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when THEY are the ones claiming that these people will burn in hell for eternity?

Honestly, it seems more mean or unkind (to me at least) to verbally and menatlly damn someone to a place of eternal torture rather than simply say "You are wrong, and here is why." The only consequence for christians being wrong is them looking like idiots and brainwashing other people to think like them and look like idiots also. The consequence for nonchristians being wrong is much more severe.

Again I ask, who is being mean here?

...and don't even give me that redirection of the blame to God crap. I asked earlier if Christians believed that the unsaved deserved to go to hell. The majority of them said YES. So hiding behind your god won't save you from this one.

Why call me mean if you are much MUCH meaner?

2007-05-23 12:21:50 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Beatutiful disaster, don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about because I DO. I have walked the walk, lived the life for many years, and traveled down that road, seeing it to its bitter end. If anything, I know more about it than you do. Your holier than thou attitude does nothing to justify your position.

2007-05-24 02:34:16 · update #1

Malak, I can appreciate you admitting that you think I am annoying rather than mean. However, I am not a troll. I frequent this section most because it interests me mosts. Though my motivations may be different from yours, I am still sincere in a good chunk of what I write. I happen to have a passion for helping people break down walls and mental blocks which cause them to believe in things that are not real. My life is affected by people who vote and push for laws based on their beliefs in fairy tales. Because of this I fight for what I believe is right. If that, to you, is trolling then I say you are turning a blind eye to my message not because of what I say but because of how I choose to deliver it. Sorry, but I prefer not to sugarcoat everything I have to say. I prefer to say it like it is despite the fact that it makes the weak tremble and shake. Political correctness is causing the people of this nation to become more and more fake everyday, and I will not take part in it.

2007-05-24 02:40:02 · update #2

Krista, first of all you do not know how I feel nor do these Christians that you claim. If anything, I know how YOU feel because I was once in the same position you seem to be so proud of. The truth of the matter is you chose to believe the things you believe, which happen to be extremely hardcore. No one forced you to believe; it was your decision. Therefore by deciding to believe in these fairy tales, you play a part in damning the people you claim to pity and empathize with so much. You are a hypocrite, and I despise you and your kind for the nasty stain you have made upon the world. If you want to talk to me, do so without patronizing or assuming you are right before listening to what I have to say, as it wastes my time and insults my intelligence.

2007-05-24 03:32:54 · update #3

James W, fairy tale stories do not count as facts. I scoff at stupidity. It doesn't mean I know all the answers. However, I do know stupid when I see it.

2007-05-24 03:35:36 · update #4

Tom, thanks for trying to understand. I am not claiming anything about ALL christians. I am only speaking of the christians who fit the description that I detailed. I find it quite odd that I can be attacked by several christians and then when I call christians out for it, I get counter-attacked by the christians I was not calling out in the first place. I realize the level of stupidity varies from christian to christian. You are one of the few who actually shows you know how to think at best and at worst can be creative and entertaining. I highly suggest you focus your energies on your own people rather than those who oppose, especially if you are capable of rationally understanding the opposition.

2007-05-24 03:42:07 · update #5

tman, I am not claiming to speak on behalf of all Christians, but if the shoe fits....

2007-05-24 03:44:04 · update #6

20 answers

This says it all.


2007-05-23 12:25:25 · answer #1 · answered by Paien 3 · 2 2

Unfortunately, many Christians are closed minded. Obviously not all. It is not their place to damn someone to hell. Hell is a metaphor anyway. There are two choices in life. Walk with God, or don't. If you do, you're granted into heaven to be with him after life. If not, you remain here on earth without him, which in it's own sense, is a type of hell. Not the fire and brimestone that most religions preach about. I do hate it though when some christians damn people to hell and what not just because they don't believe the same as they do. It is extremely mean and cruel. It's up to God to judge others, not us. I don't believe God is as Judgemental as most religions seem to think.

2007-05-23 19:42:09 · answer #2 · answered by Water Witch 2 · 0 1

My friend, as someone that has been condemned to hell many a time by Christians, I truly can understand where you are coming from.

However, I must disagree with you completely.

You see I believe in something called "tolerance." I mean that word as it originally meant, not as it gets used today. I mean tolerance as in "not accepting a point of view." Tolerance by definition means you believe the other point of view is wrong. But tolerance means you disagree respectfully.

I want to ask you a question: How can a Christian who believes that all must go to hell if they sin even a single sin (that would be all of us, right?) unless saved by Jesus *not* be true to their faith in God except by telling you what they really believe?

You are asking Christians to either a) not be truthful to you, to preserve your feelings or b) stop believing what they believe (i.e. give up their religion) to preserve your feelings.

Can you see that this is intolerant of you? (Please forgive me, I mean no offense by this. We are all intolerant at times. True tolerance is a *very* difficult ideal to strive for. I am personally intolerant at a very scary rate in my life. It continually shocks me how hard it is to be tolerant.)

Now I would be right there with you that the Christian telling you you are going to hell is intolerant if they are telling you this in a disrespectful way. If they are yelling it at you (I've had that happen) or if they are mocking you (I've had that happen too) then they *are* in fact being mean and intolerant.

But if they tell you they believe you are going to hell respectfully, please understand that there is nothing intolerant about this and that you can and should respectfully disagree with them and explain your reasons why.

Also, if they are being intolerant, you should still be tolerant back by respecfully disagreeing and explaining your reasons why. This will likely shame them.

