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I am a professional but many of my friends, family and townspeople are laborers. Most of the people I know probably fit into the definition of laborer. They are hard working, dependable people who have bought homes, raised kids, paid taxes and lived the American dream.

Where did the perception that Americans will not do labor jobs come from? I know factory workers, farmers, construction workers, and others who are Americans. Is that phenomonom only in my state?

2007-05-23 07:44:25 · 26 answers · asked by M B 5 in Politics & Government Immigration


I HAVE done labor jobs, I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I earned everything I have, and I have the student loans to help me remember when I forget.

2007-05-23 10:05:04 · update #1

26 answers


You go to an illegal and say: "Hey, would you like to do some labor for me - the pay is below minimum wage, there are no benefits, there's a small chance you'll die, and even if you survive, you'll likely have permanent health problems - sound OK?"

Then try the same pitch with an American.

Repeat that several times and you'll come to the conclusion that Americans don't want to do the job you have to offer.

2007-05-23 07:51:19 · answer #1 · answered by B.Kevorkian 7 · 7 3

Americans do not wish to do farm labor or manufacturing labor for less than what they should be being paid for those kinds of jobs.

The government found that they could write, and pass a bill enabling them to fire American workers and replace them with low-wage, unskilled workers and make a profit, as well as helping out the farmer and their profits.

All farmers are given a government supplement in money to plant or not plant certain types of crops. So they get paid for doing that. Or they simply do what my uncle always did - which was take the money to plant the crop, get the crop ready to harvest, and when 1 combine broke down , the rest sat on the side-line while the crops rotted. Then he took a profit loss on the crops and got paid again. When he told me how he worked the system, and he only needed to pay back $50,000 - his crops were worth $90,000. I asked him why he didn't just harvest the crops and come out ahead with $40,000. He never really answered me on the subject, but I told him I thought he was a stupid business man for passing up that kind of money.

So this is a fable dreamed up by some employers, and the government. Just like illegals babies born here are American citizens which they are not, and never have been.

Also do an internet search on the "Bracero". The American government hired them from out of Mexico during WWII to cover jobs that American military couldn't do because they were off fighting the war. Imagine when America gets back her fighting men and women, and they themselves are unable to do work or function like they once had been able to to do the work, or can no longer do the work.

2007-05-23 15:14:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I used to work in the fast food industry - not labor, but still a crappy job - and during the time that I was in the management position, and put up now hiring signs, etc. etc. who came out? I can tell you that for every 10 people that showed up, there was no more than 1 that was non hispanic. As for well they were hired because they get paid less, in the different rest. that I worked at, it was the spanish cooks that made more money then anyone else in the store. Why? Everyone was brought in making basically the same amount - based on experience - then you got merit based raises. The cooks were there everyday, doing their job and more, meanwhile the american people who work there did nothing more than sit on their butts and do nothing. There were some americans that worked, but many did not.
Yes there are americans that will do labor, and work the crappy jobs, even for the average wage, but there isnt alot that will come out and apply, and like others have had to deal with alot of them wont do the work. The work ethic in this country sucks.

2007-05-23 18:18:27 · answer #3 · answered by jensantosleon 3 · 0 2

Americans do labor jobs everyday, my personal belief is that some political fat cat came up with this slogan at some point to justify letting millions of illegal workers into jobs other than picking fruit. I will go along with the argument that most Americans do not want to pick fruit and that is what a carefully crafted worker program is for. As for the rest of the labor jobs as far as I am concerned, every time an illegal takes a position he is taking it from a citizen.

2007-05-23 16:08:36 · answer #4 · answered by Rabid Frog 4 · 3 0

If Americans are "above" doing manual labor, how come 600 U.S. citizens took the jobs at the Swift meat packing plants that were left vacant after the immigration raids?

They obviously didn't feel the work was beneath them!

Illegals take away jobs from American union workers and skilled tradesmen. And it makes those working environments that much more dangerous because they lack the education and skills for those jobs. Of course the corporations LOVE it, as their profit margin increases since they don't have to pay out anything more than minimum wage for a job that normally demands $15 an hour.

