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18 answers

Human nature--everybody, yes EVERYBODY, stereotypes.

2007-05-23 06:26:17 · answer #1 · answered by Paien 3 · 1 1

All humans are hominids.
All hominids are primates.
All primates are tribal animals.

Racism is nature; it's in the genes. It's how nature evolved primates to regard other primates: there's always an "in" group (usually one's close relatives) and "out" groups.

The moral code natural to primates is a dual code of amity (friendship) toward members of the "in" group and enmity (hostility) toward members of outsiders. Do you know what happens when two troops of chimpanzees meet in the jungle? The fight and kill each other until one group wins and chases the survivors on the losing side away.

Human tribal instincts have served their ancestors well. Do you know why WE are here, rather than Neanderthals or Australopithecus robustus? It's because OUR ancestors fought these other groups and beat them. As the result, WE possess the world now, and not THEIR descendants. Humans have not abolished their own tribal instincts, and they never will. They have perverted them, though.

Governments solicit political loyalties by undermining and redirecting the natural kinship based loyalties of their citizens. Government and family have become rivals for the hearts and patronage of human beings. Did you ever wonder why "family values" got to be such a Big Talk issue in politics? It's because government is trying to assure people that government presents no threat to family ties, and since most people can, in time, figure out that those assurances are lies, the propaganda must be repeated over and over and over...

2007-05-23 13:56:57 · answer #2 · answered by blaringhorn 2 · 0 0

First of all, not everyone is mean to people who are different. But people can sometimes be mean to others because of their uncontrolled sin nature. They are not guided by the Holy Spirit.
People are also prejudice to some degree (Do not confuse this word with "racist"). In other words, they like to hang out with people who think like they think and do the things they like to do...but this shouldn't give them a reason to be mean...Are you referring to a specific age group?

2007-05-23 13:41:50 · answer #3 · answered by T 1 · 0 0

It is our nature to be that way, everything good on Earth is practiced, and/or taught, any and everything mean, or bad that people do is human nature. If everybody on Earth was the same color and body weight, and wore the same clothes and had the same hair, but we all still had different colored eyes (brown or blue), we would fight and be mean to one another because of that........like when the scorpion stung the frog right after he promised he wouldn't. His reason for going against his own promise was simply..."because it's in my nature".

2007-05-23 13:37:55 · answer #4 · answered by Slo-Poke 1 · 0 0

Dear Isabell,

I do not know exactly. However, perhaps they are afraid of them. People generally feel comfortable in a group. The "group" often will criticize or ridicule those who are not a part of the group. This builds their self-esteem which makes them feel more important or superior to those who are not part of the group.

2007-05-23 13:44:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

small minds think that way, because maybe your parents hate people of different races you donot have to hate them too. my dad still hates blacks (AFRO-AMERICANS) HE IS 86 YRS OLD he will never change but i did.. there is good and bad in every race. when 9 11 came my buddy had some middle eastern men putting a new counter in his house. standing in horror in front of the ( he and those men) T V they were in disbelief what was happing one of the workers looked at my friend and asked (do you want us to come back if you dont we understand) he said i want you to come back and finish i hope you understand. with a tears in all of their eyes and hart they hugged each other and the job was done beautiful

2007-05-23 13:40:13 · answer #6 · answered by TOMTHEBOMB 2 · 0 0

Because people are ignorant and when someone does not understand something they want to be upset about it. not enough of us are openmined when it comes to the world. GOD made us all different for a reason.

2007-05-23 13:27:05 · answer #7 · answered by karamelchem_1 3 · 0 0

Because they fear what they don't understand. People who can accept that there will be things in this world they will not understand or even like, but know not all these things will hurt them, are much less likely to be intolerant of others.

2007-05-23 13:27:55 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You have Heard that it Was Said by them of old time, Thou shall not kill. but I say unto you whosoever is angry with his brother --- Without A Cause ---

Those who come only in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophets reward. O' fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken.

Many shall be deceived. Without a cause is the blind leading the blind. Hating people because you have been told to, not because they have offended you, but only because you have been told too, you are angry with them Without A Cause

2007-05-23 13:38:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because they fear what they dont know !
So they go on the attack, to try and prove they not scared !
Also its easy to attack the weak and different amongst us, if they were 6 foot tall with tat's and different, they would not go near them, they just a bunch of gutless chicken sh*t's !
I know, i was a victim of meaness and bullying because i was different !

2007-05-23 13:33:48 · answer #10 · answered by sittingbear43 3 · 1 0

Human nature.

2007-05-23 13:26:40 · answer #11 · answered by Lynnemarie 6 · 0 1

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