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Many other prophecies, facts and predictions like many a group or cults adhere to.

For instance Scientology who states Psychiatry is a sham or
Al Gore who states Global Warming is caused by CO2
emissions and man which are destroying the planet, Or Scientists who say the energy increase from the Black Hole is causing Global Warming OR the latest book success *The Secret* which tells people how to become successful

Are atheists open to everything just not the Bible..Don't you think you can be led astray by man's own selfish ambitions?

2007-05-23 04:17:47 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

Scientology is a scam, much like the Bible.

Psychiatry is flawed.

Al Gore annoys me.

Global Warming looks legitimate, but the percentage that is caused by man has yet to be determined. The hole in the Ozone Layer was definitely caused by man, and the naysayers tend to forget that. And the scientists forget that it was corrected and didn't kill all of us.

Never heard about the black hole thing.

I don't read self help books.

I can only speak for myself, and there is no official Atheist position on any topic other than the existence of gods.

Atheists tend to be skeptics, so being 'led astray' is not as likely as it is for religious types who don't seem to think proof should be required before accepting something..

2007-05-23 04:21:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 0

No, being an atheist does not automatically mean adhering to a philosphy of "God cannot exist". It merely means, "if God exists, there is no evidence for him, so he is irrelevant". There is a big difference; it cannot be said definitively that there is no higher power out there, it's possible. It's just that there's no evidence for it at all.

We are less likely to be led astray because we use logic to define our beliefs, as opposed to... anything else. Not having read anythign about black holes causing global warming, or having read "the secret", I can't really comment on those, but there is substantial evidence for CO2 emissions being linked to rising global temperatures.

As for being led astray by selfish ambitions, anyone can be led astray by others' selfish ambitions. Why do you think the Catholic Church/Vatican is one of the wealthiest entities in the world? An objective viewpoint is a good safeguard against being led astray, however...

2007-05-23 04:28:37 · answer #2 · answered by 006 6 · 4 0

Atheists are not just those who don't believe in the Bible as accurate fact--they don't believe in the Qur'an either. It's a disbelief in anyone's idea of god--not Allah, nor the wiccan goddess, nor the gods worshipped in ancient cultures like Greek, Norse, Celt, Eqyptian. They don't believe in Hindu's sacred cows. To put it simply no matter which religion you follow and which books you deem written by a god--atheism does not believe in it.

Now to christians this makes absolutely perfect sense that you don't believe in Norse, Eqyptian, Greek "mythology" (after all--who does) but the idea that you could also see the christian ideal as the same concept is quite difficult to understand.

Atheist would also not follow any religious tenets--so yes they would go against Scientology and all other cults.

As far as your points on Al Gore--he isn't a religion. Scientist talking about Global Warming and best-selling books about success have nothing to do with religion either. An atheist can have any view they want on global warming, gun control, abortion, being successful--as those are not mandated by religion. Christians often need to be reminded that Jews and Muslims can be successful too and be intelligent, educated, resourceful, moral individuals. It is not limited due to their religious beliefs.

Are atheists open to everything? "Atheist" as a whole would be as it would be no different than the question Are blondes able to hold any job? Yes a blonde can be a doctor, lawyer, anything she wants--even if she remains blonde! For hair color doesn't affect those things. Well, atheist does not affect those things--an atheist can be open to anything. Though it would be incredibly ignorant to assume all atheists are "open to everything" as you said. No more than it would be accurate to say all Christians are closed to everything except the Bible.

However the definition of atheist only involves religion so the only characteristic that ALL atheists will have in common is a disbelief in religion as an entire category. Now as far as being led astray--yes I feel man is always led astray by his own selfish ambition. Look at christianity. Man's selfish desire to be part of the incrowd, part of the exclusive group going to this "heaven/paradise" ideal, has led him to believe that everyone outside of his group can't be educated, intelligent, believe in global warming, be successful (or was it can't read books on being successful), and can't hold himself accountable for his moral decisions and actions. All out of a selfish ambition to get to heaven and be part of a glorified group of individuals on earth.

Yes most definitely I say selfish ambition has led many men astray.

2007-05-23 04:40:03 · answer #3 · answered by phantom_of_valkyrie 7 · 1 0

Atheism does not deny God, it denies the existence of all gods. Some atheists question the validity of the Bible, some don't, but that has nothing to do with what atheism is. Some atheists are superstitious, some are not. Most value logic and rationality, most are skeptical, so they can be difficult to mislead, but not all of them. Atheists are not "open to everything just not the Bible", any more than anyone else. It could be argued that, by virtue of skepticism, they are less so, but there have been no studies on that.

