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My answer? Yes. Resistance to any other culture, ideas, or open-mindedness, to me, is a mental disorder. Face it, Conservatism is not the mainstream ideology in America nd they need to face reality. They like to shove their religion, so-called Morals (they practice something called "selective morality), and bogus family values down everyone's throats.

You have freedom of speech, but you don't deserve special rights, and you don't have the freedom to force your belief system down our throats. You have the right to your religion, the right to express you opinion, you have the right to do whatever you want, but you dont have the right to dictate people on how to live their life, and you don't have the right to force others to follow your brand of morality (orwhatever the hell you call it).

2007-05-23 05:52:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Italy Bologna

11 answers

The brand of conservatives today...yes.

2007-05-23 06:00:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

according to your line of thought, if conservatism is a mental illness, then so must liberalism, reason being opposites, are extremes, and there for the same rule must apply. I really don't think you know what a conservative or a liberal is, because you have terms that apply to both all mixed up. both sides live to accuse the other of being not open minded, but just the stating of stereo typical characteristics, shows your mind is not open, there fore if not open, your mind is closed, and that says that you are one of those that you are opposed to. You seem to be very confused and lost in idealistic and extreme political points of view. as to what is mainstream, both sides claim to be the majority, and both are wrong. people are not lock step behind either 100% conservative or !00% liberal, that is a falsehood promoted by the Media to promote more arguing, and makes good fodder for arguements on the talk radio and 24/7 new debate shows. people are not that polarized in general. there are a few who are the extremist, who fuel these false fires from there own hate and anger, and desire just to kick up some dust. It's mainly a case of smoke without fire. Step back a little, listen with open mind as well as ears to all sides, seek the middle ground, and there the truth is more obvious.

2007-05-23 06:04:48 · answer #2 · answered by edjdonnell 5 · 3 1

I am a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. This is not a mental disorder, this is what is in the constitution. All the things you listed above are also done by the liberals. Guess what? You are the one close-minded. You don't even see the hypocrisy you are espousing.

You are trying to brand all conservatives by the views of a small minority. I could do the same with liberals. That would be just as dis-ingenuous as your post.

2007-05-23 05:58:16 · answer #3 · answered by Pooky Bear the Sensitive 5 · 4 1

No! conservatisim is not a mental illness, we are open to other cultures we simply do not feel we should have to sacrifice our own culture to appese the fascist "libernazis" that would like to dimantle the Constitution for their own power gains, most libs think Americans are to STUPID to be able to control our own guns so want to do this for us, we however know that the 2nd Amendment supports the entire Constitution, and the libs want to take that support away so they can run roughshod over the population.
Conservatives understand that you cannot fight a war without killing, in war (much like in life) it is kill or be killed. The libs in Congress have tied the hands of our military this is why we have so many dead soldiers, they did the same thing in vietnam, and look how well that turned out.
Gun registation leads to gun confinscation, that leads to many pleasent things like high crime rates and genocide, an unarmed population is a nation of victims with the gov't being the aggressor, History shows this to be true!!!
But, here is my one and only liberal thought, Legalize marijuana, it can be nationalized and taxed to raise money for border security, the deficit, the military,and all those social programs that the illeagal aliens are sucking dry.
Now a question for you, If conservatism is not the mainstream, why are there so many of us that Bush won not 1 but 2 terms, without a problem?(red states!)
If liberism is the answer why is the economy better now than 8 yrs of clinton?
And why are you so afraid of the TRUTH that you have to invent your own?(sorry that's 3 questions, for you who came up in liberal schools)
The Truth is that this great Nation was founded on the gospel of Jesus Christ, and we will continue to thrive and survive as long as we the people keep God in our country, But when you libs manage to kick Him out completly YOU WILL FALL!!!!
Truth is Truth, even if you don't like it, even if you don't beleive it!!!
I will fight and die for your right to be a moron and say whatever stupid things you want, but come after my rights and I'll drop you where you stand, I have the right to beleive in God of you don't chose to follow Him that's your right , I have duty to God to tell others of Him(that's not forcing Him on you , that's called sharing information)you don't have to listen, any more then I have to listento you tell me He's a myth!!!
I have the right to own as many guns as I chose and to educate my kids about gun safety, I have the right to say the clintons and all there ilk are a barrel of monkey snot, and I have the right to say abortion is murder, If you don't like it tough, I can still say it!!
you have the right to call me what ever you want, I can chose not to listen, However they don't give CCW permits to mentally ill people, and I do carry!!!!!
If you don't like living in a Nation founded on the Word of God, (this is where we get our morals)then please feel free to execize your right to get the heck out of my Country.

2007-05-23 08:16:42 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Berkeley is united statesa.'s maximum Liberal college. those professors have been all Berkeley and interior of sight Stanford professors. we are speaking some city that asserts the Marines are actually not welcome and could leave. Berkeley is the armpit of united statesa.. Professors frequently seem to Liberals to assist pay their student loans off and supply them will boost. Liberals then scouse borrow from the Conservatives to do it. it truly is often humorous to be sure the Conservatives be accused of being extra advantageous at adapting to survival and fact, eg making extra money and subsequently deserving to pay extra tax-by way of the very those that say they don't seem to be mentally extra healthful. this is a solid thought, through fact we are actually not as solid and sane as Liberals, handle us and pay us like as though we've been minorities. no longer gonna ensue? i ask your self why.

2016-10-13 05:06:17 · answer #5 · answered by hiller 4 · 0 0

Right. Liberalism is so mainstream that a Republican has been elected in 5 of the 7 presidential elections this past quarter century. Oops.

Some Conservative ideas may not be mainstream, but the same can be said for Liberalism. Sorry, friend, but America by and large is moderately Conservative.

2007-05-23 06:02:23 · answer #6 · answered by Time to Shrug, Atlas 6 · 3 3

no i dont think so...

as for conservatism there are a lot of factors that contributes as to why a person may be conservative.. we have to consider there culture, they may grew up in north america or in europe or in asia but it depends as to what there culture is..we really cant change cultural beliefs all of a sudden it takes time.

also we have to consider as to how there upbringing was..if both a persons parents are conservative then most likely there child will be too..

it doesnt mean that they dont want to adapt to change its just how there mind was set up.. but its definitely not abnormal

2007-05-23 06:07:39 · answer #7 · answered by charmed 1 · 2 1

So I went to school and got a college degree. I got to work at least 40 hours a week so I can make my house payment and support my wife and 3 kids. I teach my kids respect for their elders and good work ethics and make sure they know that education is their job as kids. I also do my best to make sure that my kids have every opportunity possible to better themselves and do what they truly love to do. My family goes on vacation once a year to the mountains to go snowboarding. We make trips to the lake to ride our jetskiis every other weekend in the summer. I could care less about the political agendas of anyone, especially in the government. And I could care less about what the government has to offer me. I take care of myself and my family and that is all that is important to me. And you are telling me that this is a mental illness? Wow, this whole time I thought it was the American dream and what this country is supposed to stand for. Thanks for correcting me on this.

2007-05-23 06:23:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

My friend called it a form of brain-damage. Most conservatives seem to be "control-freaks", in that they want more and more freedoms for themselves, and more and more regulation and control over other people's lives. The inability to see and understand the hypocrisy of these two contradicting thoughts is what she referred to as brain damage.

2007-05-23 06:00:19 · answer #9 · answered by correrafan 7 · 2 4

Let's see....... what I'm getting out of all those words is that you think I'm crazy if I disagree with you. Right?

2007-05-23 06:08:35 · answer #10 · answered by kiwi 7 · 3 1

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