Jehovah's Witnesses do not pretend that they know which individuals will survive Armageddon and which will not. Witnesses believe the bible to teach that nearly all dead humans will be resurrected to perfect bodies in a restored paradise earth.
Jehovah's Witnesses well-recognize the plain bible truth that a Christian can disqualify himself from salvation, particularly as that applies at Armageddon (emphasis added to following citations).
(Matthew 24:13) But he that has endured TO THE END is the one that will be saved.
(Philippians 2:12) Keep WORKING OUT your own salvation with fear and trembling
(Hebrews 5:9) [Jesus] became responsible for everlasting salvation to all those OBEYING him
Jehovah's Witnesses hope to demonstrate love and devotion for God and Christ when they pursue the qualities and work indicated by the Scriptures. Similarly, Witnesses work to avoid the qualities and pursuits which the bible teaches is displeasing and distracting from God and Christ.
No Witness would pretend that any "works" could change the fact that salvation is always an undeserved gift. God and Christ are beautiful, majestic, merciful persons who have the power, wisdom, justice, and love to preserve alive any who they will.
Until that time, Jehovah's Witnesses preach a message of "good news", and leave all judging for Jehovah and Jesus to perform "on the last day".
(Acts 10:36,42) Declare to them the good news of peace through Jesus Christ: this One is Lord of all others. ...this is the One decreed by God to be judge of the living and the dead
(John 11:23-25) Jesus said to her: “Your brother will rise.” Martha said to him: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.” Jesus said to her: “I am the resurrection and the life.
(John 12:48,49) The word that I [Jesus] have spoken is what will judge [a person] in the last day; because I have not spoken out of my own impulse, but the Father himself who sent me has given me a commandment
(John 8:16) if I do judge, my judgment is truthful, because I am not alone, but the Father who sent me is with me
(Matthew 12:36) They will render an account concerning it on Judgment Day
(John 5:22,27-30) [The Father] has committed all the judging to the Son... 27 And he has given him authority to do judging, because Son of man he is. 28 Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out... I judge; and the judgment that I render is righteous, because I seek, not my own will, but the will of him that sent me.
(Acts 17:30,31) God has overlooked the times of such ignorance, yet now he is telling mankind that they should all everywhere repent. Because he has set a day in which he purposes to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness by a man [Jesus] whom he has appointed
In addition, Jehovah's Witnesses are quite famous for teaching that "hell" does not exist as Christendom has taught it; God has *NOT* arranged for any such place of fiery torment for sinners in some netherworld. The original Hebrew and Greek words most commonly translated as "hell" actually refer to the common grave of mankind; the Scriptures point forward to a time after Armageddon when humans will live forever and death and "hell" are themselves destroyed.
(Ecclesiastes 9:5) For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all
(Ecclesiastes 9:10) there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol ["hell"]
(Revelation 20:14) And death and Hades ["hell"] were hurled into the lake of fire
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2007-05-24 09:59:50
answer #1
answered by achtung_heiss 7
I am so disgusted with "Organized Religion" at times. When you look at their role in Society down through recorded history, their main contribution has been War, Intolerance, Torture, Ethnic Cleansing, and manipulation behind the scenes. Consider the Crusades, The Spanish Inquisition, The Founding Of America, The Founding of Australia, The Eternal Unrest in the Mideast., The War between the Serbs and the Kroats, the Conflict in Northern Ireland, the tribal wars in Africa., and the list goes on & on & on.
There is perhaps no other singularly emotional charged catalist for fomenting conflict than religion.
What I find particularly galling is missionay work. This ,( in my opinion), is the height of arrogance. Instead of going to Africa to convert the "Savages" why not have the Catholics go accross town and convert the Lutherans? Both have a religion - both have a God or Gods that they worship. Both have stylized ceremonies, they sing hymns. They perform marriages, funerals, rites of passage into manhood, - so why pick on the Africans, or Hawaiins, or Amazonians, or American Indians, or Mexicans?
I suppose because those people are "innocents", and the europeans and, (later), american missionaries had "Magicical" technology that outstipped their simple existance, and that it was "game over" before the issue of religion ever came up. Here were Tall people with White skin and hair on their faces, that carried thunder sticks, that sat atop might four legged Animals. That posessed trade goods the like of which "The People" had never seen. colorful glass beads, fine woolen blankets,iron pans, sharp knives, shiney mirrors, tobacco, candy, sugar, salt, - all these strange and wonderful things. So thier religion must be powerful Magic too! Of course Missionary work in the 1500 - 1700's was as much about colonization as anything else - and in most cases it was the primary goal..
I think that most people believe in a "higher power" - many are reluctant to admit they believe in GOD, and I could care less, I personally do not think that it matters one whit whether you are a practicing Jew, Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, Hindu, Methodist, Pentecostal, Wicka, Buddist, Muslum, Agnostic, 7th Day Adventist, Mormon, Atheist, Taoist, or whatever - because I do not think that "God" recognizes the difference in any of the semantics we have placed on how we do or do not worship, or under which flag we sail.
