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Why are people so serious about religion instead of having fun with their life while they can?

Do you believe in a God--and why?

2007-05-23 08:22:17 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

29 answers

Do you believe that religion is made up by people?

Yes.. Religion like the Bible is made by man for man..

Why are people so serious about religion instead of having fun with their life while they can?

People, all people want to be part of something greater than just them.. For some the greater thing is family, friends, social groups religion etc. Belonging to a group or groups greater than ones-self gives a sense of continuation, a sense of being included, a sense of security.. For some family or other groups are enough for others religion is what they need.. Religion as a whole has been portrayed as serious, sacred, solemn, etc. for so long people don't see how they can be religious without being all the other things as well..

Do you believe in a God--and why?

No.. An omnipotent, omnipresent being has never made sense to me...

2007-05-23 08:37:52 · answer #1 · answered by Diane (PFLAG) 7 · 1 1

That is a difficult question to answer because I feel the answer is so complex. I think that religion is made up by people in the sense that it has been overly exaggerated so that we all feel like we have a purpose in life and to make us feel better about dying. I think people take the Bible way too seriously, considering most "religious" people haven't even read the Bible in its entirity, as opposed to a few verses here and there every Sunday. How can you adhere to something when you don't have a clue as to what it says? I believe things are more complex than religion allows for. Is there some sort of a God or higher power? I don't know. Do I believe in it? I don't know. This was a great question and I have a heck of a lot more I'd like to elaborate on, but I'll leave it at that. I love a good discussion like this and will be anxious to hear others' reponses.

2007-05-23 08:41:45 · answer #2 · answered by jlynp84 2 · 0 0

No, I don't believe it's made up.

I'm serious about my religion, but I also have fun. Why do people seem to think that if one is religious, one can't have fun? It's true that I don't go out and get drunk or stoned, but there are other ways to have fun. I travel, go on wine-tastings, shop for antiques, read, write poetry, hang out with friends, go bowling, go see movies...there are LOTS of ways to have fun, and I'm never bored.

Yes, I do believe in God. I have many reasons, but the main ones are that there is actually scientific evidence that suggests that there is a God. Not only that, but there's historical and archaeological evidence that supports the Bible.

There is no such thing as proof, either way. But the evidence is sufficient to convince me.

2007-05-23 08:31:16 · answer #3 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 0 1

Do you believe that religion is made up by people?

well ya.

Why are people so serious about religion instead of having fun with their life while they can?

because people like to have something to argue about (if it wasnt religion it would be something else), and it, if you believe in it, makes you better than those who dont believe (delusion).

Do you believe in a God--and why?

yes i do, simply because i believe there is one. which might not convince you, but hey thats not what im out to do.

2007-05-23 08:25:59 · answer #4 · answered by Loathing 6 · 0 1

I believe that it is possible that God does exist, however I do think that religion was a beautiful way to answer peoples questions that couldn't be answered at the time of religions creation and is still used in the same way today!

2007-05-23 16:30:20 · answer #5 · answered by Libby 5 · 0 0

Yes and No. Christianity came about after Jesus Christ, his disciples, his DIRECT teaching, his words. But a lot of religions are man made. This is the problem with most non-believers. They do not understand the difference between believing in God (i.e. having a relationship with him, honoring him, loving him, obeying him) and religion (i.e. the way you choose to serve him).
Good question.
I believe in GOD with all my soul and being. There was a time when I was concerned with having ‘fun’ until I realized I wasn’t having that much fun. I was around destructive people who had multiple partners, my friends getting there hearts broken, drinking uncontrollably, and partying all night, not having any money, just living beneth what GOD has in store for me and YOU! ‘Fun’ the type I think you’re talking about only last so long. Time to grow up and find out what real fun is!

God Bless!

2007-05-23 08:28:22 · answer #6 · answered by THe T 3 · 1 2

Personally I do not believe that there is an actual "God" However I do believe in the power of God...Let me explain.

I have quite a few Christian friends and I have to say that their testimonies are usually all the same. Most of them came from exteme poverty and violent, alcohol-and-drug ridden backgrounds. Some of them grew up without parents and were forced into being homeless, stealing and doing other criminal acts to survive. In some cases they were even forced into prostitution. Both male and female.
Suicide or Jesus was their only salvation.

