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as mentioned in a previous question
I have had to rethink and readjust my own beliefs , due to some quite compelling evidence I have researched on reincarnation

people who had no previous knowledge of people and places , and yet quite accurately describe them in detail
I seen one where a woman from Australia was describing the hall way to a university in Scotland , when she attended back in the early 1900s

only in going through old archives of the floor plan , did they know about this old hall way , which hadnt been used in something like 50 years or so and had been since covered up

I previously believed that all spirit live on and progress through the spirit realms
now I have had to come to the conclusion that , some may decide to come back for whatever reason

but if there are cases like this out there , why then do we not hear it openly ?
why do we have to go looking and researching privately for such cases ?

2007-05-23 12:17:47 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

added question
when faced with contradicting evidence , how do you cope with your beliefs ?

2007-05-23 12:22:33 · update #1

this wasnt an internet site , this was a university course
so it is quite factual cases I was studying

2007-05-23 12:23:27 · update #2

30 answers

Hi Pangel,
When I first remembered a previous life - more specifically, a previous death - it was very shocking and frightening for me. I was meditating, (looking at a wall, as we do in Soto Zen), when the wall faded and there in front of me was the scene as a previous incarnation died in a shipwreck. I actually felt myself sinking and drowning.
I Got on the phone to the Abbott who reassured me as to what was happening - memory of a previous death. He explained that these memories, (I've had a few since then), are precious gifts, given to help us learn the lessons of this present life and to clear past Karma. They are not subjects for casual conversation - and I always get concerned when people try to delve into past lives. They are forgotten for good reasons.
So I rarely talk about these matters in personal detail. Perhaps other Buddhists feel the same, and that's why you don't hear about it very much. As Vinslave says, it's pretty common knowledge within the congregations.
As you know, I am faced with a similar dilemna with my friend who is a medium. I choose not to see these two sets of information as contradictory but as paradoxical.
I'm quite happy with paradox. I wouldn't have much respect for a universe that was simple enough for me to understand.
I realise that I've run on a bit but - in the words of those dreadful adverts - 'You're worth it'
Jon C

2007-05-24 01:39:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know what I think of Reincarnation, because I believe very strongly in the guidance of the Ancestors. It could be that some of what we call "past life memories" are really ancestral memories -- the memories of deceased spirits communicating some message to us, or more primal memories encoded in our DNA. Ever dream about being chased by a big hairy monster who wants to eat you? Your DNA remembers the Saber Tooth Tiger, even if you consciously do not. I do allow for the possibility of Reincarnation, I think that some spirits, especially those with no living descendants, may choose to reincarnate. So some past life memories may be legitimate past life memories -- like the case you mentioned above. In many other cases, I think it is fantasy fulfillment -- particularly memories of being prominent historical figures, or living in some mythic past world such as Atlantis. There are a lot of possible ways of interpreting these experiences, but there is always something to learn from them.

2007-05-24 01:54:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

reincarnation is not accepted by the main religions christianity, islam and judaism because in accepting the idea it challenges the basis of these religions (i fact I am not sure about judaism)

Reincarnation explains the existance of deja vu and premonition phenomenon as well as being accurate for most Hindus.

In the real world we identify ourselves with the body ( how we look in the western world ) not our true self which is spiritual.. Reincarnation as an idea can only exist in the soul or spiritual world...
It is not possible to say we as bodies were reincarnated because we no this lifetime we were born on a certain date but what we dont know unless we remember is where our soul has been. The soul nver dies and just goes on for rebirth. During that people have memories of their past lives and these influences their present lives.

What is said that the total number of lives represents a cycle e.g. 34 times of rebirth and that over the cycle of earth which is 5000 years for hindus we will be doing exactly the same thing at the same time because of cause and effect and the laws of karma. So in 5000 years I will be writing this response and there will be an ice age at some time later which brings on the new age. This is fundamentally scientific but the science community dont want to admit this because people will say actually then science is religious based and scientists dont want to admit that because religion is belief and real world structured religions. There is alot of politics....

In Hinduism everyone is reincarnated and there is a play or replay or roles on this earth which is why we understand we are all here for a reason and to do duty to god. Good or bad. You replay your role until your have finished your births and reached freedom.

