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Why are Christians quoting from the Old Testament when Jesus has nothing to do with the OT laws.

Christians must be reminded that if they say they are not bound by the LAW then they should not pick and choose from the OT to support a position which is not acceptable in the NT.

If a Christian can use proofs from the OT against homosexuality then others can use proofs from the OT for dozens of rules which should be followed.



2007-05-23 03:49:34 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

Good Question,

In my opinion, Gay people should not be discriminated against at work or in the eyes of the law.

But Churches should not be forced into allowing same sex marriage either.

I just think this country has much bigger problems to worry about than this.


2007-05-23 03:55:53 · answer #1 · answered by C 7 · 3 1

I'm sorry that you have been misinformed about what the difference between the New Testament and the Old Testament is. It is not one is love and the other is law. Rather, one is the good news of Jesus Christ concealed, and the other it being revealed. This does not involve a change of character about Who God is, nor His dealings with the pinnacle of His creation, humanity. He is holy and loving in both, and just one (OT) reveals more about the effects of sin and the other about grace (NT), but both of these concepts share a place in human experience and the unfolding of redemptive history, whether they are from the OT or NT.

The difference regarding the law is about which kind(s), and how then the law is followed in both testaments. The good news of Jesus Christ is concealed in the ceremonial law of the OT, which was then abrogated by Jesus' fulfillment of what the ceremonial law was all about; in other words, how God can forgive sin. The civil law of the Israelites was also abrogated when the church replaced this nation as God's people. However, the NT makes it clear that the moral law is not abrogated, but rather it is all the more established and confirmed by the Holy Spirit (see Romans 13:8-10; James 1:8-11), calling it the royal law and the law of love. Therefore, following this law, which Jesus did perfectly, is love. In other words, the moral law is the "how to" of love.

Therefore, it is clear that any sexual behavior outside of the heterosexual framework given by God from creation is indicated in the moral law, "You shall not commit adultery", and in the NT is not God's will and plan for any human (see Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; 1 Timothy 1:10). These verses confirm the creative intent of God in the book of Genesis for human sexuality, one man and one woman in marital bliss. Therefore, not following the law, the "how to" of be loving, is certainly not love. Love is defined by God, not us, just as the law is. Both reflect His character, and are not at odds with one another; but rather, complement one another.

Now, regarding gay marriage, outside of what God already says in His Word about the marital institution, let me just give you some research stats on why it cannot be a viable alternative. The children of a two opposite sex parenting family are less likely to:
1) be on illegal drugs.
2) be retained in a grade
3) drop out of school
4) commit suicide
5) be in poverty
6) become juvenile deliquents
7) have girls become teen mothers
8) experience gender & sexual confusion
9) not be abstinent before marriage

They are healthier both emotionally and physically,
even thirty years later!

Statistics clearly indicate that there is
indeed a much higher frequency of domestic violence in
same sex cohabiting relationships than in heterosexual
ones. And, how could gay parents be both the
biological folks of a child growing up in their home?
Statistics also show clearly that children are much more
vulnerable to domestic violence and child abuse when
they must live with at least one non-biological

I do sincerely hope this does help.



2007-05-23 07:45:52 · answer #2 · answered by Tom 4 · 0 0

Some people can be too closed minded here. Think about everything thats mentioned in the bible. Why would God say homosexuality is bad but then allow it? So he can give us christians a group of people to harass and practice our religious accusations against? Or is it that there's an actual meaning behind it? If there's homosexuality in the world then humanity couldn't continue. A man on man or woman on woman action will get the human race nowhere. Not to mention that it can be pretty disturbing. You are being way too literal in your understanding of the scripture. It also said don't eat shell fish. So are you just not gonna do it because it said so or are you going to think about why it would say that and then come to the conclusion that there was no proper way to cook shell fish back then and people would get really sick, that's why it was written.

2016-05-20 22:43:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jesus did not come to abolish the laws- and by the way, there are passages in the NT that talk about the sin of homosexuality- and how as believers some of us lived that way before we were saved- Jesus is a God of hearts as you call it- however God is also a God of justice- and Jesus is the same yesterday , today and forever. When Jesus was on the earth- yes, he dined with sinners, but never once condoned the sin- with the adulterer, He said, "where are your accusers, GO AND SIN NO MORE. In the first chapter of Romans, homosexuality is talked about. Take a look at it. Jesus died to save us from our sin, so that we could live holy lives, not so we can continue in our sin, and be free from guilt.

