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21 answers

These acts that you mention are acts against innocent people and they will be brought into account for. These acts against innocent people are acts against humanity and they will not escape.

At the same there is mounting evidence that the official story of 9/11 wasn't the whole truth. This is a smokescreen, you have to see clearly.

2007-05-23 08:54:22 · answer #1 · answered by Knowing Gnostic 5 · 0 0

That is the way they have been brought up. Thats the only way they know how to think. Religion is not free it is a dictatorship run by an imaginary god. All of them are like this maybe not this extreme but look different religions do different things. They all give money so they could build grand churches and priests could live for free have gold everything. A loving god wouldn't want you to do this but a dictator would. The only reason they believe is because they are raised that way, lonely and scared and then get tricked, or just can't think for themselves and follow a group.

2007-05-23 07:59:27 · answer #2 · answered by joe d 4 · 0 0

Oh my gosh! God does NOT condone any of this! God gave each and everyone of us something called FREE WILL and what we choose to do with that is up to all of us. Some will make it, other's won't. Look at the blessings in your life? Those blessings IS why I worship, have faith and keep getting up in the morning.

2007-05-23 07:55:14 · answer #3 · answered by JazzyLynn 3 · 0 0

The same god that has been the cause of just about every war throughout history.

Response to Cover Girl
….how convenient that you blame everyone but the parents of the people who commit these crimes. It is the parents responsibility to teach right from wrong. Please leave religion and the Bible out of our public schools. If God where to have answerd that letter in the way in which you put it, then that just proves that god is as weak as the parents who want god in schools. What kind of god can't help kids from being shot while in school? Oh I know, the one that doesn't exist!!! Wake up!!

2007-05-23 08:28:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How do you know god is condoneing it? I belive in reincarnation so i think in their next life/birth they will be punished. Why not worship god? While you may be thinking this is a bad thing someone on the other side of the planet may think its a good thing who should god listen too? Its a hard descion.

2007-05-23 08:08:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That depends -- do I get the 70 virgins?

Just out of curiosity -- what kind of god condones the bombing of abortion clinics which have been carried out by Christian Extremists? And why would you worship such a god?

2007-05-23 07:59:10 · answer #6 · answered by Ranto 7 · 1 0

The Bible teaches the actuality approximately God. In a million John 4:8 it says that "God is love". he's the very epitome or essence of affection. All of his strikes are inspired by way of this high quality. His love is plenty better than ours. might somebody with that solid a love even think of of asking somebody to kill themselves and others? 2 Chronicles 33:a million-6 yet esp verse 6 factors out that years in the past, a guy named "Manasseh did on a grand scale what became detestable in God's eyes to offend him". This secure sacrificing his very own babies. If this indignant God, might he truly tell every person to do some thing so depraved as to take part in suicide bombings? pastime 34:10 says, that the authentic God won't be able to and would not act wickedly or unjustly. this is no longer in his character to do such issues. in case you owned and ran a business enterprise and desperate to hire persons, would not you be entitled to set a code of habit on how issues must be achieved and what should not be achieved? further, through fact the writer of all issues, alongside with the earth and us, would not God have the suited to set standards or codes of habit for us, people who use the earth and its aspects to the entire? The Bible teaches that there is habit that he disapproves of in a million Corinthians 6:9-11 which includes homosexuality. additionally in answer to your final question, if his son, first creation, Jesus completely meditated him and refused to take part in any political perspectives, might God truly tell every person to vote for a definite political occasion? He has his very own kingdom/government which will step in real quickly and there'll be no choose for human governments.

2016-10-13 05:33:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A man's made up god! If humans did know the true god they wouldn't go around doing the slightest wrong but of course these fundamentalists misinterpret all they read/told and it gets much worse from then on.
Theres nothing more dangerous then a man's belief.

2007-05-23 07:59:57 · answer #8 · answered by amann2772 1 · 1 0

I dont know all the answers but have you ever stopped to realize whats the root of it all. I assure you it's not got that's commanding it to happen, he'll allow it to happen but not command it to happen: Read this. and then think about it...

Dear God:

Why didn't you save the school children at ?

Virginia Tech

 Amish Country, PA

Columbine High School

Moses Lake, Washington 2/2/96

Bethel, Alaska 2/19/97!

Pearl, Mississippi 10/1/97

West Paducah, Kentucky 12/1/97

Stam P, Arkansas 12/15/97

Jonesboro, Arkansas 3/24/98

Edinboro, Pennsylvania 4/24/98

Fayetteville, Tennessee 5/19/98

Springfield, Oregon 5/21/98

Richmond, Virginia 6/15/98

Littleton, Colorado 4/20/99

Taber, Alberta, Canada 5/28/99

Conyers, Georgia 5/20/99

Deming, New Mexico 11/19/99

Fort Gibson, Oklahoma 12/6/99

Santee, California 3/ 5/01 and

El Cajon, California 3/22/01?


Concerned Student



Dear Concerned Student:

I am not allowed in schools.




How did this get started?...

   Let's see,

I think it started when Madeline Murray O'Hare complained

She didn't want any prayer in our schools.

And we said, OK...


Someone said you better not read the Bible in school,

The Bible that says

"Thou shalt! Not kill,

Thou shalt not steal,

And love your neighbors as yourself,"

And we said, OK...


Dr. Benjamin Spock said

We shouldn't spank our children

when they misbehaved

because their little personalities

would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem.

And we said,

An expert should know what he's talking about.

So we won't spank them anymore...


Then someone said

Teachers and principals better not

Discipline our children when they misbehave.

And the school administrators said

No faculty member in this school

Better touch a student when they misbehave

Because we don't want any bad publicity,

And we surely don't want to be sued.

And we accepted their Reasoning...


And the entertainment industry said,

let's make TV shows and movies that promote

Profanity, violence and illicit sex...

And let's record music that encourages

Rape, drugs, murder, suicide, and satanic themes...

And we said,

it's just entertainment

And it has no adverse effect

And nobody takes it seriously anyway,

So go right ahead.


Now we're asking ourselves

Why our children have no conscience,

Why they don't know right from wrong,

 And why it doesn't bother them to

Kill strangers, classmates or even themselves.



If we thought about it long and hard enough,

We could figure it out.

I'm sure it has a great deal to do with...


   Pass it on

If you think it has merit!    But if you discard this thought process,

Then don't sit back and complain about

what bad shape this country is in!

2007-05-23 07:58:45 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

it started with cain first recorded any way ....first muder then you see that he was sent to cain ...first lie was satin in the garden of eden ..... just samples of way life is if you notice god heard the voice from the ground crying ----------so god can hear the dead ???????? right were it is very deep mystical ....in my thinking ..sucide is a choice of the person beheading look at john the baptist a murder again ....was not god's choice to behead it was humans mistakes

2007-05-23 07:59:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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