2007-05-26 11:36:19 · answer #3 · answered by BryanN 2 · 0 0

So basically, you're upset that christians are telling you that if you don't believe, you'll go to a hell you profess not to believe in? And you think we're being mean? You know, the thing is, we don't send anyone to hell. If that's where you're headed, and I personally have no clue where you're going, I'm not God, you're the only one who can send you to the place you don't believe in, not us. We have absolutely no decision in it, we have our own souls to worry about. I don't think you're mean, just annoying, as all people who come here claiming they're upset over being told they'll go to a hell they don't even believe in are. We get this question every single day, and yes, it's extremely annoying. Am I being mean? Maybe, but I think I'm just annoyed. I don't think you're mean, just doing what bashers and trolls do every day, come here out of boredom and try to stir up the christians. I am sorry you're so bored, perhaps there's an area in YA that you actually have an interest in? Perhaps you could go troll there for a while.

2007-05-23 19:34:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

As for your earlier question this was my reply...

"Everyone that dies and has not accepted Christ according to the Bible will be eternally seperated from God. It is not what Christians say but it is what God says."

It has nothing to do with hiding behind 'our God'(by the way, he is your God too whether you accept him or not) but it is the truth. Christians tell you what the bible says(hopefully). The should tell you with love, humbleness, and respect.

NO CHRISTIAN should think that it is mean for someone to challenge their faith. We are called to worship in spirit and truth. A christian should not be afraid because the truth will remain the truth regardless.

Try to stay with me. TRUTH is INDEPENDENT of OUR BELIEF. Just because we don't belief something, doesn't make it FALSE.

a Christian does not brainwash anyone. God does not brainwash, that is what the devil does to people. The greatest LIE of the Devil is to make people Belief that their is NO GOD.

A christian tells you what the bible says,and it is up to you whether you want to belief it or not.

Even better, don't listen to a Christian. Open up your bible to Matthew Chapter 5 and start reading. Find out for yourself what the bible says.

2007-05-23 19:31:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I do not damn people to hell, not in my mind or have I ever done it verbally. I do not think people who challenge my faith are mean, I do find those who are nasty and ignorant to be mean. Around here though that goes for some people from any group, Christian or non.

2007-05-23 19:31:00 · answer #6 · answered by Beverly B 6 · 0 0

You are wrong and here is why. I'm a Christian, and I do believe as I have been taught that if you are not 'saved' you will burn in Hell after you die for all eternity. I know how you feel! Christians know how you feel! They weren't Christians until they became Christians. They know what its like to be told their going to go to Hell if you don't accept Christ as their personal Savior. Thats why when they become Christians they tell other people the same thing because they dont' want that fate for other people. Yes I'm sure we do look like idiots, but I know I don't want to look like one when Jesus comes back either. I'm going to be standing on the right side when He comes back. We don't brainwash people, we tell other people what we believe. We challenge beliefs because we know that we have the right one. There's no getting around it.
You want to talk about consequences? The consequences for a non-Christian, first of all I want to say that your right it is more severe. This is going to be blunt, but straight to the point. If your a non-Christian when Jesus comes back. You will go to Hell, and you will spend eternity there. The wages of sin is death. Or if that doesn't convince you, how about if I use 'eternal damnation of your soul'. I mourn for lost potential brothers and sisters who will burn in Hell someday. Everyday they will be in pain, and they will look like idiots because they will know what they should have chosen. That is Jesus. Good luck.

2007-05-23 19:34:30 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

How can you speak on behalf of all Christians? I'm a Christian and I do not claim people are being mean when challenged about my beliefs. Why are SOME non-believers so hostile to those who believe?

The fundemental belief is that ALL people deserve death and hell. It is by God's grace and mercy that we do not have to succumb to such a fate. Hell is separation from God.

Christians do not have the Lambs Book of Life, nor are they God to judge who is going to hell. Christ came first to save mankind and He is coming again to judge all mankind, but until then it is the Christians job to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a loving and humble manner. Jesus said to go out and spread the gospel, not to go out and damn all people. We can either accept His Salvation or not. But, we are never to say who is and who is not going to hell. Only God can make such a judgement. Please forgive us and those who have been bad witnesses of God's love for mankind.

2007-05-23 19:58:27 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I disagree with your premise and have inserted brackets around my interpretation of your statement:
...and don't even give me that redirection of the blame to God crap. I asked earlier if [all] Christians believed that the unsaved deserved to go to hell. The majority [but not all] of them said YES.

Furthermore, is it not possible that those who said that the unsaved deserve to go to hell are not doing so out of "meanness" but are passing along the teaching of their faith? If you board a train for Tacoma, am I mean if I tell you that unless you get off the train, you will eventually arrive in Tacoma? Certainly, I agree that some "Christians" are only too happy to announce to someone that they don't like, "You miserable filthy worm - you're gonna burn in hell!" But not all of us do this from spite; some, like me, honestly believe that the consequence for sin is a deserved ticket to hell. This does not mean that I exclude myself from this, because I certainly deserve the exact same thing.

You are correct that the consequence of the atheist being wrong is far more severe, but this does not automatically equate to ALL Christians being mean; perhaps you feel the belief ITSELF is mean, n'est çe pas?


2007-05-23 19:37:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Most Christians, contrary to what you see here on Y!A are good people who don't say that people who question them or the Bible are mean.

As for the ones who do, in their minds they are the only ones who get to question or challenge the beliefs of others which, of course, are always wrong. If you challenge their beliefs on the other hand, you are just being mean and argumentative.

It's because their minds are closed and to them, there is no truth outside of their own beliefs.

2007-05-23 19:31:58 · answer #10 · answered by Don P 5 · 1 2

They are taking after their god.

Remember they think that torturing people forever in a lake of fire is some sort of love. It is kind of like when an abusive parent whips their child until they bleed and says that it is out of love they discipline the child.

It is called being rather disturbed.

2007-05-23 19:35:19 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

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