You know that is a great question. First, for all you people that say that there is no documentation or have never heard of this, here's a few of the thousands of stories on line, (to bad church doesn't have the news on between brainwashing sessions, or maybe that would be counter productive(destructive)),,2086371,00.html
these are from little organizations like the Washington Post and the BBC (real underground and non reputable pubs ...that's sarcasm.)
animals may do less than civilized things, but there are somethings they don't do, like sap
their natural resources, they have enough sense to keep thing going for them selves, they haven't perfected the art of murder or weaponry, they don't organize against each other in the same group, they don't have arcane rituals and text that steer them away from the true meaning of their existence like religions do, oh yeah they don't eat more than they need, or kill more than they have to or have hate groups against their own species. We are way to sophisticated for them. gimmie a break zealots WE ARE ANIMALS TOO .....!!! like it or not, Animals don't need a two thousand year old book of lies and propaganda to explain things to them.
Animals do have a sense of whats going on, its an ability that is God Given, when the tsunami hit south east asia a few years ago, the animals new it was coming and headed for the high ground, i wonder how many churches full of "Gods chosen" thay passed on their way to saftey and the continuation of the species. I think the moronic point of "animals eat poops so does that mean i should to" is atypical christian response where, when lacking the insight to answer intelligently, they genralize the question to make it easier to ridicule. The bible is one of the top reasons that this world is headed for big trouble and when its done, the animals may be the only ones left standing, gay or not!
2007-05-23 14:16:34
answer #1
answered by Edko 3
What many refuse to admit is that we live in a fallen world, in which there are many aberrations, with homosexuality being just one of them. On the other hand, if we are to look to the animal/incest kingdom for precedents of how we should behave, then i would not suggest you marry any women who follows the behavior of the praying mantis when hungry (
And therein is the distinction, that man is not simply an animal, but was created in the image of God, with a spirit, soul and body. Man alone evidences a God-consciousness (building altars, etc), and is given both the privilege of operating on a higher level of thinking, and language, etc, as well as responsibility to obey God's moral laws. And we cannot justify sinful behavior because we were are born with a proclivity to sin, as God's give grace to overcome it.
As regard homosexuality, God has made men and women uniquely compatible and complementary, and the Bible clearly declares homosexuality it to be sin ( And unlike for heterosexual relations, God never sanctions men lying with men as with women (Lv. 18:20; 20:13) by providing marriage for homosexuals anywhere at anytime. It's practice is manifestly proven to be deleterious to both individual and society, as we cannot disregard God's good laws - which are given for our benefit, - without consequences. Over a half a million Americans are dead by AIDs, a type of disease which Romans 1:27 shows was concomitant with homosexual activities long ago.
But Jesus does save sinners, and some of the very first Christians were former homosexuals (1 Cor. 6:11). And there is room at the cross for you.
2007-05-23 14:58:25
answer #2
answered by www.peacebyjesus 5
Some animals also will kill and/or eat their young. Does that mean that it should be OK for humans to do the same?
BTW, no animal can be wholly gay - or the species would die off. Some may seek sexual satisfaction through a variety of means, but eventually they must mate male and female They would only mate in this way because they wanted to, not because they reasoned that their species might die off if they don't force mating, since animals "cannot reason" in this way. So, you can argue that some animals are "gay", but more likely you are observing masturbation, not homosexuality.
In contrast, human "gay" people have little interest in the opposite sex, and if in the "animal world" they would simply die off without procreating, since animals don't look forward and plan their future. I wonder what Darwin would have to say about that scenario?
2007-05-23 14:18:23
answer #3
answered by eric.s 3
First of all, the reason many Christians condemn homosexuality is because it is blatantly condemned by God in the Bible (Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9, 1 Timothy 1:10, for examples). It is NOT because it's "convenient" as someone previously suggested. Yes, there are Christians who are hateful towards people they deem to be "worse" than they are, but this is not how God would have us treat other sinners (as we are ALL sinners, Christians or not). Just as not all Muslims are terrorists, not all Christians are abortion-clinic-bombers, homosexual killers, or just hateful in general. Christ is the only One we can completely depend on to have acted completely Godly at all times while on Earth. Yes, Christians need to be better examples, but we are not perfect!
