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"Why would the Apostles lie about something that was going to lead to persecution when they had such idyllic lives?" *sarcasm added*

Are you people unaware of the fact that Jerusalem was occupied territory, not much different from Baghdad today? Jews had been involved in a civil war, Greek Jews versus Hebraic Jews, Jews versus Samaritans, Galilean Jews verses Jerusalem Jews and open rebellion against the occupations, first by the Persians, then by the Greeks and by the Romans.

Each little cult fought for existence and often for supremacy. Many allied themselves with the Romans, many fought directly against them.

The entire scenario culminated in the First Jewish Revolt from 68-70 AD, where the Temple was destroyed and tens of thousands of Jews, including the Christians, were slaughtered and expelled from the region. You have heard of the Jews at Masada.

Why do Christians insist on a false representation of the history of the region just to add another argument to their arsenal?

2007-05-23 09:08:31 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

You ask very provacative questions, but you need another angle if you seriously want to engage your Christian audience. You can't treat them as if they're dumb... even though most of them are.

To them, history and science are manmade and easily dismissed as fallible. Or maybe these subjects are ruled by Satan. Either way, you lose.

Do this instead. Write your questions as if you're preparing them for a group of young children. Throw some emotional devices in there if you can. Please don't make them think too much - they're not ready.

2007-05-23 09:38:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I have to say, that is quite a read. And you have many many points. But we both know, sir, that these same people you're asking the question about will deny vehemently many many plain facts about similar (and different) topics. The bible never mentions dinosaurs and such (and I've heard wild stories involving them too...they were on an arc? Really now..?) And it uses -very- little logic..it rarely (if ever) mentions anyone noticibly different (and if it were the words of 'god' wouldn't this guy've mentioned the other groups of human beings living across the ocean?)..the list goes on and on.. The christians insist on a false representation, because without it, their story falls short of a historical novel and more into the category of..a fantasy, you see? (Also, for added humor, when you get the chance, sir, compare the Bible to Dungeons and Dragons, that'll ALWAYS get 'em riled up.)

2007-05-23 15:06:50 · answer #2 · answered by Hiding 2 · 1 0

Okay It appears that you got the history report right although you did leave out Babylon, Assyria and the Parthians and you left out Pharisees vs Sadducee's and Essenes and all the other Jewish splinter groups all over each other but what I fail to see is how on earth this has to do with why the Apostles would lie about the resurrection of Yahshua. I don't see every answer that comes through here but I've never seen one that said life in that part of the middle east at that time was idyllic either.

2007-05-23 09:18:10 · answer #3 · answered by Tzadiq 6 · 0 0

Evidently you don't truly know about Jerusalem. It's FIRST mention in the Bible was about Melchelsidec, King of Salem..., Salem being the first name of Jerusalem and the story is like this..., it belonged to God first and it will belong to God..., Jehovah God of Heaven and Earth..., last! All other claims are irrelavent and the place where the dome of the rock mosque sits is the rock where Abraham offered up Isaac and God, Jehovah God, intervened after He had a man who would obey anything and show forth the pattern in the Earth, and it IS the place GOD will descend again and JERUSALEM isn't lied about or falsely represented, or unfairly claimed.
I have been to Masada, I have been on the top of the hill and waited by the "stuff" while others of my group went inside that mosque and it doesn't matter what story is passed around..., YOU need to go back further than you are going. Occupied by the original land owners back further than you are siting here.
When Almighty God Jehovah; Jewish Yahweh gives someone a piece of land and tells him it is part of an everlasting covenant, it doesn't matter WHO sits what building where, it is still exactly belonging to whom God gave it and will for always and forever.
You can site any war or historical issues you want to and it will never change it.
The only reason the devil holds the ground at the dome in Jerusalem is because he thinks he can keep Jesus and the Father from coming and taking that place. IT IS THE LORD'S PLACE AND THE ONLY HOLY GROUND IN THE ENTIRE WORLD.., and much more territory will return to the Lord when He returns here.
Not only Jerusalem, but miles and miles or surrounding territory that you think is someone else's. ALL the territory given to Abraham, to the children of Israel and lost and won again and much not ever won back, IS STILL GOD'S ground and WILL return to God's people in the millenium no matter what opinion says otherwise.Christians say it because the ONLY true God of heaven and earth says it. It's a fact.

2007-05-23 15:48:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

When you go to church, or at least the churches I have been to, they told you what they wanted you to hear, interpreted in the manner they wanted you to grasp it in... now, I am not disrespecting preachers or priest or whatever... all I am saying is that... at church it is not like in school... where they teach you... it church it is TOLD to you.

There is a difference in being taught and being told.

In school you are taught the history of things... in church you are taught the ideology of things... which is hard to honestly grasp with out a real foundation in the history of things.

I don't think most Christians set out to be malicious but are only sharing what they have been TOLD… Because they have not been TAUGHT any better?

Education is the key to understanding… but it seems so many only HEAR what they want to and only learn what they want to… and leave the rest behind?

It is sad…

2007-05-23 09:16:42 · answer #5 · answered by Shewolf Silver Shadows/Author 3 · 1 1

wait...there is denial of The Great Revolt? jeez it was the first of THREE majoir rebellions, I didn't think people ignored that much documented history. My faith in humanity has been lessened a little more...

2007-05-23 09:17:26 · answer #6 · answered by Kam 3 · 0 0

I am a Christian, have never heard of anything you are talking about, so I couldn't have possibly lied about it. Furthermore, I don't know what this has to do with my faith, but thank you for the history lesson.

2007-05-23 09:21:15 · answer #7 · answered by beattyb 5 · 0 1

Because the truth as you outline is a tought pill to swallow. I suppose christians are use to this however because of their unwillingness to accept reality.

2007-05-23 09:12:47 · answer #8 · answered by Progeny Rising 2 · 1 0

A cup of blood with a dash of milk and honey.

2007-05-23 09:12:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Wow, I wasn't aware I was such a huge liar! Thanks for opening my eyes! I am suddenly very ashamed of my faith. I am converting. *sarcasm added*

2007-05-23 09:11:59 · answer #10 · answered by Mr. Bigglesworth 4 · 1 1

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