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clearly a guise to fool people into thinking that they love everyone as Jesus taught when the key word here is "hate" and their actions are often anything but loving?And why is it that religious opinion can be used to legislate against homosexuality?Not all Christians agree on this issue and not everybody is a Christian.So, why should religious opinion have any bearing on this issue outside of the homes of those that choose to allow it to have a bearing on their own lives?

I'm not looking for Bible quotes or "because it's against God" answers.I'm looking for direct answers to these questions.I want to understand why people feel that it is ok to treat this issue the way they do and why, if this issue is so important to them, they don't try to ban all other faiths or legislate every word of the Bible into the law of the land.Why draw a line on one issue but be tolerant of another?I know, having studied the Bible, that there are many biblical sins that are legal but far worse.

2007-05-23 08:20:02 · 17 answers · asked by Demopublican 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

The first one off the top of my head is "Thou shalt have no other God before me".Yet it is legal to have any God you want.It is also legal to take the Lord's name in vain yet that is also a biblical no no.

2007-05-23 08:22:27 · update #1

17 answers

It's just sounds better than "I hate you people". Christianity is a fear-based religion. In their wacky world when they don't punish people for they perceive to be sinning, they fear their "loving God" may punish them or so they'll claim. They've used that excuse thousands of times throughout history to persecute Jews, pagans, homosexuals, etc. It's all just a smoke-screen to cover their hateful religion.

2007-05-23 08:25:54 · answer #1 · answered by St. Tom Cruise 4 · 4 4

I don't know if you really want to know this answer to your question or if you are just venting. If you are just venting, that's OK. but I will presume that you would like an answer for the time being. I am far from perfect and have done and I am sure my eight year old daughter can tell you still do lots of things that I should not. I say that I want to live righteously but constantly fall short...often way short. I still wish for my family to love me and support me when I am doing things that are not right. I don't however want my friends, my husband, my parents, and so forth to sugar coat it and act like every thing I do is right when they know that it is wrong. Because they love me they tend to point out a lot of my shortcomings. They just want me to be the best I can be. They want me to enjoy life and all it has to offer with out the guilt that comes with sin. I realize that when it comes to Christians saying that they love the person living a homosexual life style but they do not like the life style that they are living it offends those who are living it. I find a lot of the comments made on this website regarding Christians to be offensive as well. It is just a matter of what you believe. As a Christian one of the beliefs is that the Holy Bible is the written word of God and that it is infallible. The Holy Bible is clear on the issue of homosexuality. It is also clear on a myriad of other things that it condemns as sinful. If this is not your belief system than no worries. You are fine living just the way you are. Just as you have your beliefs so do others. The way I see it the people on this section of Yahoo!Answers have very little tolerance for one another no matter what there beliefs. So, to love the sinner is to really love them and accept that they are who they are and they are where they are in their life. You don't have to agree that all they do is right but you support them with love, comfort and encouragement when they need it. I hope this clears things up for you a bit. If not just keep on trying to figure it out.

2016-05-21 00:38:15 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Because people are just stupid and use religion as a reason to "fight back" on an issue they can't comprehend. It's a conspiracy is all. And isn't god suppose to show all mercy and "teach" love and whatnot. That's it's ok to love blah blah blah. Well what if the only person someone can love is one of their same gender? That person has a problem then. Or whatever. I forgot my train of thought half-way through that. School is distracting.

Otherwise, you know how much more touble the human race would be in if there weren't people whom couldn't have children[unless a pre-wife or sperm donator is in order] then there would be much less space in the world. It'd be like Hong-Kong just...all over the whole world. All you procreators.

Or something like that...*shrugs* I just tend to laugh at the people who have a problem with it and try to bring me down about believeing and accepting it and whatnot...*chuckles*

2007-05-23 08:36:56 · answer #3 · answered by MeMyself & Death 2 · 1 0

Hate the sin and love the sinner is completely accurate. Just as I can hate that someone stole my car, but that doesn't mean I hate the person that did it. I would be miffed, but that's not hate.

Christians stand against homosexuality because it is a sin. It goes against the nature of God. Therefore, we hate the sin of homosexuality and want to help the person that chooses it turn away from that wrong choice and be saved.

