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All Christians believe in the importance of family. Many study the Bible and pray together everyday (Not just for FHE). Many Christian families are so devoted to each other that they teach their kids at home. Many Bible believing churches won't even consider marrying someone who has been divorced. All Christians believe families can be together for eternity, (so long as they are all saved) without the earthy trappings and failures of marriage on earth.

It is kind of annoying to hear Mormons say they are the only family friendly religion. Especially considering the fact that they won't even alow some family members to attend their own kids wedding and the fact that they keep families so busy in church callings that they had to create FHE to make sure they had at least one day together as a family.

2007-05-23 07:15:47 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

I know what you mean. It bugs me that the Mormons seem to think they invented a love of family. They are not the only ones who love their family. You can be atheist and want to spend time with your family. It sickens me how in an Mormon family if a child leaves the religion, the Mormons act like that child has died. In some cases the child is disowned by the Mormon family members. "Family, it's about time"??? Yea, right. Only if all your family is Mormon or potential Mormons.

2007-05-23 09:35:02 · answer #1 · answered by MistyAnn 3 · 3 7

We don't believe we're the only religion that's family friendly. We just put a ton of stress on family. It saddens me that some religions believe that family is just for our time on earth. This also offends me- "Especially considering the fact that they won't even allow some family members to attend their own kids wedding and the fact that they keep families so busy in church callings that they had to create FHE to make sure they had at least one day together as a family." The temple is the Lords house. You're going to spend eternity with your spouse, it's very important and the temple is the place to preform these ordinances. FHE is not just to spend one night with your family- it's to talk about the week, and to learn about the gospel. It's been around for a very long time.

2007-05-23 23:04:40 · answer #2 · answered by powderlovinbluedevil 4 · 5 1

We don't claim to have cornered the market on family. We invite all to keep whatever good you have learned and see if we can add to it. We emphasize family values and togetherness to strengthen our own members that get too caught up in the hastles of everyday life. We also have lots of church activities so that the members will not forget their devotions to God and to each other. Does this sometimes conflict with church v. family? Yes, it does. Sometimes I have to say no to one or the other because of priorities. Let it be known that even our leaders are counseled to never neglect our families in favor of church work. The family comes first. Our first responsibility in life is to bring our family back to God's presence. No other success can compensate for our failure in the home. The most important work we will do in this life will be between the four walls of our own homes.
If that appeals to you, then come and learn more. If you are comfortable with what you have, then I'm happy for you. There is no need for contention. We can all agree that our family unit is essential to our own happiness as well as the success of our very society.

2007-05-23 14:32:30 · answer #3 · answered by rac 7 · 4 4

I have heard LDS church leaders praise the family values of other religions (Christian, Jew, Buddhist, etc.).

to extrapolate on an LDS article of faith -- We claim the privilege of promoting families and family values according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all other religions to promote families and family values in like manor; let them do it how where or what they may.

2007-05-23 14:26:21 · answer #4 · answered by Dionysus 5 · 4 0

They don't say they are the only family friendly religion...they just say they are family friendly.

Would any religion at all, even yours, work, if it did not claim to be the best, the only way to salvation?

2007-05-23 14:23:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Where do you think these other churches got these ideas from? FHE was instituted in our church almost 100 years ago.

Who else tries to tie their ancestors together through geneology?

2007-05-23 20:01:55 · answer #6 · answered by BigOnDrums 3 · 5 2

I not a Mormon, but they sure have one up on us on being fruitful and multiplying.
hey I have family nite every night around my dinner table and watching the baseball games with my kids, ordering them pizza's and renting DVDs no one OWNS family time.

this guy above me, is rude then says peace? look up ^^^^^

2007-05-23 14:22:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

ex-mormon here from SLC, UT. thats an easy one, Mormons do not know about being saved, they do not realize that you can be with loved ones outside of the temple, if you are all saved. Mormons do not drink or smoke or take drugs, or even drink coffee. Mormons believe in being a virgin. They believe in looking good in public and some homeschool their kids, but not all do. The women are all required to stay at home, unless they are needed to work outside of the home, and the men believe that a women must obey, all family values that our country was founded on...but...this is not what all other christian churches preach that will get a person into heaven. Oh yea geneology is also another one. The reliefsociety (lady meetings they have every wednesday) teaches the women how to be better ladies in the home, kind of like Martha Stewart classes.
Christians can chose to work in the church or if they need to, spend more time with their family, especially some of the families in my church that have 12 kids who are all homeschooled. One Mom who has 8 kids, still works in the church. Being saved means we will still see all of those we love in heaven, I know where my tithing is going, I can pray for others and pray for healing as women, I am not required to have too many kids, as a matter of fact, mormon men did not want me, because i was divorced with teo kids and it was easier to find a christioan man who wanted me then a Mormon man (so where was the family orientation in the mormon men here?), ect.

2007-05-23 14:34:55 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 7

Why are you so bitter towards Mormons? Just because we focus on family and Christ doesn't mean we think others can't...

I know this much... Christ's gospel and family are the two most important things to the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints(LDS/Mormon).

have a nice day :)

2007-05-23 14:28:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

Know what's even more annoying?
Hearing different christian sects argue about their various myths and superstitions.
Guess what -- you're *all* delusional, and none of this stuff you want to argue about makes any difference of any kind. There's no god, there's no "eternity," no heaven...
Yet you spend what little time you have while living the only life you'll ever have, arguing about your myth being right and others being wrong.
What a waste.


2007-05-23 14:21:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 7

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