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First of all, let me state that global warming is the warming of the Earth's atmosphere leading to climate change such as the melting of ice caps, melting of glaciers, and rising sea levels. I don't think there can be much debate about whether global warming is actually happening. I think the term "global warming" is mistakenly used to mean "warming caused by human activity".

Second, I'm not asking what, if anything, can be done to stop/slow global warming. What I'm asking is to what extent do you think human activity is involved with global warming versus natural processes - whether they are Earthly or Solar.

My personal feeling is the warming is part of a natural cycle which human activity might accelerate, but is not the root cause.

2007-05-23 07:27:48 · 13 answers · asked by Justin H 7 in Environment Global Warming

13 answers

Give that man a cigar!

Global climate change IS natural and there are many respected members of the scientific community that believe that global warming is a GOOD thing! Many more people die of hypothermia than heat exhaustion, and if the world temperature goes up, and the atmosphere retains more heat then more areas become habitable while our hydrocarbon envelope protects the equatorial regions from direct sunlight so they dont just become a giant bar-b-q grill!

People rarely mention that another natural phenomenon, that global warming may help forestall, called a "polar shift" could wipe out human civilization as we know it...This is a catastrophic "wobble" that occurs every few hundred million years or so due to the earths vertical axis in relation to the sun. When water evaporates, it precipitates. Some of the water becomes snow and remains frozen in the polar regions, over time the mass of frozen water grows and grows, trapped as ice, until the mass is great enough to unbalance the rotational stability of the planet and the ice caps swing down to where the equator is now...We are talking BIG CHANGE here...Earth scorching magnetic storms, tectonic realignment amounting to BEDROCK TSUNAMIS! The continents as we know them could cease to be with new oceans and landmasses forming from the buckling of the earth's crust...

Global warming doesn't sound so bad...

2007-05-23 07:46:01 · answer #1 · answered by Dr Bob 4 · 1 0

Cyclical climate change is normal. it's been going on for 4.6 billion years.

The supposed IPCC report which uses 2500 scientists names as references fail to take the actual scientists recommendations into the report I would strongly suggest every one view the Global Warming Swindle. Tim Ball, among other scientists involved in the study of the report have said what the report contains is invalid. It about politics and power and not about anything more then that.

of the 2500 contributing scientist 1700 have written letters of protest to the IPCC for not following scientific peer review prior to publication.

Human activity effect microclimates. As another thread was pointing out, the earth is covered by nearly 3/4 oceans, of the land surface man occupied maybe 20% most of which the population density is less then 1 person per square mile.

When I was studying climatology and meteorology back in the late 1970s the prof I took microclimate course from John Gray of the University of Colorado went into detail about the microclimate of cities. The biggest portion of our population density is jammed in an area that would fit in the size florida all told.

Most of these people rarely go outside their condo or apartment let alone travel across the country or the world to see anything.

Has the earth's temp risen? yes, 7/10s of one degree celsius over the last hundred years. that said the trend over the last five was a drop back to 5/10s.

Does CO2 impact climate or temp? actually the rise in CO2 levels follow rather then precede a rise in temperature...

So yes, virginia if the earth is warming it is due mostly to the increase in solar activity as noted by NASA, NOAA and SOHO.

Lastly about the word "BELIEF or BELIEVE!"

The eco-marxist religion is clearly agenda driven. It lacks scientific validity. It is a "belief" not fact.

One fact they have correct, the earth's mean temperature has risen 7/10s of 1 degree over the last hundred years. That is the end of their factual evidence.

There is no evidence it is human caused.

Here are two websites that contain a large compendium of valid scientific climate information.



Any time the word "BELIEF or BELIEVE" enters the conversation think "RELIGION". It is cult of epic proportion. The only way to deprogram yourself or others is with facts and understanding.

I am a lifelong student. when I first heard of "Global Warming" I recall in my environmental studies in college the "prevailing" wind was around a new Ice Age.

With certainty climate changes, and has been doing so for 4.6 billion years. Sometimes quickly sometime slowly.

Man is inherently narcissistic and our cultural shapers have found ways to manipulate this for the purpose of gaining power.

The validity of IPCC report fails based on inadequate peer review, Most of the supposed 2500 scientists involved are saying the content of the report is NOT what they recommended of even wrote.

What we can do about it? nothing. Don't believe it. Use your common sense. If there is money involved, someone's pocket will be lined.

Al Gore's is definitely one of the primary pocket liners of the ecomarxist religion.

2007-05-23 16:41:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well--you're a bit off base on a couple of points. First, scientists do not use the "term "global warming" to refer to warming caused by human activity.

Correctly stated, here is the situation: scientists identified a global warming trend some years ago. then they set out to find the cause--though even as far back as the early 800s some suspected CO2 emissions as the culprit. But the reference to this as caused by human activity became general only after exhaustive research confirmed that human activity was indeed responsible--and after research that ruled out other possible causes.

