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We are definately in need of help here on Earth, why won't he help?

2007-05-23 07:00:53 · 32 answers · asked by Axe 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

He can't.

Most Pagans have relationships with their deities. These deities had no trouble looking the Pagans up....

I've never met a monotheist who has met their god, which is one reason I think he doesn't exist.

2007-05-23 07:05:59 · answer #1 · answered by LabGrrl 7 · 3 6

I think the reason/s God is not as "visible" or detectable as He was during Moses' time could be:

1) Maybe one reason, besides Jesus' heritage, that the Jews were God's chosen people was b/c they were the ones to whom He would show Himself. So up until the time of Jesus' entry into our realm, He could manifest Himself (either visually or audibly) to them. After Jesus ascended to Heaven, and His followers found that the Gentiles were more willing to hear the Good News than their Jewish bretheren, it became obvious that the Jews were not so uniquely favored anymore; now God the Father, Yahweh, appears (detectably) to few if any...
(note that people will see Angels, Mary, even Jesus; but never God the Father)

2) The advanced (intellectually and technologically) society that we live in, and the development and progression of our brains, makes it more unlikely that God will show Himself to us. We are equipped for intelligence; we have technologies that display awesome graphical representations; would we even "know" God if we "saw" Him?
Thousands of years ago, the more simple lives of people and their closer relationship with nature could have made God more likely to want to communicate directly. Also, their more simplistic ways of thinking may have required such DIRECT communication, while our more advanced thought patterns are expected to be able to DETERMINE God's Presence via secondary means, such as the awesomeness of Existence, the complexity of Life, etc.

3) We "modern" folks have the advantage of the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible to "witness" God's Truth and Presence to us. We have the Quran, which also speaks and attests to God's Presence and Existence. Since we have access to such texts, we are expected to use them to "prove" to ourselves God's existence. We should need no "razzle dazzle" direct evidence. Our FAITH, besides being a gift, also shows how we CAN believe in Him without having to see with our own eyes.

As far as why doesn't God interfere and save us from ourselves...that really isn't his style, nowadays especially. WE got ourselves into this mess, WE need to find a way out. And if we fail, like all other humans before us, time will drag on as we struggle to learn how to live with each other...or utterly destroy ourselves in the process.

This is our Collective Destiny, our Collective Purpose: to learn to live together in Harmony and Peace. Only at the last moment, when the final straw is broken, at some perhaps "appointed time" that only He may know, will He step in and say "Enough's enough; you had your chance; now it's over"...

But if we DO manage to figure it out BEFORE that appointed Time (and I truly believe that's possible...hopefully within 5 years we'll have started the journey), then the Story may turn out much more incredible and beautiful than even the Prophets could have foreseen. The future they describe COULD happen (if we fail)...but it is NOT the way it HAS to happen.

WE, believe it or not, are in control of this Story. And each and every one of us has a role to play (whether we believe in an Invisible God or not!). Our individual life's purposes are to figure out what our important role is, and to carry that out when it is time to do so. So be alert, always be searching!


2007-05-23 07:32:08 · answer #2 · answered by rose-dancer 3 · 1 1

He does you fool. All you have to do is open your eyes.

God is not doing the wrong here.....it is you and I. He did his part by creating the heavens, earth, us, giving us our freedom to choose and promissing eternal life to those who follow him.

Humans are the ones that are at fault. We made this world what it is on our own; perhaps we should learn to fix our own mistakes. To blame God for what humans have done is totally wrong. Would you rather he take our freedom of choice away? Because in reality that is the ONLY way possible to change this world or keep it good.

Try praying, for reals - getting yourelf closer to God will make your life better.

And God will come, when the time is right. Be patient you!!

2007-05-23 07:16:39 · answer #3 · answered by Jessie 1 · 0 2

God wont do that unless it helps the many, not the few....

In Paganism, the Goddess is alot more tangible, we can see her all around us, so we dont need proof, so we see !

I think if you need proof of God, then u wont get it......

However, the Angelic messengers/guides/helpers seem to be quite busy here on Earth, so if you cannot see them at work, then you will never see your God !

2007-05-23 07:34:58 · answer #4 · answered by sittingbear43 3 · 1 0

When you see compassion in mankind as communities come together in tragedies or when you see beauty in the earth around us; when you receive love from a friend or unfailing love from a parent...there is God. The Lord is very much a part of this world. It is just that the majority of people don't know how to recognize Him. Instead they want to spit in His face by denying or cursing Him. After reading alot of the questions and responses in this category, I don't blame the Lord for not making Himself known to them. Lastly, this world is ONLY going to become more and more evil as these last days come to a close. The Lord is "helping" us today. If He weren't here, as you deceivingly think, we would all be DEAD now because the evil would consume us. Without the Light ( Jesus Christ) darkness ( satan, evil) would swallow us alive. Take heed or DIE!! It is your choice.

2007-05-23 07:16:05 · answer #5 · answered by HeVn Bd 4 · 0 2

He won't show himself because we have eternal blessings in heaven for believing without seeing.... this faith thing is a very powerful thing... it's essential to his plan and therefore we do not want him to show himself. We are need in help on earth but .... earth's faite is in God's hands and so are we, we do not live for earth we live for God. Therefore if he is for us who can be against us? It's his will, not our own. This being why we are to follow him and trust that he's got it all figured out. Read, see the warnings it speaks of in the bible... adhere to the guidelines as best you can... walk in faith.

2007-05-23 07:06:19 · answer #6 · answered by sassinya 6 · 3 2

And what would happen if he did?

Our God isn't everyone's "god", don't you think his sudden appearance would make things worse on Earth?

Sounds a little like apocalypse to me!

2007-05-23 10:40:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He is really an "IT" that we humans have used throughout history to explain whatever we don't understand. It is no longer interested in whatever we do here, and has moved on to other things, or does not exist at all anymore. Like Zeus and Hera, Sheba and Thor, it is no longer needed by us. As ignorance disappears, so do our gods.

2007-05-23 07:10:33 · answer #8 · answered by i8thr2 2 · 1 1

He does show himself to those that seek him.... Not in the human form... but think about it I see him in the clear blue sky outside my window, or in the face of someone who stops to help the woman on the side of the road change her flat, or the friend that just happens to call when you are really down...

"God could and would if he were sought"

Pray I bet you notice something too.

2007-05-23 07:10:23 · answer #9 · answered by dreakmaffeo 2 · 0 2

Its the entire aspect of "faith".

"God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).

If god showed himself, then the entire aspect of "faith" would disappear, destroying the entire point of religion.

Then again, some people say "he won't appear because he doesn't exist!"

Think about it. If he doesn't exist, I've wasted an hour of my life.

If he does, I'm saved.

If he does, you're doomed!

Oh, and last time he came we killed him. I don't think hes eager for a return eh!

2007-05-23 07:06:54 · answer #10 · answered by CanadianFundamentalist 6 · 1 2

God does show himself in his creation! If you knew the words of God then you would not question we are the image of God,he shows himself in the Christian. The word says things are going to get worse and worse. It is no surprise to the one that studies the word of God,it is true,that is one thing you see....God does show himself and he tells you to obey the word, but obediance is still not totally present. Are you afraid? Scared? Frightened? The word of God calms you it is a reassurance that a man can not give......

2007-05-23 07:14:01 · answer #11 · answered by God is love. 6 · 0 2

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