2007-05-23 12:27:08 · answer #3 · answered by Pandora 5 · 2 2

I have heard stories like this as well. Probably the reason why most people do not discuss it is because it is not a widely favored idea in the majority of religions (at least not in my country at least), and most people who talk about things like that in my country are considered to be "not all there". Some religions, though, it is an idea that is a part of their teachings. When faced with contradicting evidence to what I beleive, I do what you did, do the research. I try to see what drew this person to the conclusions that they have made. And I judge whether or not it agrees with my being.

2007-05-23 14:24:30 · answer #4 · answered by Lindsey H 5 · 0 0

you comprehend there are no relatively questions in this finished submit, top? can no longer somewhat help until you make sparkling what you're asking. If it makes you sense better, i do no longer somewhat have faith in reincarnation the two, and that i've got been Wiccan for extra desirable than 15 years. that's no longer that i come across it somewhat illogical (it makes extra experience to me than an afterlife such as a results of fact the Summerlands), yet purely that i've got no information for it. additionally, considering the fact which you frequently do no longer submit to in recommendations your previous lives, that's by no ability appeared somewhat important no count number if or no longer i think in it. It the two will happen, or it won't. Regardless, I heavily isn't able to comprehend. it would not make one little bit of distinction to the way I stay my existence.

2016-11-26 21:15:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is good to see you researching Re-Incarnation. But I think you might be getting a bit mixed up. Re-Incarnation of a Soul, means an individual goes through a progression of lifetimes.It is said by my Spirit Guide Dr. Chang that this progression can take a soul through an Epoch,or 5;000 years.Each soul has a different identity,and a different set of circumstances,but is still the same soul. The reason why people remember and know things that seem uncanny; is in my research; due to Astral Travelling. Spirit and Human Beings do this regularly. Due to the fact there isn't time in the Astral realms,an entity(human or not) can visit present,past, and future, in the space of a few seconds. It is the recollection of these visits,which is recounted under Hypnosis. But you are right. Some human souls do re-incarnate immediately after death.Have you read-"Understanding The Occult", by Dal Lee? Paperback Library. It's a old publication,but well worth the read. Good Luck!

2007-05-23 12:36:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

It is kind of a confusing and more so, disrupting idea and doesn't fit with the 'accepted' beliefs. Ever notice that to explore all these unknown things, most of us have had to leave organized religion behind? I am very interested in this topic too.

When my knowledge conflicts I just wait...it will sort out soon enough...it will be revealed...I have noticed that my 'insights' come a little bit here and a little bit there, just enough that my poor brain doesn't explode...I thank my spirit guide for that!

2007-05-23 12:23:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There is more to this life than we will ever know or understand.

And one woman I know said in general conversation that brought up talk of death, "If you moan enough about your existence in this life, you never know if there is such a thing as reincarnation; next time you come back, fate will give you something to really know true hardship."

There was a few hings strange happened to me. Nothing like believing I was an egyptian princess or the queen of sheba. Just something.

And I always look at other people, whatever position they are in and know 'There but for the grace of God go'es any one of us.'

2007-05-23 12:32:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I don't believe in reincarnation because I believe there is so much more to it than that, I have also considered other alternatives to these 'memories'.
It is possible that they were self induced and another theory I have is that it is possible that before we came here we could have bee a guardian angel over someone else and it is not a previous life that is being remember but a life of someone that we watched over.

There simple cannot be 500 people that were once Cleopatra and there are at least that many that have made the claim and the same thing has occurred with other famous people in history, why is everyone reincarnated from someone famous?

I used to be the Empress of China, and a Native American Indian (several times) in my previous lifetimes.
They are irrelevant to this lifetime.

2007-05-23 12:31:40 · answer #9 · answered by Mariah 5 · 1 3

I do believe in Reincarnation even though I am a Christian...and I know I have lived before...how do I know this? its just a feeling I have I guess...I know I lived in Egypt as a slave...and young boy on a schooner ship around 1800...and Mountain man, and a American Indian...One time my brother came to my house and pointed out the pictures I had hanging on the wall....He hadn't been to my house in about 3 years, as he lives in Colorado...all my pictures where of mountains and the sea...in my room I have a picture of the pyramids...
Over the years I understand this more and more...yes you do live other lives...I just think some people remember them more than others..Peace my friend.

2007-05-23 13:02:42 · answer #10 · answered by Kerilyn 7 · 0 0

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