly okay to read (maybe not the later books to little kids, but still a pretty good series.) As long as you don't actually believe in the magic, then I think it's okay.
Can't wait until July 15! (Seventh book!)
2007-05-24 09:19:33
answer #7
answered by Atticus Finch 4
It's not a sin at all, and to be very blunt (and perhaps a little rude, I'll admit) anyone who thinks so should remove their head from their rectum and take a deep breath. My cousin and his wife don't allow their son to read Harry Potter because they're afraid that reading it will turn him away from their Christian values, which they've worked so hard to teach him. My response to them is that if they've done such a great job teaching him these important values, and if they honesly believe that he's an intelligent boy, then they shouldn't worry that one story will completely undo years of their teachings. People will do anything to find someone to blame for the world's problems and will search high and low for someone or something to call "evil" to make themselves feel more pious......entirely un-Christian, if you ask me!
2007-05-24 09:21:14
answer #8
answered by OhKatie! 6
It isn't a sin to read a fairy tale. It isn't a sin to believe in Santa. And it isn't a sin to believe that Jesus performed more miracles than all the magicians in Harry Potter stories. People who burn Harry Potter books are simply uneducated radical people that are ignorant sheep easily led astray. Your views are correct and you realize, at a young age, the difference between good propaganda and bad propaganda. Five stars for you!!
2007-05-24 09:27:34
answer #9
answered by Joline 6
I guess reading Lord of the Rings or any fantasy novel with wizards and spells and magic is evil.
Do people understand FICTION????? Look it up in the dictionary.
And I mean c'mon, the bible has talking donkeys and flying chariots and four faced creatures and harlots riding on beasts with seven heads and gang rape and women and children beind slaughtered etc.
Harry Potter seems TAME by comparison.
2007-05-24 09:20:52
answer #10
answered by pixie_pagan 4