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Pretty much anyone that wanted to be a Christian would merely have to show up to church on Sunday, and they would likely be welcomed with open arms. The same goes for most other religions, but not Scientology.

It is my understanding that one must be invited by a current member, and that the "recruit" (for lack of a better term) must pass a rigorous screening process before it is decided whether they are worthy or not of joining.

This topic came up recently on a radio show I listen to sometimes, and the one Scientologist who phoned in to discuss it spoke as if he was looking over his shoulder the entire time he was discussing it. The next day, the show's hosts also said that the local Scientology church called them, and essentially threatened them if they spoke about it again.

I would be especially interested in hearing from current or former members of Scientology. I am genuinely interested in learning why everything seems to be such a 'closed door' with your beliefs.

2007-05-23 06:18:39 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

Because it takes stages of brain washing to get you to believe.


2007-05-23 06:22:30 · answer #1 · answered by C 7 · 3 1

What is exactly secretive about it?
What you are talking about is a fabricated media image.
Here is the evidence:

"Pretty much anyone that wanted to be a Christian would merely have to show up to church on Sunday, and they would likely be welcomed with open arms. The same goes for most other religions, but not Scientology."

-Same as Scientology, you just go in.

"It is my understanding that one must be invited by a current member, and that the "recruit" (for lack of a better term) must pass a rigorous screening process before it is decided whether they are worthy or not of joining."

-Nope anyone can just walk in a sign in for a course.

"This topic came up recently on a radio show I listen to sometimes, and the one Scientologist who phoned in to discuss it spoke as if he was looking over his shoulder the entire time he was discussing it. The next day, the show's hosts also said that the local Scientology church called them, and essentially threatened them if they spoke about it again."

-That is just a made up drama, didn’t you hear the mission impossible theme song in the back ground?

“I would be especially interested in hearing from current or former members of Scientology. I am genuinely interested in learning why everything seems to be such a 'closed door' with your beliefs.”

- You just did. I guess that the reason you asked this question in because you did smell the bull crap. So thanks!

2007-05-23 17:12:05 · answer #2 · answered by Afinity Warrior 2 · 1 1

I am a former Scientologist and actually got several friends and family involved in it. Like I said I am no longer involved with it in any way. Scientology actually has some wonderful tools to help people be better human beings, tools that allow you to be more able in life. Tools that can make huge differences in a persons life. You can actually rid yourself of all kinds of very negative behavior that you may or may not even be aware of. You learn how to communicate in ways that are not taught at any level or any collage that I know of. So this all sounds really great right? and I could be just as well a sales rep for Scientology. The bad thing about it is mainly about the people in the higher up and mid level management, they know money is power and they like all man made religions want as much of it as they can get. So as they take ALL your money and encourage you to beg borrow even more money from friends and or family with the premise that as you become more able you will be able to pay them back , no problem. Once you are a Scientologist and refer to yourself as one it becomes a very much them and us consideration, there are Scientologists and then there are all the other people (called WOGS).
Well I could go on and on about this however I just do not have the time right now. If anyone did have any specific questions I would be glad to answer them at

2007-05-23 07:09:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It isn't. I have been a Scientologist for the past 35 years or more.
Your understanding is second hand, or from media representations, and not based on any personal knowledge.
If you want to find out about the Christian religion, you read the Bible(N.T.).
Books explaining Scientology are just as available as the Bible.
Check out your local library.
You can attend a Sunday service in any Church of Scientology (10 am they usually start )
I can't explain this impression you have of "closed door".
It doesn't exist in fact.
If you want to learn something about the religion itself I'd be happy to answer any questions but honestly the way most people find out is through reading the books that were written for this purpose and made widely avaiable to anyone interested.
This is hardly a closed door. Seems to me that folks prefer idea of intrigue and secrecy and mystery so create it when there is none. (The media is a master at this).

2007-05-23 13:43:28 · answer #4 · answered by thetaalways 6 · 1 1

Hi Deke!

