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Why is it I wonder, that some atheist have way more knowledge of the bible than some christians do. This
guy I had talked to was more knowledgeable than anyone
else in chat room.

I can look at it more than one way , I mean I think christians should study the word while at the same time I believe faith is such a large part of their lives that its not too awful if they are not so knowledgable, however, if they are going to carry on a conversation with others about the bible it makes sense to me to study to shew thyself approved.
Often times us christians, will quote things that are not actually in the bible. I have seen this happen countless times. And whenever they were told to go look for themselves that they had misquoted , they get all upset and frazzled and begin to even doubt. Is that really faith in God? I dont know, I guess im a deep thinker, I am not taking sides just speaking what is in my head...............out into the wild blue yonder. lol

2007-05-22 16:38:29 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

There's is a difference between knowledge and understanding. A lot of atheists simply look for alleged contradictions rather than try to study the meaning of the texts themselves. Furthermore, your example is an unrepresentative sample. Just because the atheist in the chat room might have known selective verses better than some of the Christians does not necessarily mean he (or she) knew the entire bible better than some Christians. But I do agree that Christians should have have a deep grounding in scripture before they attempt to do apologetics, although not necessarily to share their faith.

Speaking of things that are not in the bible, contrary to your screen name, nowhere in the bible does it imply that "reason attacks faith". For example, it tries to show that God did act throughout history and points to evidence (reasoning) that shows that He did so. Many of the Pauline and other epistles draw out beliefs to their logical conclusion, while Jesus did this as well (such as his taking a Roman coin and asking whose image it bore and then concluding that since it was the emperor's, that one should give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's). Often, their evangelism consisted of trying to show that the Christianity was a reasonable faith.

The same, however, can be said about a lot of atheists too, especially when it comes to their lack of knowledge concerning the Theory of Evolution. They are spoonfed alleged proof that descent by modification proves that all living beings came from a common ancestor (or small pool of common ancestors) and usually don't take the time to critically evaluate the "evidence".

2007-05-22 17:17:34 · answer #1 · answered by Deof Movestofca 7 · 0 1

I think this is based on reading what actually make sense. I prefer reading the bible when I feel like it. I guess what people who proclaim they believe in God is just an image they show. True believers, from what I've seen, don't always mention the bible. I see more good intention from those that don't bring up the bible. Then those who do. It's all due to wisdom they behold in themselves. Athiest are human. A vast majority hold good intentions. As time has gone by. I have distant myself among other "so called" Christians, because they show more evil intentions than those who don't bring up the word of god. Oh by the way, I was born Catholica and I believe in what makes sense in this world. Not the way the world should be.

2007-05-22 16:43:52 · answer #2 · answered by anarchy0029 3 · 2 0

I know more atheists who have read the Bible in completion than Christians.

I cannot understand how a person can believe that something is perfect and completely true and handed down from God, and yet not read the whole thing. How do they know it's true, then, other than the fact that someone else said so? It's just something I don't get. If I thought a book were inspired by a deity, I think I'd memorize the darn thing.

I, as an atheist, have read and studied the Bible and various other holy texts in an effort to understand other's belief systems and in an effort to find truths. There are many who are FAR more knowledgeable than I, but I feel as though I know enough to be satisfied as to my positions on those books.

2007-05-22 16:44:51 · answer #3 · answered by N 6 · 2 1

Coming from an atheist, I can only tell you my own story. It's funny, but I take the issue of "God" much more seriously as an atheist than I did when I was a believer. I know much more as an atheist than I did as a believer. When I started to have doubts, I started to study--looking for answers to the things I doubted. I studied the Bible, I studied other religious literature. I talked to church leaders and other believers. I learned a LOT about the Bible and about Christian beliefs. I'm didn't become an atheist because I didn't WANT to believe in God, I'm an atheist because right now I have no reason to believe in God. If there IS a God, then sure, I would want to know about Him, and I would want to believe in Him. I refuse to just take it on "faith", though. To me, the idea of needing to believe based on "faith" alone is something that was made up to excuse the complete and total lack of any evidence for the existence of "God".
One thing I do know... If God does exist, and someday, I come face to face with Him...He CAN'T say that I didn't search for Him more intently and seriously than any believer that anyone can name.
Another reason it behooves an atheist to know the Bible well, is because we see a lot of believers using the Bible as a weapon against others. And in doing so, they very often reinterpret to suit their purpose, take things out of context, and sometimes even lie outright. It makes it a lot easier to call them on it if we know what we're talking about. I will never criticize anyone who uses the Bible to try to live a better life, but you BET I'll go after anyone who tries to use the Bible to attack another person.

2007-05-22 17:01:27 · answer #4 · answered by Jess H 7 · 0 0

There are many atheist that have excessive knowledge of the bible. Some have studied for the priest hood or were Evangelicals before giving it up. For many it's a challenge. A way to "know" your enemy you might say. Sense most Christians get their ammunition from the bible, it makes good sense to know the bible in order to dispute it.
I know an ex-nun, she is an atheist now.

2007-05-22 16:50:32 · answer #5 · answered by punch 7 · 4 0

Reason attack,
You are right about one thing. There are a number of Atheists and Agnostics on this site that know the BIBLE very well. They may not believe in GOD but they are knowledgable of the scriptures. I have read and studied the BIBLE almost every day for the last twenty plus years and I do not know as much as a number of them. I do however believe in GOD, the fact that HIS SON was murdered in our place and for our sins, that HE arose from the dead, spent time walking the earth, was seen by hundreds of people as HE arose into Heaven. GOD will send HIM back at the Judgment and all will be judged accordingly. Have a wonderful evening.
Thank you,
Eds, Christian


2007-05-22 16:50:24 · answer #6 · answered by Eds 7 · 1 2

Christians have the bible fed to them, so they think they know what the bible says. They only hear the good parts of God. The bible contains some of God's evildoings. Since it does not fit the God they grew up knowing, they're in denial. Atheists can accept that God is evil, but they don't know anything about God. And especially if you've had christianity pushed onto you (like me), you will be curious as to what they're trying to push on you.

All that is under the assumption that God exists.

2007-05-22 16:53:29 · answer #7 · answered by WTP 6 · 2 1

Christians' rely so much on blind faith, they question so little of what is being taught them.

I believe most children do question, unfortunately their parent's do not have the answers. And instead of telling them that, they instead discourage them (the children) from questioning. And say things like, well honey, that is the way it is, God said so, it's in the bible (even if it isn't).

And because we are children, we do not question further. We continue our merry little ways, until someone comes along and tells us, what we thought was in the bible all along, wasn't.

2007-05-22 16:54:46 · answer #8 · answered by Sapere Aude 5 · 0 0

I too was in church before. I didn't say I would accept Christ but my leader was just insisting that I tick the box on the form that says: "I accept Christ and want him to be in my life." Anyway, I walked out of Christianity and never came back.

To be an atheist or agnostic is to doubt or disagree. And you can't doubt or disagree with something unless you know or understand what you're disagreeing with - in this case, certain contents in the Bible. It's just like a book/movie, you can't criticise it or write a review if you have not read/seen it.

2007-05-22 16:50:49 · answer #9 · answered by Bonna Feeday 3 · 2 1

i've always thought it was amusing that Christians complain about the Bible not being taught anymore. If it was your goal to preach atheism, you couldn't do much better than making everyone read the entire Bible. And they honestly think people are atheists out of ignorance.

2007-05-22 17:01:43 · answer #10 · answered by ajj085 4 · 0 1

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