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i look at porn on the internet....i really dont want to it just..happens...i know God looks at me in shame...does any one know how to help me stop...

i pray to God to help me to stop....but i cant....could it be that my faith is not strong enough? what do you think...

please ....serious answers....i realllllly want to stop doing this so God dosent look at me in shame..

2007-05-23 11:58:19 · 23 answers · asked by CrippledFingerz 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

You won't get good answers on Yahoo! Answers. I suggest you see a therapist.

2007-05-23 12:01:47 · answer #1 · answered by Delete 4 · 1 3

I can certainly sympathise with your predicament. Things like this happen to all of us. We struggle with sin constantly. There is no easy answer besides repenting when you fall short and asking for God's help in steering you away. The Bible says if your left eye is causing you to sin pluck it out. So if it's primarily your computer make sure there are other people around when you go online. The other thing you can do is get an accountability partner and share your failures with him/her. This has to be someone you really trust who will ask you from time to time how you're doing in that area. Pornography can be very addicting so you sometimes have to treat it the same way you would alcoholism. Just remember however that Christ died even for those sins and when God looks at you he sees you through Christ's blood, a purified saint. He is not ashamed.


2007-05-23 12:23:13 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I have the same problem. It becomes a habit and is really tempting.

From what i found out, masturbation and porn viewing comes from boredom... so i try to keep myself occupied all the time. If you have spare time, you wonder what you should do and as soon as porn pops into your head its hard to resist. Try reading a book or excercising or doing something else positive.

Some of my friends succeeded in breaking the habit, but I'm still working on it. They say that after you get passed a week, it's really not that hard.
Try it as a new year resolution or give it up for lent. Find someone who you know who wants to get rid of the problem, and help eachother not do it anymore. Pray for your weakness and let God strengthen you.

good luck :)

2007-05-23 12:07:02 · answer #3 · answered by rybka 3 · 2 0

My brother had the same problem. I'm a Christian and I want to help you. If you really don't want to continue looking at pornography then you made need additional help other than just going to God. Though I commend you, because that is the main person you should be going to first. Part of it may be because your faith isn't strong enough, but not all of it. I need you to admit your problem, you've done that on here, but I'm talking about to a person that you know can help you. I'm on here so if you need talking too, or any more advice. Please contact me, but seriously though get some help. Talk to someone, then you need to start getting back on the right track with God. He's the only person who can really help you reach that goal, and make you want to do it.

2007-05-23 12:05:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Talk to your Pastor or a counselor. You will need someone to keep you accountable. Get filters on your computer and get software that allows another person to see what sites you have visited.

You are not alone in this struggle. It can be overcome, just like any other addiction. There is a ministry on line called xxxchurch. They help men overcome this addiction. You can try pure-life ministries, also.

As a last resort, some Christian rescue missions will take you in and give you a place to live while helping you overcome you addiction.

You need the help of God, a wise counselor and other Christians.

You are in my prayers.

2007-05-23 12:15:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The first thing you have to do is stop lying to yourself about it. "I really don't want to, it just happens." Bullsh*t. Just admit it. You look at internet porn. Okay. Now you can actually do something about it because you have admitted the problem honestly.

Then, find a hobby and/or outlet for your energy. Find a good behavior that you can substitute every time you have the urge to look at pornography.

If it is still a problem, you should look into therapy, and I don't mean from the church. Real professionals can deal with this real problem.

2007-05-23 12:04:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Many preachers have training in counseling and most churches teach about porn and sexuality these days. My church just had a series of preaching on sexuality.

I would check to see what pastoral type counseling was available in your area and take advantage of it. You might even get the help you need in a Bible study, usually churches have one during the week. At my church Bible study you can bring questions and than all work on helping answer those questions.

I did a search on addiction and porn and all kinds of help sites came up to check out. There are also many Christian Newsgroups that you might check out so you can get help there.


2007-05-23 12:40:29 · answer #7 · answered by Diane L 4 · 1 0

Honestly, I would say to get rid of your internet if this is a real problem, because if you have access to it, you will always be weak- that is like putting a bowl of ice cream in front of someone who is a glutton and wants to stop overeating. You know what I mean?
If you need internet for work, maybe you could have porn blocked somehow?
But yes PRAYER is the most powerful weapon! God's word is powerful!
Hebrews 2:18
Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

2007-05-23 12:11:40 · answer #8 · answered by Mandolyn Monkey Munch 6 · 3 0

You say "It just happens" - well it does not!
You have a choice whether or not to go onto these sites, and here is where the problem lays.

You need to submit your 'flesh' to God, and ask that by His Spirit He will give you strength to overcome the temptation.

For no man is tempted beyond what he can bear, for God has provided a way out.

If you really want to stop, then you will. You see, when one makes Jesus LORD of your life, then you will just want to do those things which please Him.

May God bless you my friend, and help you find freedom from this.

2007-05-23 12:05:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

If you wanted to stop bad enough, you would have already.

Face the fact that God gave you a sex drive to use as you please as long as you aren't hurting someone else in the process.

Internet porn is a lot safer for everyone than going out and raping another person.

I say watch it all you want!
If it's really become a problem....besides the "fear of God looking down on you in shame".....see a counselor.

Other than that, don't you think God has much more important things to attend to than your little sex life?
You aren't THAT important, you know.

2007-05-23 12:37:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I had a problem with internet porn also(Yahoo image search),and I prayed for forgiveness.
Now I think I'm over it (I hope), I just don't want to keep asking for forgiveness for the same thing over and over.
Viewing a naked women is a very powerful temptation for a man.
There is a group who may be able to help you.
strugglingwithsexualpurity click on the link above
I hope this helps
And don't take advice from a woman, they don't understand what porn does for us men

2007-05-23 12:20:56 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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