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Is God all knowing and all powerful? Yes. did he create the whole universe? Yes. THEN we give you a question as to why he did NOT do something. Well it is not meant for you to know, God works in mysterious ways, things are better this way you just do not realize it yet. Welllll super, so no matter what God is perfect.

Someone prays VERY hard for a loved one to live. They die. It was just his time, he is with God now.
Someone prays VERY hard for a loved one to live. They live, your prayers have been answered!

Atheist (no S this time you crybabies, my gosh I wasn't speaking for all atheist(s). I was listening to a podcast and they said ATHEISTS so I typed 1 wrong key. I apologize if I offended any of you geez. how could I answer for everyone considering I am 1 person. If you really needed to explain that on the other post you are a simpleton.

2007-05-23 09:01:19 · 26 answers · asked by Ordin 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

26 answers

I actually have had intelligent conversations with chrisitans, just never about christianity. They seem to have a different set of logic for that topic than the rest of the world. They'll even agree on things that contradict the bible, until you tell them it contradicts the bible...

Now, as for how it can be done, you have to have all sides leave their preconceptions at the door when they come to the table and agree to only deal with facts as they occur in the natural world. Either that, or just don't bring up religion at all.

2007-05-23 09:09:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Someone prays VERY hard for a loved one to live. They die. It was just his time, he is with God now.
Someone prays VERY hard for a loved one to live. They live, your prayers have been answered!

See rule #1 and rule #2

rule #1 God all knowing and all powerful? Yes.
rule #2 Is did he create the whole universe? Yes.

THEN we give you a question as to why he did NOT do something

How does being a believer in God make them equal to God?

How logical is the connection that you insist on the believer to have with God? That is like asking a 2 year old to speak for his parents. Is it possible for the kid to not know the answer and the parent know the answer? Yes! Is it fair to expect the 2 year old to give reasons why his parents acted the way they acted? No! It is the same with believers and God.

Intelligent conversations would follow this logic:
1. If God did make the universe and everything in it, He can speak to you directly. You don't need someone else to get the answer. You can ask him yourself and the all-knowing God would also know how to fully answer your question.
2. If the universe was not made by God, then the answer is simple....it is a direct reaction to the previous response. If there is no God, everything you know is a chain reaction of what ever knocked over the first "domino". When there are gaps in your understanding of this chain, then what do you say? Evolution will solve the problem like it solved the problem of creation beginning in a post-volcanic era "knowing" how to eat before needing to eat and "knowing" how to reproduce before needing to reproduce. And to produce the chain of events that caused itself to mutate to the point it actually feeds off itself and created what is known as the balance of nature before it killed itself off.

Hope this helps

2007-05-23 16:29:54 · answer #2 · answered by DS M 6 · 1 1

So what's your question, exactly? Look, I've asked the same questions that you have, and I was NEVER satisfied with the answers I got from other people. They were just too smooth, too abstract, and they didn't tell me anything at all.

To be honest, I didn't find answers until I took it directly to God. Maybe I just have a really vivid imagination, but after I took my questions to God, they were answered completely. I understand why there's disease, decay, and death. I also understand why some people are healed and some, like my own father (who died when I was ten), are not. The fact of the matter is, the answers in themselves are abstract. I know that many atheists have trouble with the abstract; they need something concrete. I was an atheist myself, so I understand perfectly.

I can't explain how I know what I know now. I can't explain all the things I've seen. All I CAN say is that I saw what would have transpired had certain events in my life NOT happened. Some of God's ways and reasons ARE for us to know to an extent; all we have to do is ask.

A Christian

2007-05-23 16:10:39 · answer #3 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 0 1

Most of the time atheists (yes I used the S) have no intention of having an intelligent conversation here on Yahoo R&S. They only come here to mock Christians and every other religion. And this certainly isn't the forum for a conversation at all.

However, as a Christian, I believe (and I can probably speak for other Christians), that purpose is not about us here on Earth. So in a sense that's what we offer. When someone dies, it is their time. God called them back to heaven, to eternal life. Once they get there whether or not they get in is between God and the dead.

God doesn't see time like you and I here on earth. Therefore, prayers may not be answered on your time but rather God's. If you can't except that I can't do anything more for you. Keep searching.

2007-05-23 16:09:36 · answer #4 · answered by Rick 5 · 2 1

I never could understand why Atheists care so much about God... It's like anarchists that want to form organized groups. I don't understand them either. People are so funny. If there is one thing you can count on it's that everyone is a hypocrite. Get over it and try to live your life productively. In the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter what you believe or don't believe in, it's how you live your life and what you give back. Arguing over the existence/ nonexistence of God really doesn't benefit anyone all that much. People can live wonderful lives whether they believe or not.

Wife, mother, daughter, female, ICU nurse (oh yeah and I am Catholic by the way)

2007-05-23 16:21:04 · answer #5 · answered by EmK 3 · 0 1

Dear Athiest, why are you trying so hard to prove there is no God?...do you believe in absolute truth? If you really want to have an intelligent conversation with christians, I recommend reading The case for a creator, by Lee Strobel. Alot of intelligent christians have read this book, atleast then you would know what we're talking about and maybe come up with some intelligent arguments of your own(no offense intended) , I often asked the same questions of Christians myself before I became one. I serve a God who I don't know everything about or exactly why he does the things he does. And to be honest with you I don't want to know why, because then he wouldn't be God. THere's no way to know everything about him in this life..I pray that you find the answers you seek..God Bless!

2007-05-23 16:19:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

KInd of ironic isn't it? LIfe just goes about it's course. God does listen, but that doesn't mean he's going answer every single one. Techincally, I don't think he really "answers". He doesn't control how the world operates down here, he just watches over us. LIfe will go many directions. You just have to take it with a grain of salt.

Some Christians are very hard headed and very closed minded and won't listen to anyone elses opinons and believe they're opinion is the only right and opinion and is actually fact. It's a shame they can't question anything. I don't question God, but I do question how he runs things down here. I don't believe he runs everything the way Christians think he does.

I don't think he chooses who lives or dies. Life does. Everything happens for reason whether it has to do with God or not.

2007-05-23 16:07:49 · answer #7 · answered by Water Witch 2 · 1 2

One person prays hard for a loved one to live and he dies. True it may be better because the person is now with God but it may not be about you or your prayers. Maybe the person was suffering so much that God wanted to take their pain away and bring them to a place where there is no pain. Maybe he was trying to get someones attention. God listens to your prayers but only he knows why he does what he does. Odds are it was for the best.

2007-05-23 16:07:04 · answer #8 · answered by BrookelynnPaige 1 · 2 1

Why would you want to try to have a conversation with them when they point blank choose not to listen to anything that they don't agree with? The Christian religion has always been afraid that people might believe something other than what they preach, so they have always made sure that their belifs are mirrored in the laws of the land. If you control the Country, you control the people. Gee, could this be the reason that we have gotten the Muslims so mad at us? I for one will believe in who I choose and I know that as long as there is a small quiet place that I will enjoy my beliefs without dear.

2007-05-23 16:38:55 · answer #9 · answered by humanrayc 4 · 2 2

well i'm a christian and sometimes i can't understand them so don't feel bad it's sounds pretty strange that christians can't understand each other sometimes but some people just take our faith a little to far and they believe that if they get some kinda position in the church they are all of sudden better than anybody else the best way to listen to any of us christians is to just be nice and listen and answer and try to make your answer not offensive as possible

2007-05-23 16:15:49 · answer #10 · answered by Eric A 2 · 1 1

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