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Is your life more fulfilling after kids, or just hectic? Do you still have time for your spouse? Are you happy? Are you able to find time for yourself? Is the love you feel for a baby really automatic?

2007-05-23 05:27:57 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

36 answers

Although I am married man who is an uncle, everytime I see some of my nephews or nieces getting married then they are making even happier because once they become parents they will know first hand what it means to be either a father or a mother and believe me the baby doesn't come with an owners manuel.

You have to guess what the baby is saying the twelve or eighteen months of its life so that it can be a happy baby.

As time flies, the baby will convert into a man or a woman in which he or she will bring to you plenty of love and fond memories to last you a lifetime.

I hope you understood what I am saying and the message that I have left behind for you.

2007-05-23 15:10:20 · answer #1 · answered by conde_c_b 7 · 1 1

Life as you know it NOW will never ever be the same as it was after you have children, because it isnt just you anymore. There is someone else that fills your thoughts and actions that is in your care. In most cases, your life will become more of a loving, caring, nurturing nature! You will be content and happy because you have a part of you and your spouse that you are able to hold and love. You will find the time for yourself and your spouse. At times life will be hectic, but nothing you cant handle. Trust me, after you baby is born, be it the first or the third, you will get this rush of love come through you for that child. It is an internal love that comes out and never goes away.

2007-05-23 05:38:30 · answer #2 · answered by HOPE 2 · 1 2

To answer your questions, Yes, life is more fulfilling after kids, but it is also more hectic, but in a good way. I definitely have time for my spouse, but you have to find the time. We do a lot together as well as our baby. I have never been so happy in my life. I do take time out for myself, every week, one day, my girlfriends and I do a girl's night, where my spouse stays home with the baby. He too does his thing once a week away from the house too. The love you feel is so automatic, you couldn't believe you never felt this way before. If you are thinking about having children, you absolutely should!

2007-05-23 05:33:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Is life as you know it really over once you have children?

Yes! Your entire world changes! You have to learn how to do the simplest things (like taking a shower or washing the dishes) all over again. And there is NO SUCH THING as "being spontaneous" when you have a baby lol

Is your life more full filling after kids, or just hectic?

Life is definitely more full filling, but it IS hectic at the same time :)

Do you still have time for your spouse?

Yes, but truthfully not as much as before. My husband and I basically only have our evenings together (after we put the kids to bed)

Are you happy?


Are you able to find time for yourself?

Some days yes, some days no. I look at my kid's nap time as my "me time." That's when I am able to read, or go on the computer, or take a bath.

Is the love you feel for a baby really automatic?

Yes, but don't put too much pressure on yourself to feel the "instant bond" If you over think it, you will just stress yourself out! Let it come naturally :)

2007-05-23 05:44:21 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

The degree that life changes after a baby is probably subjective to how it was before the baby. My husband and I met while partying and needless to say our lives are 100% different. It is ALL good though. We take turns getting alone time, sleeping in and taking care of our daughter. There are no words in the English language to describe how full filling it is! My life was much more hectic before our baby. Being responsible for her has given me an excuse to slow down. We have a routine that allows plenty of mommy daddy alone time. Most people fall in love with their child immediately. Some do not though and that is OK too. It's not like they hate the baby they just need a little more time to get to know Precious. I have never heard of a parent who doesn't eventually fall head over heels. Its hard to imagine but I love my daughter more every day! Happy? Not always. Happier. defiantly!

2007-05-23 05:46:52 · answer #5 · answered by In love with 5 · 1 2

I have found life to be MUCH more fulfilling since becoming a mother. If you are more about "me" though, you will not enjoy motherhood because it is synonymous with sacrifice.

You have to make time for your spouse. A regular date night might be nice once the "shock" of a newborn wears off and you don't even have to go out for that. You could just create a nice candle-lit dinner for the two of you after putting the baby to bed. The little things are what make life great. Fill your life with lots of little gestures and your marriage will be heavenly.

Finding time for yourself can be a challenge, but can be done. I find that I have more "me" time if I get up early before the kids are up. My husband also treats me to a spa gift certificate periodically, and I make sure to reward him richly. ~hehe!~

The love you feel for your baby is OFTEN automatic, but not always for everyone. Sometimes it is just too overwhelming. But it will grow. Love is a choice with your children just as it is in any other relationship. No relationship should be based on feelings alone, but those feelings will come as you care for your baby and spend time with him/her.

2007-05-23 05:38:50 · answer #6 · answered by mennyd 4 · 0 2

It really depends on the individual. I personally would give up my kids for the world. I had always wanted 2 children, but after my first I expect not to have anymore (due to health problems). Even though my second came as a surprise, I couldn't be happier. I do admit having a baby in the house has lessened my time, but I don't mind. I found that the love was automatic, especially after seeing them for the first time.
I does get hectic, but it's an adventure and they grow up so quickly sometimes, that you'd wish you could freeze time and enjoy them as they are.

2007-05-23 05:36:27 · answer #7 · answered by mariposa6009 2 · 1 2

It is definitely not over! It changes drastically, but not over by any means. I think it is both fulfilling and hectic, but it depends on your lifestyle. You still have time for your spouse. Me and my husband have alone time after baby falls asleep. Our family members take her every now and then so that we can go out to dinner or a movie or just take a nap! I fell in love with my daughter the second she was handed to me. It only gets stronger with time. Every day is amazing watching her grow and learn new things. When she smiles it melts my heart, no matter how bad my day has been.

2007-05-23 05:50:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Nothing is "Over"

Yes your life is more fullfilled...but it's also a hell of a lot more work.

Yes it's hectic...but it's worth it

You have to make time for your spouse, and the best way to have time for your spouse is if your spouse is helping you with everything that needs to be done that you used to take care of...that you don't have time for anymore becuase you're busy with baby. It's really important to be a "team" with the same objectives...it makes things go a lot smoother.

I have never been happier. Motherhood has been my greatest accomplishment and there is no greater joy in life.

You take turns with your spouse, you have to make time for yourself (even if it's only ten minutes here and there) or you'll go nuts.

Yes, I never knew I could love so much so fast. It's truly amazing.

2007-05-23 05:41:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Life is definitely more hectic, but more fulfilling than I'd ever thought. Nothing can make you feel more special than their smile or little fingers wrapped around yours. You definitely have to TAKE the time for your spouse, the time is there, just take those opportunities. The same with time for yourself. You'll need both of these times in order to stay sane and a good wife/mother. :) Everyone told me when that when I'd see my son it would be love at first sight. Let me tell you, it wasn't for me. I thought he was cute of course, but I was also dead tired and drugged up (emergency c-section effects)...I loved him because he was mine, but our special relationship didn't start until we actually came home from the hospital and spent one-on-one time together. so don't feel guilty if you don't feel "love" automatically, and if you, then congratulations! :)

2007-05-23 05:40:15 · answer #10 · answered by sonshine 1 · 1 2

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