I've done my share of less than desirable jobs to get me through 2 years of being unemployed. But at least I was paid a fair day's wage for it.

2007-05-23 15:07:46 · answer #5 · answered by tiny Valkyrie 7 · 5 1

Its a false conclusion lead by the media to get America to buy in to the story that if the 12m. were sent back that America would not be able to survive. Amnesty rewards an illegal act by individuals who are undercutting the American way of life, they pay no taxes, receive no health care benefits from their employers which make them an avenue for increased profits. Anyway how needs a middle class, Ive visited many third world countries without us.

2007-05-23 17:59:37 · answer #6 · answered by travelnman 2 · 2 0

What you are hearing about Americans not wanting to do labor is a Corporate talk point lie.The truth is that Americans will do all,and any job.Illegal workers are working for less money,no benefits, and they can't complain,they are replaceable,if one gets hurt, another steps in.This is a crisis for American workers, how can they work for less, you know how much it cost to be an American,pay taxes,health care,housing,maintaining a Car with Insurance.No,it's a lie,Americans do work labor jobs,all over this Country,but where Illegal workers gather,Americans can not compete.

2007-05-23 15:06:31 · answer #7 · answered by song1709! 3 · 5 1

I have been a laborer in the past. I've held two or three jobs at a time. Currently I work in an office doing anything they need me to do. I handle shipping/receiving, maintenance, painting, carpet cleaning, cubicle building, etc. NOBODY can tell me Americans won't do these jobs.

2007-05-23 15:51:05 · answer #8 · answered by srdongato2 5 · 5 0

No, you're right however...the labor the illegal Mexicans are claimed to be doing are BELOW minimum wage and not taxed. The laborers such as construction workers get paid much better, depending on skill levels.

Americans would rather sit home and collect WELFARE than work low paying jobs, especially difficult ones. USA pays people NOT to work the menial jobs. The system is screwed up. There is a mindset whereby some people think WHY WORK WHEN WE CAN GET PAID FOR FREE.

The bulk of America's poor are high school dropouts who chose NOT to be educated and make no attempt in improving their lives until they've had a few kids and get cut off Welfare rolls.

2007-05-23 15:08:25 · answer #9 · answered by Suze 6 · 2 5

First, here in NC I have not seen the problem. I help manage several sole proprietor owned construction companies. Every day I here from them " who applied for the job I posted"
I show them the apps and they hand them back to me. I even had one guy hand write a letter sort of begging for the position and would gladly start at $8 and hour. Lost job in one of the Cotton Mill jobs here that went to foreign countries all over the world. "Thanks NAFTA!"
At his mill job he was making $18 an hour. I thought he was a good prospect, had loads of experience. Called him and asked him to come in for an interview and boss hired him. By the way he was a Caucasin male 35. Supposed to start Monday. Called him to ask where he was and said he had been at hospital with wife / false labor / told him to come in tomorrow with docs statement. He didn't show. He called Wednesday and asked if boss could pick him up. Told him no he would have to find his own way in. Thurs. did not show. I beleive I have gone through 50 aps in 2 months with the same things or they quit after 2 wks. All the Hispanics that have applied showed up the next day ready to work. I even have one guy that acutually gets up at 4 am to walk to the office and is there by 6:30am to catch a ride to the job site and then walks home! All can speak english except one . I have only had one of them lay out and never come back in the last year. Now, you tell me why even individually owned businesses would rather hire immigrants? The few of us who have a good work ethic is a dying breed and I congratulate you all for doing so! Especially those of you under the age of 30! That is how America was made, by hard working people!
I wish some of you men that have the good work ethic lived here. I could really use some go getters for these guys.

2007-05-23 16:25:27 · answer #10 · answered by Karma of the Poodle 6 · 1 3

Good question especially since I just quit my corporate high paying job and went back into a labor job. Seems that I like to work hard, outside, doing a job that everyone says only the illegal immigrants will do.

2007-05-23 14:59:04 · answer #11 · answered by Gary M 5 · 5 1

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