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2007-05-23 08:15:36 · 19 answers · asked by Antares 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Technically speaking, even the disbelievers are Gods children then.

2007-05-23 08:18:22 · update #1

19 answers

because that's what us Mormons teach want to convert??

you are a child of god
and he has sent us here
has given us an earthly home with parents kind and dear
he leads us guides us walks besides us
and helps us find the way
he will teach us all we need to know
to live with him some day

2007-05-23 11:17:10 · answer #1 · answered by mobile auto repair (mr fix it) 7 · 0 0

you misunderstand Genesis 1 then. You see, when Adam and Eve ate the fruit and disobeyed God, it was like a declaration of independance from God. so man was now his own, not God's. man was now a child that disowned his Father.

now Jesus came so that we who are born back into His family, like an adoption almost, are once again children of God.

see how that works?

and Jesus was basically part of God put into a soul. God's essense itself contains God's mind, will and emotions, and so if a part is taken away, it still has 100% of God in it; both substance and characteristics. He was the literal Son as half of His dna had God's atoning blood, hence the virgin birth (bloodlines carry through the fathers). so having half of God the Father's dna makes Him the literal Son. He was also spiritually the Son as He was in complete obedience to the father, like a good son is to his parents.

hope that helps!

2007-05-23 15:24:51 · answer #2 · answered by Hey, Ray 6 · 1 0

Our souls are given to us AT birth by God. Jesus was God's Son from all eternity. Christ was and is fully God and fully Man, and the only person to ever have that dual nature. This isn't an opinion, or an assumption, it is Scriptural truth.

2007-05-23 15:23:04 · answer #3 · answered by Paulie D 5 · 2 0

The mystery of the union of Jesus' diine and human nature in one person is called the "INCARNATION." Like the Trinity, the Incarnation is a mystery that we will never be able to fully understand. bu we do know that at the time appointed by God, Jesus Christ, the Word of God, became incarnate. This is, without losing his divine nature, he became fully human. This is expressed in the Nicene Creed when we say, "For us men and for our salvation he was born of the Virgin Mary and became man".

The common phrase used in Cathlic teachings is that Jesus Christ is both "true God and true man." This may sound a little odd to our gender-sensitive modern ears, but the Church uses this phrasing to emphasize the Word of God became fully human, and human being are always male or female. The phrase "true man" isn't meant to make us focus on Jesus' masculinity as much as his humanity.

Because Jesus Christ the human and the divine are perfectly united, he is the perfect and only mediator between God and humanity. God is able to fully reveal his loving plan for us through Jesus. And in learning about jesus, we understand more fully what God requires of us. in fac\t, God wants us to share in Christ's divinity! That doesn't mean that he wants to make us gods, but that he wants us to become the image of God we were created to be. By believing in Jesus and in giving ourselves to him with all our whole heart, mind, and soul, the Holy Spirit will help us become more fully the image of God, which is our ultimate destiny.

2007-05-23 15:28:41 · answer #4 · answered by Giggly Giraffe 7 · 2 0

You logic seems faulty. You are trying to tie together two unrelated concepts.

We assume that Jesus was God's son because (i) he said so; (ii) he came back from the dead, so obviously there is something different about him; and, (iiI) he performed miracles (if you are God's son also, can you heal the blind with a word?).

Unbelievers are not God's children, because God has said that he disowns them -- because they have disowned their spiritual Father (God). You might not like that, but who can argue with God?

2007-05-23 15:22:41 · answer #5 · answered by Randy G 7 · 2 0

And who is discredeting that, your question just doesn'e make since, even with the clarification. We are all God's children, yes even those who don't believe it, with belief comes the saving grace of God himself. If you don't wish to believe in what is in your heart at the time of birth, then so be it.

2007-05-23 15:20:33 · answer #6 · answered by Perhaps I love you more 4 · 0 0

We are all spirit children of our Heavenly Father. Christ is the only begotten Son (biological son).

Virgin Birth with God as the biological Father of Jesus Christ.

Mary biological mother of Christ

2007-05-23 15:21:24 · answer #7 · answered by Dionysus 5 · 1 0

In the Beginning was the word and the word was with God and the Word was God. Word= Jesus

2007-05-23 15:23:49 · answer #8 · answered by PerfactxInxWeakness 2 · 1 0

For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not parish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

2007-05-23 15:20:42 · answer #9 · answered by WRF 3 · 1 0

Yes even the unbelievers are GODS children, HE did not send HIS SON to the saved, GOD sent HIS SON to the unsaved.

2007-05-24 19:24:19 · answer #10 · answered by Cheryl 5 · 0 0

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