2007-05-23 04:01:53 · answer #4 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 1 0

I have nothing against gay people and for the record I don't care very much if they marry or not. It's mostly a legal device about cohabitation and property distribution anyway. But I can respect the views of the people who object to gay marriage because if the institution of marriage has a religious significance then changing its meaning to include non-traditional couplings effects their beliefs.
What I do not understand is why I must support changing a legal institution or be accused of hating gay people. How are these two things even related? Why is it either or? I respect a person who is gay equally with one who is not because I do not think their sexual orientation completely defines who they are. I do not support gay marriage nor do I oppose it. I have no opinion on the matter but if am forced then I would oppose because a smaller group is attempting to force their beliefs on a larger group and redefine the sacred institutions of the larger group.

2007-05-23 04:05:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

As a Christian I will tell you that why I believe Gays should not have a "marriage" has nothing to do with the OT or the NT (which it is ALSO STATED)

I believe a homosexual relationship is different then a heterosexual relationship.
and vice versa...

Not because Homosexuality is "different" but because the fact is it is a "different kind of relationship...and there should be a different kind of Marriage for Homosexual's.

The Marriage should not be called a "marriage" because a marriage is the joining of two people as HUSBAND AND WIFE. A man and a man are not Husband and wife, same goes for woman.

A civil union or even a civil marriage should be granted, especially so our children arent confused about what a "wife" is and what a "husband" is (woman and man)

Now...these Civil partnerships should have the same benefits as a regular marriage..but a different title...

2007-05-23 04:02:26 · answer #6 · answered by chersa 4 · 0 1

"Christianity" is not a religion ... its "relationship" you have with Christ. Though people have made it a religion for their convenience. Like wise if one calls himself a "Christian" then it means that he or she is following Christ ... according to what Christ has comanded.
Jesus Christ said .."I have come to fulfill the law." Again He said ..." the Law judges you but the Spirit will give life".
The answer to the question how to apply the Law and scripture in the OT and the NT ... one should read and understand the "Spirit" of the Word. But not weighing the pros and cons like you do in a court of law. That is why one needs to ask the help of Holy Spirit to understand the Scriptures. Unfortunately, people tend to find explanations to the issues in Scripture from "mere humans" and not from the Author of Scripture, who is the Holy Spirit.
But in the case of marraige between gay partners ... the Word is very clear .. that God created Man and Woman for union and that marraige is a holy thing. God created Adam and Eve .... not .. Adam and Steve !!!

2007-05-23 23:29:57 · answer #7 · answered by Lucky C 1 · 1 0

For one thing, the Law still stands, but the NT says a lot about the Law, and it says that humans are going to fail the Law, it's inevitable, but God can forgive. Jesus still expects us to follow him and get rid of the sins in our lives. Romans 1 is in the NT and it talks about how sexual impurity and homosexuality is wrong. Also, if people only use Sodom and Gomorrah as an example, then they need to realize that Sodom and Gomorrah weren't destroyed because the men were homosexual, it was destroyed because the town was wicked and they turned away from God. Homosexuality is immoral by the Bible's standards. God wants us to put aside our sins and do our best to follow him. If homosexuality gets in the way of your relationship with God, it is a sin and a distraction that should be put aside. God bless.

2007-05-23 03:59:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Jesus said " I have come to fulfill the law, not to change it." I believe Jesus understands that some are born with a desire for a same sex relationship, just as some are born with a physical handicap. I believe that those who are born different from the majority are not condemned, yet you know that Jesus would not say that is the way it should be.

2007-05-23 04:00:44 · answer #9 · answered by GeneGregoryArt.com 4 · 1 0

You are looking way too far into this... Homosexuality is simply against everything that a Christian holds to. It is saying that God's creation of Adam and Eve.. Man and Woman, was not good enough for some people. And nothing God has ever done is insufficient. I do not try to push my beliefs on homosexuals, but if you ask my personal belief, I will tell you. So do not try to change how I feel about it as a Christian, and I will respect your right to disagree.

2007-05-23 03:56:12 · answer #10 · answered by McClintock 4 · 3 2

Jesus most defintely has everything to do with the Old Testament law. Jesus wasn't born only to be relevant to the New Testament. Jesus existed forever. He was in the beginning. He was and is God. When he came in the form of a man in the New Testament, he came to fulfill the law, not to do away with it.

2007-05-23 03:54:06 · answer #11 · answered by God's Child 4 · 3 1

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