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We're back to flipping the coin. You say no, we say yes. I was just checking for any actual proof. Thanks to all who contributed.

J.P. If you'd like to provide a link or something to back up your claim that free will does not exist, it would be good to see. Otherwise its pretty evident to nearly every person in the world that it does exist.

2007-05-23 06:28:45 · 33 answers · asked by hotstallion54 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

You can't prove that Santa Claus doesn't exist. By your logic then, he must exist. The same goes for the Tooth Fairy, Bigfoot, Nessie, and others

2007-05-23 06:31:47 · answer #1 · answered by Paien 3 · 7 3

Free will is being able to choose whatever we want, an example being whether to or not to believe in God. Being the Ominiscient God he is means he only knows which choice we make, not that he makes it for us. He allows us to love him freely which makes it all the better. If anyone cannot just look around them and see the beauties of this earth and nature and the way our own bodies work and not know that there must be a God then the ignorance is upon them and not a concern of mine. There are things about our bodies that even the best scientists and doctors cannot understand, so if our scientists are right about evolution and the big bang then why can't they figure their own bodies out? I do believe in a form of evolution, not the kind that says we evolved from a common ancestor of the monkey. Some evolution has been necessary for animals to adjust to habitats. If evolution is right then why has the evolution seem to have halted? Why are we still humans and not evolved into something else? The whole theory about evolution just does not make sense, that is of course if you are not looking to justify the sinful life in which you want to live. HUmans in their sinful desires will try and prove God does not exist as to justify what the want to do. If there is no God then they can live as they want. If you look around most atheists are living very sinful lives and think there is nothing wrong with it. There are some proclaimed christians doing the same but the point is still there. I as a Christian feel bad when I do something wrong and I try to make it right. Does that make me any better than anyone else, including atheists, no it does not. I am a Christian and I have made this choice on my on free will, not because it was somehting I was brought being brainwashed by since my family was not spiritual or religious at the time!

2007-05-23 11:41:18 · answer #2 · answered by *Kimmie* 5 · 0 0

You can't prove a negative. If I claim magic puppies exist and they live in the emerald forest and frolic in fields of phlox, can you disprove it?

However, the biblical god can be disproved quite easily because it has a set of attributes which are contradictory and thus make it impossible for it to be real. Namely, that he is omnipotent. If god knows everything, he knows what he will do in the "future" (in any dimension, not necessary the time dimension). He must have known that from the very start of his own existence. Thus god's actions are predestined. God is tied by faith, he has no free will. If god has no free will god is not omnipotent. Another way to put it is that to be able to make plans and decisions one must act over time. If god stands above time he can not do that and has no free will. Indeed, if god stands above all dimensions god is dimensionless - a singularity, nothing, void!

Besides there can exist no free wills at all if god is almighty. If you had a free will, god wouldn't know what you would do tomorrow and wouldn't be omnipotent.

2007-05-23 07:35:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think what everybody needs to understand is that evolution or God. No matter which side of the discussion you are on, both are religious views.
It takes just as much FAITH to BELIEVE either side. Neither can be proven or disproven without faith.
Evolutionists believe in evolution.
Christians believe in God.
Neither can be clinically tested, verified and repeated. That is the basis for a theory being proven. And despite what scientists may claim they have never been able to accomplish those tasks. Nor can experiments be done to prove God, that is His spiritual nature,

2007-05-23 06:41:05 · answer #4 · answered by Batty1970 2 · 1 0

I am Christian and I find your arguements to be ignorant.

Basic mathematical principles- you cannot prove a negative! The atheists will PUMMEL you intellectually unless you WISE UP!

We believe in God because we have FAITH, plain and simple. You cannot PROVE God exsists using scientific methods. The only person who can reveal God's existence to an atheist is God.

If you had a little more humility and less religious ego, you would conceed to our Higher Power and stop endless circular arguements with atheists that does NOTHING to convince anyone of anything other than you are an ammature.

2007-05-23 06:36:48 · answer #5 · answered by jessicabjoseph 3 · 1 0

Funny dude. Surprising how your representing the supernatural(can also be considered superstition) while I represent plain old reality without that stuff. Its funny if you talk like that with other issues like monsters, people will think your nuts. It seems like we will be flipping the coin on all negatives cuz they simply dont exist.... We could argue all day about aliens, vampires, powers, whatever, and we will never be able to prove or disprove it.

2007-05-23 06:39:50 · answer #6 · answered by Maikeru 4 · 0 0

"Who broke the vase little Johnny?"
"Um...It was a big man with 7 swords on a 7 headed dragon!"
"Now, Johnny don't make up things!"
"Really!, He flew out the window now, he's gone...I guess we'll never know how broke the vase so you may as well believe me Mommy!"

Believers: Give in to the dark side (atheism)! God has never spoke to you (if he has - you're crazy, seek help). Only man has! Get that through your head. You won't go to hell if you just think about it logically for a second. Go ahead, I'll wait.

2007-05-23 06:40:02 · answer #7 · answered by ciscocadguy 2 · 0 0

How are you coming in being able to prove that we all aren't a product of evolution? "We're back to flipping the coin. You say no, we say yes. I was just checking for actual proof..."

No one of logical mind is trying to disprove God because God doesn't FOLLOW logic. We're not trying any harder to disprove a fairy tale than YOU are in trying to prove Him.

We're too concerned about the really real world.

2007-05-23 06:38:34 · answer #8 · answered by writersblock73 6 · 0 1

Well guess what sweetheart you can't prove that God is real either so therefore your dumb--This isn't a f*cking debate it is faith and hope--God is nothing more then a fictional character created so that you will feel better about dying, and so you won't commit crimes. People create reasons for things that have no explaination. Your whole religion is basically nothing more then a bed time story. And for you to write stupid "questions" like this is pretty ridiculous. Come see me and I'll show you that there is no God.

2007-05-23 06:50:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Burden of proof is still with the person making the claim. Otherwise Christians will need to prove the nonexistence of every imaginary thing ever imagined.

2007-05-23 06:33:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

If you have a background in psychology, neurology, neuroscience, mathematics, and computer science, let me know. If not, it'd be about wasted on you as the blackhole black-brane hypothesis.

Basically it boils down to this:

Consciousness comes from the brain. The brain is matter and energy. The brain is therefore subject to the principles of physics. Since the principles of physics are computational, so is the brain, and thus so is consciouness.

Computability disproves free will.

2007-05-23 06:35:31 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

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