Atheism is nothing more than the lack of belief in the existence of god(s). That's all. It is the assumptions that people make, based upon that, that cause problems.

2007-05-23 04:25:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Atheism is the position that there is no deity by any name.

Atheists do not believe in Yahweh, Zeus, Odin, Jupiter (the Roman god, not the planet), Brahma, Allah, etc. This also includes their holy books, such as Torah, Tanakh, Talmud, New Testament, Qur'an, Bagavhad Gita, etc. Most atheists will acknowledge the literary value of some of these stories, and that some even have valuable moral lessons, but in the same sense that "The Little Engine That Could" did so.

Anything other than the non-existence of all deities is negotiable to atheists as that one thing is all that atheism implies.

2007-05-23 04:23:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Atheists deny the existence of a divine being. Most deny the entire concept of "supernatural". Others embrace other spiritual paths like Buddhism.

Scientology is, like Christianity, utterly unprovable and unscientific.
Global Warming is a scientific model that, unlike religious faith, actually has evidence that can be tested.
Who says that a black hole is causing global warming?
Self-help books are frequently scams of one kind or another.

A human being who is taught a good code of ethics from birth is not likely to be "led astray". One does not need the Bible or an invisible sky fairy for that.

2007-05-23 04:26:00 · answer #6 · answered by Scott M 7 · 5 0

This is another one of your "generalizing" questions trying to group all atheists into one of your own narrow views. All atheists believe different things. The bible & god are not facts.... denial of the bible is the simple dismissal of the fantasy & fairy tales as reality. The difference between atheists and religious types is that atheists can make INFORMED decisions based on the basic evidence or "facts" that are provided.... where as religious types tend to alter the facts to suit their agenda. Like the whole banana argument.... they disregard the fact that the common banana that we eat today is a product of thousands of years of manipulative breeding of banana trees..... they completely ignore the FACTS to try to say that god created bananas just the way they are today when the reality is that they have been "engineered" by man to be what they are. The religious types eat it all up and they think it makes total sense, but they are in essence being manipulated by the religions and their non-sensical fairy tale hypotheses. Those who are not so closed-minded are the ones who can formulate their own opinions based on the information given to them & they can accept or deny whatever sounds right & logical to them. Christians are biased in that their explanation for everything is the same book & the same fairy tale god.... They ahdere to only false prophecies, predictions and myths. There is no "fact" anywhere in there.

Atheists are open to anything that makes sense to them. It's not just about the bible or the christian god. It's usually about all religions and cults that are poisoning this planet.

I don't know why i'm really wasting my time with this question.....You won't even bother to read the responses or understand what answers are given to you, will you? Just like your previous questions....you've probably already formulated your own notions and are only asking this question because you believe you are making some kind of point and sticking it to atheists when the truth is you are just making yourself look foolish. I hope the latter is not true and that you are asking because you genuinely want to gain some knowledge instead of coming here & continuing to post these stupid questions as if your beliefs are the only right ones and you're just here to try to convert someone.

2007-05-23 04:30:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

You're lumping together issues of serious scientific debate, such as climate change, with spiritual and philosophical matters. Black holes are causing global warming? Who ever said that?
Atheists don't believe in a God. They may look to ways to improve themselves from within which could include studying non supernatural aspects of religious texts such as the Koran or the Bible.

2007-05-23 04:40:47 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Why exactly do you think a vast majority of atheists are atheists.
Most have read the bible and studied christianity as well as some other religions.
Most are ex-christians.
I have read the bible,I went to a religious school.I just decided to use my brain and question christianity instead of blindly accepting the teachings.
Very few atheists are closed to anything.Just give me one good reason why I should believe there is a god when the total lack of evidence suggests otherwise

2007-05-23 04:25:31 · answer #9 · answered by rosbif 6 · 5 0

Of course atheism just means a lack of belief in God or Gods. Not all atheist are skeptics, and skeptics don't all agree.

That said, I'm a skeptic. The reason I don't believe in God is the same one that causes me to think Hubbard was a crock and the Da Vinci Code was pure foolishness. It's because reasonably all clams require support.

I'm fond of reason, best way to determine what is real and what is false, don't you think?

2007-05-23 04:28:55 · answer #10 · answered by Herodotus 7 · 4 0

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