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okay so im 13 and my boyfriends 15 and we wanna have sex... hes not a virgin and i am.. hes kinda impationt so he gets what he wants from me.... we love eachother and we have been together for 3 months and i dont know what to do.... im going to his house soon and yeah im wondering if i should let him or not because if i dont i might loose him and i realy dont want that to happen becasue i love him so much and i mean people tell me that sex at my age is a bad thing but i have a friend who is turning 14 really soon and she has had sex with her boyfriend who is 14 going on 15 and nothing happened and they have been together 8 months i think it is maybe 7 1/2

what do i do?

2007-05-23 04:08:28 · 69 answers · asked by Nikki 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

69 answers

Don't do it. You are too young to fully understand all the consequences that come along with having sex. Do you want to be a mom at 13? God, I hope not. Do you want to get and STD?

If you have sex with him you are also having sex with anyone he's had sex with it!... think about it! GROSS!

Please don't go thru with it just because you don't want to lose him because next month... it will be someone else.

2007-05-23 04:14:19 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Here's what you should do. You should call your impatient boyfriend and tell him if he truly loves you that he should stop being impatient and wait until you decide you're ready. If he loves you he will respect you and your needs. If he says he won't wait any longer, then you haven't lost a thing. He's using you. He doesn't really love you.

You're 13, you've been together for 3 months. You don't know him well enough to love him enough to have sex. If he's pressuring you to have sex with him, he doesn't love you.
When you love someone, you don't pressure them to do anything. You respect their needs. It doesn't sound like he's respecting your needs.

Your friend who is turning 14 soon was extremely lucky that nothing happened when she had sex. If your 15 year old boyfriend is not a virgin, he's been exposed to other people who, I assume are also not virgins. If you have sex with him you have a good chance of getting a sexually transmitted disease such as HIV/Aids or getting pregnant. At the age of 13 are you ready to take on the responsibility of rasing a child? It may seem cool but the reality isn't cool at all.

Respect yourself enough to say no. You said he gets what he wants from you because he's impatient. Stop giving him what he wants. Do what you want. You have a right to stand up for yourself. You don't need to put out just because he's impatient. The bottom line is he's using you. Stop letting him do that. You can do much better. There are boys out there who will treat you better and respect you. Dump this guy. You don't need him.

2007-05-23 04:23:52 · answer #2 · answered by innerradiancecoaching 6 · 0 0

You are 13. You don't know what love is yet, and you are not mature enough to handle a sexual relationship. You have only been together for 3 months! You don't know anything about this guy!
If he is 15 and has already had sex (which is also too young), and he is now pressuring you to do so...you already know he is a good-for-nothing dog. Read your question. You already know it is true.
Whether or not you have sex with him, he's going to leave you anyway. Keep your virginity until you are an adult. There is no reason to throw your life away. You could get pregnant or diseased, and you know he isn't going to stay with you. Watch an episode of "Maury"...do you really want that life for yourself?

By the way...you NEVER do anything because a friend has done it. Just because "nothing happened to her" (if that is even true) does not mean it won't happen to you. You thinking that if your friend is OK means you'll be OK just proves how immature you are. Immature = not ready for sex!!!

2007-05-23 04:20:51 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

wow are u dumb?? why are u guys in such a hurry? i mean ur 13 thats why, why, to young. and pluse u guys have only been together for 3 months thats why 2 short of a time 2 be haveing sex. i mean onestly do u even want 2 have sex?? i mean ask ur self that question?? and aslo u say u love each other only after 3 months? i really dont think u guys really know the meaning of love. its really hard 2 fall in love just after 3 months. and if he cant respect the fact that if u say no about haveing sex an he gets mad or breaks up with u, that just mean he was only with u 2 de vergin nate u. trust me. but if u really want 2 have sex at least waite till ur 14..... and any guy that has 2 get what he wants isnt a very good boyfriend!!!!! hes not a keeper..

2007-05-23 04:28:10 · answer #4 · answered by AUBRIE L 2 · 0 0

Don't give in!!! This is another one of those rants about how you are TOO YOUNG!! You shouldn't have sex at the age you are at. Just because you love someone doesn't mean sex will hold it together, especially at your age. There are so many consequences that you could go through. Just imagine if you get pregnant!! What would you do then? You are only still a child yourself, keep that childhood by not having a child! I have a 13 year old sister and I would just die if she got pregnant. Don't fold under the pressure, don't let him in. Keep what innocence you have left as a child. I lost my virginity at 17 and I think that was probably a little early still. But I lost it to the one I want to marry, the one that I love with all my heart, the one that wants to be with me the rest of our lives. Don't make this mistake, just because your friend happened not to get pregnant doesn't mean you won't. And you say he's not a virgin, has he been tested for STD's? Think of everything you could be throwing away.