This may sound strange, but Scientology, like any good cult, structures itself like an onion. It keeps it's "beneficial" beliefs and practices on the outside while its central and usually most controversial tenets are shrouded in secrecy, hidden away at the center. That's classic cult operating procedure... controlling information about internal doctrine is invaluable as a means to brainwash victims.

The cult slowly indoctrinates and absorbs the victim more and more until they feel they can't be or live anything else, and THAT'S when they're finally broken down completely: the final nail in the coffin is when victims are forced to accept absurdities (like Scientology's OT III) without questioning or objection. If the person can be molded into a mindless automaton willing to accept anything declared by the cult to be true and real, then the cult has achieved it's goal to completely control the victim.

2007-05-23 20:54:19 · answer #5 · answered by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7 · 1 1

As Thetaalways says it is best just to read the books like Battlefield Earth which was made into the best movie ever created by John Travolta.

You are aware of course the L.Ron invented the USA Navy and when he was an astrophysicist discovered time travel.

L.Ron Hubbard is even better than Bob Dobs.

Except that Bob Dobs always paid his taxes.
And offered a triple your money back guarantee

2007-05-23 15:50:15 · answer #6 · answered by U-98 6 · 1 0

As mentioned it is a cult. The screening process is in place to make sure the recruit is sufficiently pliable to become a member. The secrecy is because the beliefs are even more ridiculous than most mainstream religions, and if people knew what they were getting into, they'd leave laughing. Another reason for the secrecy is because they actually charge their members for their services. If they didn't keep things under wraps, how could they make money?

2007-05-23 06:26:34 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

a cult? This just shows ignorance. I am a former scientology member and I can tell you it is in no way a cult. In fact, scientology isnt a religion, its a philosophy...a way of life. Scientology actually contains no form of worship whatsoever. It teaches you to improve your life by finding out what is making your life unstable. For example, if your depressed because your mom dies for example. Popping a bunch of pills isn't going to make you feel better because your mom is still dead. Scientology, through auditing, helps you to come to terms with the situation. If you can find out what is wrong with your life and remove it, than you have a more fulfilling life! make sense. We don't believe in anti-depressants and other drugs that inhibit your brain. We go to the doctor if we have the flu just like evryone else! People think its all brain washing when in fact, taking an anti depressant is more brain washing because it tries to block out the depression by pushing it farther and farther into your mind. As far as it being a "secret" thing...its really not. They have a website which will give you plenty of free information and thousands of books on the subject. the reason I got out was because I couldnt find a church close enough to me and Auditing sessions, yes, did cost money, as do therapists and phycologists, but we dont jump on them! Auditors go through training and yes are paid as they should because this is their job. Like I sad, Scientology isnt a religion, but a look on life and like a "self help", non medication way of truely improving your life.

2007-05-23 06:31:47 · answer #8 · answered by trippintim00 2 · 3 1

Yes. If I say red is 5 and ground are spaceship and gogo is like handsome and the 99 but not before the Nazis invaded the mushroom. and people believe me and give me money, then that constitutes a religion, or a cult, I believe they are both one and the same with the exception that religions have a deeper purpose then just getting money.

2016-05-20 23:43:16 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Read Dyanetics by L. Ron Hubbard.

Scientology is not really a religion, as the worship nothing but the all mighty dollar. In order to move higher in Scientology one must buy the "tools". Where as we Christians go to Bible study and mostly read the Bible for our guidence, they have series of "self-help" type items.

2007-05-23 06:27:10 · answer #10 · answered by jimmattcait 3 · 0 1

Scientology was created by a fiction writer, L. Ron Hubburd, and he did it to make money. Add to the fact they believe we came from aliens, and has many cases of brainwashing and mind control over its members. They've also been accused of using blackmail and extortion to coerce members that 'stray'. So its no wonder they want to control whatever information pertains to their organization.
Use Google and look up stuff on Scientology. Its scary stuff.

2007-05-23 06:34:00 · answer #11 · answered by Frootbat31 6 · 0 1

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