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I would like to hear from anyone following the immigration issue, wether you are white, black or hispanic, legal or illegal.

What is the % of hispanics who believe in ideas like "atzlan" or "la raza".

What if anything do these mean and are they in any way significant or relevent to the immigration debate? Thanks!

2007-05-23 11:09:24 · 13 answers · asked by endangered 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

13 answers

'Aztlan' is the mythical homeland of the nauhtl-speaking peoples of Mexico. If it existed it may have been located in northern Mexico or New Mexico, or, really almost anywhere north of Mexico city. It's probably more real than Atlantis, possibly less real than Troy.

'La Raza' means 'The Race' the full phrase is actually 'La Raza Cosmica' an idea that paints the disparate peoples of Latin America as a united, new race - an attempt at unifying those peoples, philosophically. Like most noble attempts at unification, it can also be used to drive a wedge between peoples - in this case, between latin-americans and anglo-americans.

Both have some relevance to the immigration debate, as they are evidence of a racist, expansionist agenda (sometimes called the 'Reconquista') among the fringe elements advocating illegal immigration from Latin America, to the USA.

2007-05-23 12:32:09 · answer #1 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 0 2

I was trying to stay away from this question. That was until someone put "la raza" as equals to us Minutemen.

What a freaking JOKE. WE ARE AMERICAN CITIZENS. What is wrong with fighting for OUR country? It's our culture we are fighting for, it's our flag we are picking up.

As long as there is a fight for this country you should be happy the Minutemen are risking our lives to help secure the borders.
When was the last time you were at an Anti-Illegal immigration rally? The Illegals that are out there are trying to take over America. So unless you stand up and start fighting back our country will be lost!

2007-05-23 18:55:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Yes, they are significant. Aztlan was what California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, and Colorado were called before it was conquered by Spanish. It is very relevant because the Aztlan movement want to integrate "Aztlan" back to Mexico and make it into an Aztec form of government. They are Communist. La Raza means the Race and its just a term most Mexicans use for friend or their people. The percentage of the Latinos who believe in that is relatively small and mostly concentrated on high school campuses in the Southwest under names like "brown berets" or "Mecha". They are extremists and racists against the white man. They are basically ashamed of the mestizo roots (Spanish and native).

2007-05-23 18:19:14 · answer #3 · answered by NONAME 4 · 6 2

First off, you need to realize that "La Raza" and "Aztlan" are two completely different things. Raza is race or people, Aztlan is the land in the Southwest that was under "Mexico" during the pre-Columbus era, where the Mexica or the Aztecs lived. The US government has acknowlege the fact that Aztecs lived in the current day US. Look up the Disturnell Map, I forget the year, but it is the official map of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. On there, it clearly states "Antigua residencia de los Aztecas" roughly translated Ancient homeland of the Aztecs. The exact area is debated between Northern Arizona and Southern Utah.

2007-05-23 18:32:05 · answer #4 · answered by Chuck C 1 · 2 3

Don't really know. I hear about here though. La Raza helped in the negotiations and had veto power. This is totally insulting. A racist group is helping to make US law.

I just realized that many of the crazies (e.g., Antis Suck, Victor Nunez, etc..) that "support" the illegals have been absent for the past few days. If they post anything they will probably get blasted since people are so angry.

2007-05-23 18:26:31 · answer #5 · answered by JessicaRabbit 6 · 5 1


This site defines some of the various factions. As for how many? They aren't carrying cards or anything, but the numbers are high enough. Take a look at the turnout of a gathering here. This is an Aztlan rally.


How many believe and support it? No clue really. Some aren't going to come out and tell people they do. At least, not people who are not going to by sympathetic to their cause. But they are far reaching.


Of course they are significant to the immigration debate. Aztlan wants several states of the US back, to be made part of Mexico. They are wanting a takeover, they say so at the rally. Do we really want a bunch of people here, having more and more kids, who will come to strenght and take back "what is theirs"? This could end up a bloody war. Do I want a bunch of illegals here and our government has no clue as to who they are? No way. My issue with immigration is not letting in people from other countries ( my father became a citizen before my birth), but not knowing who they are, what they have done, and no way to track them with their fake papers.
The numbers of illegals and their cost to Americans is staggering.



We have more than enough problems to solve right here on American soil. We have homelessness, poverty, educational needs, abuse... So many problems and we are sending off money to other countries and supporting people from othere countries here. I am not against the government letting in a certain amount of immigrants, but let's be reasonable. National counters have the illegals at over 20 million. That is a huge drain on our economy, just check out the counters page. This debate is a heated one, and the groups are just a part of it.
National security is the biggest part in my opinion. With such lax borders to the south, any of our enemies can get in through that way without much problem.

2007-05-23 18:40:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Percentages are hard to figure but it is significant. La Raza is Pride in their nationality. (Mexicans are not their own race)
They are significant in that they love their culture in Mexico so much they want to bring it here. They have not figured out that they way they think and live has caused their own country to not be able to support them. Thus they come here for economic reasons and bring the very attitudes and actions that made Mexico an unlivable country.

2007-05-23 18:21:27 · answer #7 · answered by easyericlife 4 · 4 1

I'm Latino and I do not believe any of that bullcrap. Groups like La Raza tend to have racist views and separatist ideologies. They are in favor of a 'Hispanic only' state. How much racist can you get with that?

It pisses me off cause these groups really give the Latino community (U.S. citizens) a bad name and gives us a bad image.

2007-05-23 19:20:46 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I don't the know the percentage, but I know that I don't back them. I believe that they harm more than help the cause. I believe that respect is a two way street, that if you're in country where you don't have rights, you should be humble and respectfully ask, not demand to be heard. If immigrants win this fight, it won't be because of them. I feel the exact same way about the minutemen and their supporters.

2007-05-23 18:32:43 · answer #9 · answered by xcelix 4 · 1 3

The Mexicans on both sides on the USA border would be better served to live in the here and now and demand that their leaders in Mexico give them more than a map to sneak across to greener pastures.

2007-05-23 19:23:49 · answer #10 · answered by jean 7 · 0 2

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