2007-05-23 04:15:09 · answer #5 · answered by ~*~Sweet Turtle Luver~*~ 3 · 2 0

Are you kidding me....girl dont do it! I made that mistake when i was 14 and im 22 now and still wish I didnt. To make matters worse this guy I thought i loved told me he had no use for me when I decided I didnt want to continue having sex with him. Maybe your bf really loves you and if he does he wont leave you just because you wont have sex with him. Think of is as a love test! Tell him no, then you will see how he really feels about it. Just say something like Im not ready yet but when I am I want you to be the guy. His true colors will show after that!

Hope you make a good decision on this one!

2007-05-23 04:24:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are to young. I'm sorry but I don't understand how girls younger than 15 even think about sex. I'm not trying to insult anyone it's just I know my mind didn't work that way until I was 16 and I was dating a guy and was intimate and still didn't want to have sex. I didn't trust him enough.
So really...if your afraid of losing him if you don't have sex with him it's obvious you don't trust him that way. You've been together a very short period....he is 15....his hormones are going crazy. If he really loves you he will wait.
A young girl like you, your just starting to understand love, commitment, sex, boys. There is alot more to learn about.
If your intent on having sex though you need to start birthcontrol. AND use a condom. Both are not 100% effective. When used together it's rare but still possible to get pregnant.
And I have to say this......if you do have sex with your boyfriend so young there is very little possiblity that you will stay together....even if you don't have sex. Your young and have so much to learn and so much to enjoy.
If you can, my advice would be to go to planned parenthood to understand more about birthcontrol and other people who have been in your situation.

2007-05-23 04:31:44 · answer #7 · answered by Jenny 4 · 0 0

So, if you don't have sex, you will lose him? He's using sex as a tool and that's all he's out for. A 3-month relationship may mean a lot to you, but it's a drop in the bucket in the real world. Besides, at 13, you have no idea whatsoever what love is and what it means. Besides being to young, it would be a bad idea to give in if he's threatening a breakup. You better give pregnancy a thorough review. He may love you, but if you get pregnant, he will gone like the wind and not look back.

2007-05-24 03:40:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

sweetie HE IS USING YOU! you'll loose him if you dont give up your virginity?? then he never loved u in the first place, bc if he did he would respect your decision to wait and not pressure you into someothing your clearly UNSURE OF. do you want to have a baby by the time your 14, bc u can get preganant the first time. MY best friend got pregannt the first time she had sex,m had a baby by the time she was 15 and it has not made her life any easier. if ur not ready say no, dump this guy, he's putting these ideas in ur head and pressuirng u into something ur too young and not ready for. when ur ready then u will not be questioning yourself or us. DO NOT GO OVER HIS HOUSE, TELL HIM THIS OVER THE PHONE.
I'm sorry but 3 months to be dating someone and then talking about sex is #1 not true love, #2 SLUTTY! i am 23 yrs old and i dont sleep with guys in the first three months. have more self respect amd dont let this guy make ur decision make it for yourself, you will regret it when ur older looking back.

2007-05-23 04:14:52 · answer #9 · answered by spadezgurl22 6 · 3 0

Ok, first of all, sex isn't the key to staying in a relationship. Seriously, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, and im 14!
Me and my boyfriend cuddle and make out which is perfect, I think you're saying this because you're boyfriend is ready. He should try to respect your opinions. I think you shouldn't do it. You should wait. Im not saying that your bf is a pervert or anything, I just think that you should experiment while you're younger with things that dont always have to involve with sex, more like.. finding true love, finding out how you can keep yourself stable.
Please, just be wise in making this decision. I can be the exact same way, please.. im 14, ovcorse we all are, but once you think about it, if you make one little tiny mistake then that's it for the rest of your life. And if your boyfriend really loves you, then he'll wait for you to be ready.

Sorry this is long, but im probably going to lose my virginity like at senior prom with someone special who I've been dating for a year, not three months. You cant get to know ones entire life in 3 months.

2007-05-23 04:19:29 · answer #10 · answered by Cassandra S. 6 · 1 0

DONT DO IT!! 3 months is def. not enough time. You are only 13 so you should take your time. 13 is not a good age. Your still a little girl. If you do this you will regret it when you get a little older. If you wait you will be glad you did. If he isnt willing to wait then hes not the one for you anyway. I'm 20 years old and I have some regrets. you will too. just dont let it be that.

2007-05-23 05:53:29 · answer #11 · answered by Floridagirl 3 · 0 0

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