They claim that they had no control over their lives and they were simply victims of their environment and upbringing and I say bullshit.

Now before you call me insensitive I must tell you that I have been down that road of crime and violence, drugs and alcohol, misery and depression. I've been to prison and at times suicide looked sweet and painless.

I, however, didn't turn to Jesus.
I simply took responsibility for my actions, paid my debt to society and took to the task of bettering myself.

I had no help.

But these people who cannot accept the fact that they are the ones in control of their lives, and not angels and demons, all have one thing in common.

They are very easily influenced.

To make my point I will quote some of the previous answers to this question:
"because He created everything" "He is worthy to be praised" and my personal favorite"I believe in a God because I can feel it sometimes"

That last one almost answers the question but still falls short and leaves the possibility of the proceding question; "WHY"

Not one of these people have actually answered this question. They have merely stated what they have been told by others.
The fact that "faith" is preached so often in christianity only serves to prove that one will never actually know the real answer.
"Faith" is defined in the Bible as "the things which are unseen"
In other words "there is no way to tell if God is real or not so you may as well just believe it and save yourself from an eternity of burning in Hell."

Which brings us to my other point.
The instilation of fear is the backbone of most organized religions.
-Jesus say "Obey, worship, and Love me or perish in Hell."-
A pretty selfish act for someone who is supposed to be preaching Love for all mankind.
I do not feel that any person who is really profoundly humane can believe in everlasting punishment.

(I have just now read over everything that I wrote so far and realized that I have strayed from my original point)

So, to recap...
I do not belive there is an Actual God in all His omnipotent glory.
I do believe that religion (christianity especially) can do a great deal of good in peoples lives.

Most of the christian friends that I have are some of the nicest people in the world. Almost all of them would give you the shirt off their back if you asked. And I probably would have never even spoke to most of them if they were still the people they used to be.

So if believing in a higher power helps to make you a better person than I say all the power to you.

God Bless;)

>>>Vince the Bat (not his real name) has a Bachelors degree in Humanology & Sociology, and is active in many discussions and forums pertaining to the development and influence of Ideology and Iconography.<<<

"People are stupid. They will believe anything because they want to, or are afraid not to." -Terry Goodkind

2007-05-23 10:18:05 · answer #7 · answered by vince_the_bat 2 · 0 0

Religion is made up by people... yes. Religions were created for the purposes of man's agendas and power structures.

But I do not think you are asking the right question. It should be, "Do you believe that the existence of God is made up by people?" Your details would then make more sense. The answer to that question would then be a profound "NO".

Yes, I totally believe in God as well as His Word being from Him and that He sent His Son to redeem us. Here is my argument as to "why"...

2007-05-23 08:31:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, I believe in God.
And the reason I believe in God is because how did everything get here and what was before this. What I'm trying to say is how can something come from nothing. Something has to start it to make it. Just like your house, car, or clothes someone had to make them to be here. I believe God is some kind of Energy and Energy never ends. And God created time which we now live in and know. And outside of time is forever. Where God wants us to be after we pass away.

2007-05-23 08:50:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There are only two basic religions, all religions have their origin in either the Judeo-Christian or the Shamanist tradition .

The Jews believe God himself gave us the Torah. There are reasons why I believe this firmly.

Christians believe the rest of the Bible (new testament included) is inspired of God. I don't take issue with this.

I personally believe the adversary, referred to in the Bible by numerous names, but notably the "Prince of this world", arranged for Shamanism as well as the false religions such as Islam.

So I don't believe "people" made up religions apart from the influence of God or the adversary of our souls.

Why do I believe in God? I owe only the duty to tell the truth. I don't owe the duty to convince you of it's veracity. What you do with the truth I tell you is entirely up to you.

I met God one day in 1971. At the time I was an atheist and considered myself an empiricist. Unless something could be verified scientifically, or demonstrated to me through my five senses or incontrovertible logic I wouldn't believe it.

I believe in God because I have stood in his presence.

Believe it or not.

2007-05-23 08:34:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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