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For my whole childhood I was Christian THen for putting my brother's gang away. I thought of God as good buth then I got sent to a youth intervention camp to keep me from testifying against the gang in court. where I was left chained outside! I felt betrayed by God and my family and have spent twenty-four years as a fugetive from my own relatives.

2007-05-23 02:06:47 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Then why send me to an intervention camp right before the gang's trial?
Why leave me chained out side on a mountain and make me a fugetive from my own family?

2007-05-23 02:14:37 · update #1

I feel that was more of a betrayal than a protection! I was at last able to find a place off the road and get a job last year. My Dad Died On My Birthday!

2007-05-23 02:16:52 · update #2

29 answers

Let me share a story with you.. . .There was a lady out on the lake in a canoe spending time with God and praying. Well suddenly a storm came and before she could get to shore the canoe tipped over and she banged her head. Once she got to shore she was so angry and asked God why would you let that happen when I was spending time with you. . .where were you? She felt the quite whisper in her soul that said "You did not drown, did you?" God takes care of his children, that does not mean we get a free ride through life, but it does mean that we have a constant refuge and shelter through the storms. And, we are blessed enough that through our trials we gain strength and victory if we choose to accept it.

2007-05-23 02:22:14 · answer #1 · answered by sparkles9 6 · 1 0

God didn't leave you, you left Him. He didn't choose the path you took. You did. He may have ALLOWED you to be placed in the youth intervention camp to PROTECT you, but instead you thought, "Poor me-I had to be put in this place and I can't testify!"

And by the way, your family can also choose. You can only be responsible for YOU. So stop blaming God.

2007-05-30 17:36:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i'm sorry to hear that you are so troubled, but remember, people make bad decisions, and bad things happen as a result. that's not God's fault. Jesus was tortured to death. all of His disciples (except saint john) died a violent death, due to persecution. none of them ever blamed God. God never turns His back, and He will never leave you. when you are faithful to Him, He will use every single bad experience you ever had to make you stronger, tougher, better... to perfect you. in short, God's favor upon you can be measured by the hard times you made it through. now is the time to praise God for this trial, because it WILL make you stronger, IF you allow it to. now is the best time to be thankful for the things you DO have, and forget about the things you DON'T have. after all, if you ever lost ANYTHING, it's only because of GOD that you haven't lost EVERYTHING.

2007-05-30 22:47:49 · answer #3 · answered by That Guy Drew 6 · 0 0

We are living in a special time. Where God is giving the faithful an opportuntiy to go up to the higher worlds with Christ and the Angels, and be rulers over Creation. And we are being tested, to see what we are about. Are we going to fall-out at the first inconvenience and cuss at God? Our Creator doesn't want any doubters and rebels BACK in Heaven.

2007-05-23 02:36:02 · answer #4 · answered by THE NEXT LEVEL 5 · 0 0

Consider this passage from James 1:
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

The camp where you were sent and were chained was most certainly a trial. Do you think that God allowed that to happen to you so you could grow in faith, or because He doesn't like you at all? I would venture to say that God loves you; you are His daughter. Sometimes as parents we allow our children to go through character building trials so they will emerge a better person.

2007-05-23 02:14:20 · answer #5 · answered by Iamnotarobot (former believer) 6 · 3 0

life isn't honest... a lesson maximum folk study in some unspecified time sooner or later, in specific situations the troublesome way. i'm sorry issues are complicated and which you're having a stressful time. yet you do no longer choose fictional human beings in the sky to shop you. perhaps you may desire to concentration on your wellbeing and not subject approximately college a lot suited now. get exhilaration from friends or a interest, or start up work out and notice if the frenzy from that enables.

2016-11-05 02:42:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Friend, God never leaves anyone, He said he will never leave us nor forsake us, Yes there is time we think God has left us, The old saying is This man was walking along the seashore & saw 2 sets of footprints, & then his trials came & he look back & saw only one set of footprints, & this man ask God, while I was on the mountain top(Everything going ok) You walked with me because I saw 2 sets of footprints in the sand, now my trials has come I can only see one set of footprints, why have you left me, God said when you saw only one set of footprints, That is when I carry you because you could not walk on your own. Jesus even felt like his father has left him, But God leaves no one, He just steps back a little to test & try us, as Gold in a fire.

2007-05-23 02:17:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am really sorry that you are having a hard time but are you looking at the whole picture? Maybe God did not want you to testify, Maybe you could have been killed if you you did. God has a plan for you. Fully trust in that he answers prayers in his own way and not yours.
Isaiah 55:8,9 read this verse

2007-05-23 02:30:05 · answer #8 · answered by Rachel B 2 · 1 0

I am sorry for your situation, but hold tight to your faith:

Psalm 94:14 For the LORD will not reject his people;
he will never forsake his inheritance.

God NEVER leaves us or forsakes us; but sometimes we are called to suffer in order to accomplish His purpose. Just look at the suffering Jesus endured; or Joseph - whose brothers were so jealous of him that they sold him into slavery and told their father he was dead. He went through DECADES of false accusations, mistreatment, and injustice before he received justice....but oh, what justice it was! He was promoted to SECOND IN COMMAND over all of Egypt because of his years of faithfulness to the Lord!

God has blessings in store for those who diligently seek Him - especially those who remain faithful when it's hardest to do so. He hasn't "dumped" you....He's right there with you, going THROUGH everything with you. I have no idea what sort of camp would leave an innocent person chained up - let alone chained up outside, but you NEED to FORGIVE. Not for those who have hurt you, but for YOURSELF. You can't move forward with your life until you CHOOSE to forgive, even though you may not feel like forgiving. The feeling will come later, if you pray for God's help with that.

James 1:12 Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

2007-05-23 02:19:10 · answer #9 · answered by Romans 8:28 5 · 0 0

It is a good story to say the least.

However, if there is any facts to your story, then I feel for you.

If your family is like that, then stay away. You can make a better life for yourself some where far away from all that hassle of that kind of life.

Find someone who will care about you and have a family of your own. By giving love and receiving love will make you feel a lot better in life.

By making a new life is better then dwelling in the past misery, trust me.

Chin up there mate and go for it.

2007-05-23 02:28:36 · answer #10 · answered by Drop short and duck 7 · 1 1

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