That brings me to the second point where you are off base. There is no longer any debate among (legitimate) scientists: the current global wrming is not due to natural causes, but to human activity. It's no longer a matter of opinion, it is established fact.

The focus now needs to be on solving the problem--what changes are needed and how dowe make the changes in a way that will foster economic growth, and minimize downside costs.

2007-05-23 14:53:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I think "global warming" in general is a misused term, so I do agree with your initial premise. "Climate Change" is a more accurate and descriptive term for fluctuations in global or regional mean temperatures.

Do I think human activity is the cause? No. Relating global statistical trends to local phenomenon is very fuzzy science. Not illegitimate, just model and inference based (fuzzy).

Do I think human activity is involved? Yes. Any time we manipulate our environment there are affects beyond what we would intuitively expect.

I'm certainly no expert on this subject (despite how many wbsites I visit), but do have a pretty good background in scientific research and inference. I just don't think there is enough data to firmly say yes, no or to what extent, legitimately.

2007-05-23 16:07:52 · answer #4 · answered by Ryan 1 · 0 0

I am so arrogant to believe that i am more clever or i have more information than 2500 scientists working along years for the IPCC reports. And we all know, if we are honest enough, why some scientists state doubts about it, in most cases the root cause of those doubts is oil related money.

My feelings dont count.

And my actions are the same, even if humans would not be the root cause of climate change, we must do our best to stop it. Unless we dont care about humankind.

2007-05-23 14:50:15 · answer #5 · answered by carmenl_87 3 · 0 0

you are right. the earth's temperature has fluctutated greatly during the history of it. there have been times when the whole planet was incased in ice and there have been times where most of the planet was tepid jungle-like landscape. we find fossil and geological evidence of this all the time. i think what most people fail to realise is that we are a part of this planet and its natural evolution. anything we do (or have done) with our fossil fuels and green house gas emitting technology can be considered part of the earth's natural course of things. previous to us, there were no species with out capabilities so there was never a previous example as to how green house gases could have effected the earth's natural temperature fluctuations. don't even think for a minute though that i am saying we have been doing the right thing in allowing our technologies to accelerate a climate change. if you look at the natural way of things...all creatures obey the laws of nature. we're the only species who have justified putting ourselves outside the laws of nature because of our advanced techonologies. it is my belief that we should look to our anthropological roots to figure out how best to live in harmony with the planet and with all the other life it supports though.

2007-05-23 14:44:36 · answer #6 · answered by kestrelk8 6 · 0 0

I agree with you. Global warming is being hyped up as a political platform. The single biggest contributor to global warming in the US is... the active volcano in Hawaii. Global warming is a natural phenomenon and scientists pretend to have it figured out to get grant $ from the politicians pushing the agenda. We do not have accurate enough info to evaluate the geological time scale that makes OUR frame of time reference just the blink of an eye. Read "State of Fear." It's a little over the top, but the author's notes at the end are really good. I am not an advocate of polluting our environment - I am listed in Who's Who in environmental engineering. I just feel - in fact I know, that pretending to have global warming figured out is about as valid as pretending the bible is the truth of creation.

2007-05-23 14:36:06 · answer #7 · answered by Laguna Tim 2 · 1 1

During the spring thaws in northern Europe this year some folks found an abandoned silver mine. the tools were stored at its opening and it was determined that it had been abandoned over a thousand years ago because it became iced over and just never thawed out till now. Greenland was so named because it once was a lush sub-tropical paradise.. There have always been climactic changes and there always will be. Man's part in it has always been minimal, but we, in our vanity, have decided we are able to change the times and tides on a whim--- not happening.

2007-05-23 14:39:40 · answer #8 · answered by mr.phattphatt 5 · 0 0

I do believe that there is a natural progression. How could there not be. ....but I do think that humans have caused a lot of the major global warming that has happened. People drive to much, they don't reuse things, they don't recycle enough, etc. Driving less would create less emissions & ruseing and recyling would mean that less bottles, packaging would have to be made so that would probably cause less energy use from machines. I'm no expert but I really am worried about our planet.

2007-05-23 14:36:39 · answer #9 · answered by jumpingstar 3 · 1 1

man has about 6 to7 percent direct impact on the climates.with cars and power plants if add farming to the it will add another 8 to 10 percent that includes the cu ting down of tress. most of the comes the earth. by way volcano's stored gas. the location of the play a large part to the warming.with the orbits of the worlds shifting from time to time the temps of the other planets would go up like what is happening now. the probes that we have sent out shows a warming up of the worlds that we sent out.

2007-05-23 14:46:09 · answer #10 · answered by red 1 · 0 1

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