Christians don't want to see this sin take a bigger hold in society for 2 reasons:

1) This nation was began on Biblical principles and Tenets, including standing against the sins of homosexuality, adultery, murder, etc. The more this nation moves away from its Spiritual moorings, the more likely it is to sink.

2) Historically, every society that has embraced homosexuality as "normal" or "OK" has, shortly thereafter, collapsed. I don't want to see our society do that now, or ever.

2007-05-23 08:42:43 · answer #4 · answered by †Lawrence R† 6 · 0 2

I hope that I can offer some insight. I try to love everyone as hard as I can. NOt everyone is the same, so not everyone has the same sins. Since we are all sinners, without a doubt, we should not decide (or judge) who's sin is greater or more disrespectful to God.

Yes, homosexuality is a sin. So is lying, using profanity, stealing, drinking to excess, staying away from God's house on the Sabbath, killing animals or people, gluttony, extortion, cheating people/customers that you serve, etc.

Since I am a sinner, and a Christian, I cannot possibly rate or categorize other sinners on the level of sinning that they do. How can I? I am just as bad as any one of you!

So, if someone denounces or cuts down a homosexual, it is because they are a sinner themselves, but think that they are better than that person. And how can any one of us be better than another? We can't...We don't like each other's sins, but we should not label that person because their sins are different from ours. After all, who are we to decide who's sins are worse than ours?

2007-05-23 08:33:43 · answer #5 · answered by joe_on_drums 6 · 1 2

They use it because they are trying to disguise their hatred of homophobia. If I met a child killer I don't just hate the 'sin' of child killing, I hate that person. The person is defined by an action that is so hideous it exemplifies who they are as a human being, and I will hate/detest/loathe that individual.

The christian fable that they love you but still think you are a disgusting filthy sinner is ridiculous.

2007-05-23 09:12:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Not a Christian (godless), but I did want to comment on some of what you wrote.

It is indeed wrong for Christians to impose their beliefs on the rest of us via the law.

BTW, how many people rant on and on about the 10 Commandments, but DON'T spend one day a week "holy"?

What would happen to professional athletics if people weren't such hypocrites? (And praying for a touchdown doesn't count as worship; it still violates that commandment, as it's a secular, not a holy, activity that's being worshipped.)

2007-05-23 12:46:57 · answer #7 · answered by tehabwa 7 · 0 0

Christians don't have an independent viewpoint when it comes to sin and sinners. God loves the sinner, whoever he or she is, as much as He loves anyone; because we're ALL sinners. Some of us have experienced the forgiveness that God offers everyone through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But that's where the difference ends.No one but God can be anyone's judge. And make no mistake, God hates sin.

2007-05-23 08:32:19 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Selby's take on His Holiness the Dalai Lama's quote on homosexuality is a really cute cut and paste attempt to support their homophobic rhetoric. Be advised: His Holiness the Dalai Lama's opinion is NOT NOT NOT homophobic and he's changed his mind to a significant degree. I'm sick and tired of cut and paste.


2007-05-23 08:41:22 · answer #9 · answered by vinslave 7 · 2 0

1. It is destructive to the person involved in the homosexual act- it damages the anus & sphincter muscles.
2. It is destructive to society (obviously it stops reproduction & is unclean).
3. It is looked down upon in the Bible (New Testament-Romans 1), therefore, I cannot approve of homosexual BEHAVIOR.
4. I believe homosexuality is a VERB or an ACTION, not a person.

Hope this helps you understand my point of view.


2007-05-23 08:59:04 · answer #10 · answered by Jeff- <3 God <3 people 5 · 0 2

Actually, in my state it's illegal to swear, and people have been arrested for swearing in front of children.

And, to be honest, the veiw of homosexuality in the Bible is the same as murder, witchcraft, and rape. Offenders were killed. I don't know how it can get worse then that.

If by Christians' actions against homosexuals, you mean voting against gay marriane, they can justify that as loving by saying they're not allowing you to sin, they're keeping society clean, etc.

If you're talking about direct acts against you, or your friends, that's something else, and I don't think they can justify it, even to themselves.

2007-05-23 08:41:38 · answer #11 · answered by mury902 6 · 1 2

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