Also- humans are not animals according to Christianity. We are separate from the animal kingdom in that we have souls, consciences, and God actually gave us rule over the earth and its creatures and life (rule as in- take care of it, guide it, etc.). Animals aren't going to Heaven or Hell- eternity is only for humans because, as I said, we have souls.
Ok i know this is really long..haha...but also, I don't necessarily think that homosexuals like..sit down and say "Ok, I think I'd like to be gay now". I think it is much deeper than that, but that it is not something completely out of one's control.
2007-05-23 14:00:41
answer #4
answered by Katie M 2
I just know over the next twelve months that i will have to explain this another 5 or 6 times.
For an animal to be considered hommosexual it must REJECT A FEMALE IN FAVOUR OF A MALE.
The animals that gays latch onto to further their arguement have all been unable to find a female mate,
Animals being animals must obey their nature and the urge to reproduce is animalistic.
Thats it.
It has been argued that this is exactly the same for humans except humans develop a complex about it,
2007-05-23 14:02:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The theology that Christians use to describe it extremely is that because of the fact purely people comprehend the version between sturdy and evil we are the only ones that would sin. no count number if we are animals or not has not something to do with it. i think of you already knew that because of the fact you place that animals can not sin in the question. people have been cursed with the understanding of sturdy and evil for defying God, so we are meant to nicely known extra desirable. we are meant to stand up to temptations. some even have self assurance that God enables us to be tempted to attempt us so we are in a position to grow to be extra suitable or instruct ones faith. Your technique of attack is incorrect for quite a few reason, and could deliver approximately unsavory conclusions. you're attempting to conflict faith with logic. For me I say stay and permit stay. **right here paragraph isn't what i've got self assurance, yet an extension of the place one in all those loaded question can lead.** Animals additionally thieve, rape, or perhaps homicide. some cats and primates kill devoid of intentions of eating or using the animal they killed. Chimpanzees might additionally run down an outcast member of their troop in a mob, additionally they conflict against different troops of Chimps. Are you suggesting theft, homicide, and rape additionally are nice because of the fact all of them happen in the animal kingdom?
2016-10-05 22:33:27
answer #6
answered by carol 4
Who said that animals can't sin? They just ignor the Christians and have a gay old time.
Christian just want gays to quit fooling around with each other and getting caught. Just like that guy in that "Family" group.
Hell my older female dog is a lesbian. She'll mount everything!
2007-05-23 15:56:27
answer #7
answered by humanrayc 4
We are to Love and not judge others I assure you that it is a sin among 100s of others things people are doing now a days. No sin is greater then another, If we have practiced Homosexuality we are to repent of this. But I'm sure that is you change your gender It will be o.k. and forgiven through Jesus the Christ.
2007-05-23 13:58:53
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I'm sorry but I would be very very careful with this sort of argument.
Equating humanity with the general populous of the animal kingdom only serves to further the argument that we are nothing but animals, and that is a very dangerous slope on which to slide.
And for those who will argue that humans ARE animals - I would counter that the moment you show me a 1000 page book of coherent poetry written by a gorilla, I will stay with my heart knowledge that man is indeed a very special creation of God Himself.
blessings to all :)
2007-05-23 14:08:20
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
we never claimed animals don't have choice. they still have a mind which can evaluate and decide, just not a soul. it has to have that non-physical, 'ethereal' form to encompass the mind, will and emotions for it to be soulful. a dog chooses to bite me or not bite me, or whether to save its master's life or let the master die.
transgendered? only if man chooses to do that. which would be sinful, condoning sin
hermaphrodites always try to be male. they apparently don't like having to bear an offspring. who knows why. not all even have a brain.
never seen a bisexual animal. but again, choice.
and of course, then beastiality and pedophilia also fall under this category of "choice".
2007-05-23 13:56:39
answer #10
answered by Hey, Ray 6