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getting pregnant outside marriage yet muslim women who do respect themselves are seen as downtroden by these christian women

2007-05-23 07:05:00 · 37 answers · asked by darth_maul_8065 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

BTW, my friend accidentally signed in to my account, so I didn't actually ask this question... I just noticed the mistake... but feel free to answer anyway.

2007-05-23 07:13:56 · update #1

Yes, Max_Marie, I am aware that a question can be deleted. But I have left it up out of respect to my friend, whose account on Yahoo Answers is "aroundworldsports". And it seems to be quite a popular question, anyway. Nevertheless, I already made it clear that I do not endorse the views of this question.

I am however, quite concerned by the prevalent attitude among answerers that Muslim women are somehow oppressed or forced to follow a religious code. I'm not a Muslim, but I have Muslim friends and class-mates, most of them women, and this is not my experience at all. Most Muslim women I meet actively choose to wear the veil as a sign that they do not want to be regarded as sexual objects. Many of them are actively involved in the University Islamic society and show no signs of being oppressed or mistreated in any way. The Qur'an, in any case, like other religious Scriptures, preaches love, tolerance, respect and guarantees fixed rights to women that Christianity does not.

2007-05-23 12:49:57 · update #2

37 answers

why do any women disrespect themself by letting a man think he knows what's best for a woman... women and men are equal... christians critisize women for the same thing... a women is better off without a man than one who does not respect her... or Why do women disrespect themselves to follow a religion clearly defined by men for men... there is a lot of ways women can be disrespectful of themselves....

2007-05-28 19:05:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I am a Christian woman, and I do have respect for myself. As for getting drunk, I will admit to getting somewhat tipsy in my younger days. However now that I am a mother I can honestly say that I never have more than 2 drinks, when or even if I take part in drinking. Every woman on earth is different, all races and all religions have woman who may or may not act the way you described.
I am alittle insulted that you say "Christian woman" act this way. Some may in fact do, but there are many of us who do not. God Bless.

2007-05-23 07:12:54 · answer #2 · answered by Cresha B 4 · 1 0

Why don't you explain the importance of faith and works in Christian life to your friend? You seem to understand a lot about it. Maybe he'll listen to you.

That some women are choosing muslim lifestyle by their own free will is obivious. Just as it is obvious that some are being pressured into it.

You can almost tell by the manner in which they wear their traditional clothing.

edit: some more about "why seen as downtrodden":
It's this masquerade which reduces women to sexual objects (property).

2007-05-25 01:48:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think it's a matter of perceived freedom. I think most westerners tend to view Islam as repressive to women. I'm sure many Muslim women choose to conduct themselves modestly just as many Christian women do. As you pointed out, there are also Christian women who choose not to live by those standards. The perception in the west is that the Muslim women do not have the choice to decide how they wish to live their lives, but rather are forced to live that way because of the patriarchal interpretation of Sharia.

2007-05-23 07:22:27 · answer #4 · answered by ZombieTrix 2012 6 · 1 0

Did you know you can delete a question? Don't blame your friend.

I am a Christian. I don't get drunk. I don't have sex. And I don't see my Muslim sisters as downtrodden.

You'll find a great divide there pal.

Liberal Christian women see conservative Muslim women as down trodden.

Conservative Christian women (like myself) see conservative Muslim women as equals.

Fundamentalist Christian women are a whole other ball of wax.

Edit: So many people here want to compare apples to oranges. If you're going to compare, then US Christian women to US Muslim women. Not US Christian women to Saudi (or other Middle Eastern) Muslim Women. For pity's sake that's unreal. Saudi Christian women are under the same rules. Sadly they aren't allowed to follow their faith on pain of death.

2007-05-23 07:20:12 · answer #5 · answered by Max Marie, OFS 7 · 0 0

Dear darth,

Just because someone calls themsselves a "christian" does not mean that they have been redeemed by God. The Bible tells us that when someone has been "saved" they get a new heart.

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17).

"Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.
A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.
And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them." (Ezekiel 36:25-27).

I hope this will help you.

2007-05-23 07:57:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't know any Christian women who get drunk. Occasionally an ex-alcoholic Christian will "fall off the wagon" or a Christian may fall into sexual sin and end up pregnant, but this is not their habitual lifestyle. I don't know any Muslim women so I don't know if they respect themselves or not.

2007-05-23 07:54:25 · answer #7 · answered by Cee T 6 · 0 0

Are you certain that all muslim women behave entirely out of respect for themselves... or could it be that they are the victims of male dominance - married off at young ages, kept stupid, and strictly controlled by threatening husbands who have the blessings of a violent religion to back them up.

[][][] r u randy? [][][]

LOL... the first two answers took offense at being called drunks but neither said a word about getting pregnant outside of marriage. Is that a hoot, or what? (...It's just an observation, ladies - I'm sure you're both fine up-standing young women - it's just funny, that's all. No offense intended.)

2007-05-23 07:11:46 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

People conridict themselves. That shouldn't make you think different about their faith! Muslim and Christian women strive to avoid sin, but Muslim women often face worse punishment because of where they live if they do wrong, so that might lead them to appear more devout. I can only pray that those heretical "Christian" women seek good people to be around because obviously the punishment of an eternal toture doesn't seem to be working to deter them from mocking God.

2007-05-23 07:11:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Uh yeah.. it doesn't matter what religion any one is I've seen women of all religions getting drunk and yelling at each other about **** that doesn't matter, and my mother is christian and yes she gets drunk at times but 3 of her closest friends are Muslim so don't tell me that christian women look down on Muslims, or anyone else for that matter, some people are just like that, and just because SOME are doesn't mean they all are.

Get you facts straight.


2007-05-23 07:11:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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