Do you honestly believe that God hates all homosexual people and divorced or remarried people. If he/she dose exist I would like to think that he/she believes in kindness and forgiveness and that the stigma's around marriage and sexuality have been brought on by culture not the teaching's of God.
I wouldn't worry about this if I were you. Live your life by what you believe to be moral and right, and if there is a heaven, then hopefully at the end you can join the party.
2007-05-23 05:28:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Although I know that I'm going to get slammed by atheists, I feel that I need to point out that there are places in our English translations that use the words for "divorce" and "put away" interchangeably.
And yes, context is important. There is a difference of context when I tell my wife that I love her than when I tell my mother the same thing. I can't see how there can be any argument with that.
Anyway, learning about the words from the original Greek text is a part of study and maturing. Divorcing and putting away are two different things.
Of course, divorce is not pleasing to God. But it is a means of escaping a destructive relationship, where both can remarry. Putting away is throwing the person out on the street while remaining married. This person commits adultery if they go to someone else because they're still married.
If you study about the woman at the well, Jesus recognized all of her husbands as being her husbands. He said the man she currently had was not.
Even though we are to avoid sin, we also need to use the bible as its best commentary. Men's traditions were a lot of why Jesus rebuked the Pharisees so harshly. The same things can still happen today.
There may be many who disagree. There may be atheists that say I'm contradicting myself. However, if a person truly studies this out, the logic is there.
2007-05-23 05:48:23
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I think you have a valid point. There do seem to be many sins that are somehow considered worse than others, though the Bible teaches that they are all the same. There was a time when someone who was considered adulterous wouldn't be allowed in the church.
For someone who has remarried after divorce, for reasons other than those allowed, I would say that they should confess their sin to God and let him take care of it. They shouldn't get divorced again.
2007-05-23 05:32:51
answer #3
answered by MamaMia 4
The only two options are to remain celibate or return to their first wife if the divorce was not scriptural, meaning it was not for the cause of adultery. While we can be forgiven of a sin, we must turn away from the situation that caused the sin, in this case, the second marriage. If circumstances prohibit a reunion, then both the husband and the wife must remain single and celibate (Matthew 19:9).
2007-05-23 05:30:34
answer #4
answered by TG 4
Repent.Can't turn back the clock.It is a whole different issue if the remarriage hasn't taken place.It's clear one must either return to their spouse,or remain alone.What "churches" teach are seldom in accordance with Scripture.Look at Stanley...he divorced and hasn't stepped down from his position as a pastor,which he knows should be done.Look at Lindsey...the big pop-prophecy guru...divorced and remarried several times.I pity them because their reward on judgment day will not be a good one.
2007-05-23 06:12:52
answer #5
answered by kitz 5
Well I am Not a Priest or a Pastor. But Maybe I can help. Jesus Died on the cross for our sins past and present. I was at a christian conference a while back and there was a skit group there. They all carried bags full of whatever big garbage bags. They looked sooo miserable and they had a god figure come out and they asked him to take away there baggage. (excess baggage being sins committed ) (that's what I interpreted it as. ) and the god figure took all of there baggage away.| Pray for forgiveness.| and God will take your baggage away. I hope this helps a little. When I get home I will look for the passages Im sure I have them bookmarked in my bible.
2007-05-23 05:33:59
answer #6
answered by Tom B 2
Repent of your sin (both of you) and stay married this time living for God. When the Holy Spirit comes in He will start a purifying and refining process in you that keeps your heart on the Lord.
The churches fail to preach about the sin of divorce, because most in the church have been divorced and remarried. If you've never heard this teaching in your church then you have a "tickle my ears" preacher and God calls your church "lukewarm" and He'll spit it out of His mouth. Read Revelation about the Laodicean Church.
The Sexual Revolution of the 60's due to Darwinism and the Humanist Manifesto junk along with the Lord's Prayer coming out of school and the abortion clinics being set up by a lying, thieving doctor who was full of the devil at that time and one old atheist hateful woman put divorce out in front. Free sex for all because the women were burning their bras, holding down jobs and playing men for fools like men played women for fools for years. Evolution, Darwinism, Communism and the Humanist Manifesto were Satan's tools for throwing God out of America.
2007-05-23 05:39:34
answer #7
answered by Jeancommunicates 7
it never ceases to amaze me that "God will forgive any wrong/sin except divorce". I think this is ridiculous- anyone who confesses and turns from their sin is forgiven- but it is only through the shed blood of Christ. I am not going to compare divorced people and homosexuals, only because if they have accepted Christ ALL ARE FORGIVEN. From the moment of salvation they , and all of us, who are saved, are made NEW IN CHRIST. Let me use a very different approach here- what if you killed someone and later in life you became a Christian- you could not bring back the person you killed- so does that make you not forgiven. OF COURSE NOT. Let us have mercy on our fellow believers, God had mercy on us, before we were saved!
2007-05-23 05:41:13
answer #8
answered by AdoreHim 7
Simply ask God to forgive you for it because you can't go back into the past and change what you did. God knows this and he understands. Just change your way of thinking and move on. I'm sure you can marry again and God will not hold it against you once you ask for forgiveness.
Remember when Jesus spoke with the woman at the well who had 5 husbands? He didn't tell her she was going to hell for marrying so many times. He understands our situations perfectly and you have nothing to fear.
2007-05-23 06:32:24
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Learn to Love.
Love God, Love Others, Love Yourself
2007-05-23 05:37:30
answer #10
answered by Anonymous