I think "God" is going to look in our hearts and at our actions and that will determine - (again if you believe in the after-life concepts of Heavn & Hell), where you will spend eternity, - or if you just are nothing when you die, or are reincarnated, - again I think it awfully arogant for any single religion to think that they have a "lock" on GOD & Heaven, and the others a SOL come Judgement day. For what it's worth I think we're ll God's children, and we must be like any family - trying at times and sometimes we make him proud, but mostly were a pretty dysfunctional group. Jesus wept.
2007-05-31 16:59:20
answer #2
answered by jtrall25 4
I agree with you. There will be people from all religious backgrounds in Heaven. Just because your a Catholic and another is a Jehova Witness doesn't mean you won't make Heaven. I used to be in a church that thought only them were going to Heaven. Notice the "used to be" words there. It's crazy to think your the only one going to Heaven. I agree we should stick together and I whole heartedly agree about not trying to "force" your religion or beliefs on someone else.
2007-05-24 05:34:45
answer #3
answered by lisaandpathailey 4
Sweetheart, being friends is not what makes a religion true or not true. I go by the Bible as the word of God. If you're religion teaches for example as the Pentecostals do that you have to have Jesus in you, just go to the scriptures for the answer. Read Ephesians 1:20-23 The next time your Aunt tells you that, tell her that you go by the Bible and what it says. If you need anymore help, You may E-mail me.
2007-05-31 23:19:13
answer #4
answered by naybert2000 3
I believe all religions are right.* They all have the same end goal however they look at it. The roads may be different but the destination is the same. For me "heaven" is to become one with nature and the planet when I pass on, and "hell" is to be born again as a human to live life once more. People who push their religion on others are the worst kind of religious people and they are the ones who cause people like me to bash their religion because unfortunately they out number people like you and me who believe that everyone worships in their own way and to each their own.
2007-05-31 06:37:33
answer #5
answered by Syroth_Talbain 1
Belief in God is not sufficient. Jesus said no one comes to the Father but through Him. So you being Catholic isn't a problem as long as you truly confess Jesus. Many religions may serve a god, but it is not the same God as we serve. I don't like fighting or dividing with people over religion, but I will divide over the truth before I unite in a lie.
2007-06-01 03:24:47
answer #6
answered by Digm 2
i do no longer think of of you as an enemy. you spot for me that's heated debates. the terrific thank you to get attitude is from the battles. Atheists are extra like human beings i % to talk with, to be common however debate is probable the incorrect observe. Argue as a results of fact arguing would not continually require stable information, all I relatively have is faith, you have technological awareness no longer a honest argument. yet a great variety of the atheists at right here purely purpose to insult and don't worry to validate their reasoning so wager have been even.
2016-11-26 23:15:01
answer #7
answered by ? 4
I don't believe in the Christian God, but I do believe that we all must have the right to worship who we choose. My religion is good for me and that is the way all people of religion should feel. The one up-man-ship needs to be returned to it place by people just telling it like it is, that there is a religion or a belief for everyone and not one is right for all. This one size fits all nonsense has got to stop and that will happen when we start voting for people based on their beliefs of how a Country should be run and not what God should run it.
2007-05-24 05:52:33
answer #8
answered by humanrayc 4
It is written, the truth will set you free. God's Saints are in many different churches, and will leave those when they understand the truths which are the doctrines of the true Church as mentioned in Revelation...there are false churches in confusion everywhere...Spiritual Babylon. The cry to leave Babylon is upon you follow the Scriptures or the traditions of man? When you know the difference, you will seek the truth and find others before you...and many after. God bless!
2007-05-31 07:25:33
answer #9
answered by xyoob_lauj 4
Please understand, it is not the name above the church house door that will get you into heaven. It is the relationship with God that will, if you love God, if you are in a one on one relationship, that can only come from time in his word, time in prayer, and a clean heart, you will want to do God's will, you will by nature, care for you neighbor, love your enemy, you will want to do what every you can to show God just how much you love him. It is not about being nice, it is about knowing the God, who gave you life. He's there, but you and only you can get to know, understand and love him, no one else can do that for you. Can you love a spouse who you do not know, who you spend no time with, who you have never really talked to, or even worse listened to?
2007-05-31 06:04:17
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
i agree with you 100% that we should stick together, but unfortunately, that doesn't happen too much. what we get instead is a bunch of protestant pastors calling catholics idolaters and a bunch of catholic priests calling anyone who doesn't pray to mary a heretic. there have been wars upon wars because of this. instead of supporting one another, we hurl insults, which is exactly what the bible instructs us NOT to do. yes, we have differences, but i believe it's far better to focus on the One who unifies us, and not the differences that separate us. the old ''hellfire and brimstone'' method never converted anybody anyway.
2007-05-31 23:01:57
answer #11
answered by That Guy Drew 6