I went to buy a Kong for my dog as they are cheaper there. While choosing, I heard whining and yelping and went to investigate. A sterile room was filled with small wire cages containing nothing but a small towel and a water bowl, with barred wire floors - oh, and numerous puppies and kittens, of course. No toys. There was a largish lab puppy alone in one cage. In another were huddled eight tiny Maltese/poodle crosses, six weeks old (they looked younger) at $440 each. In another was a little Staffy, very lively and friendly, but pressed against him (for warmth I would say) was a tiny creature labelled Maltese/Shih Tzu, with matted hair, shivering and looking very poorly. And so on. I was on the verge of tears, it was so heartbreaking.
I would have said something to one of the assistants, but they both looked about 16 years old.
11 answers
asked by
➔ Dogs
There was an adult cat wandering round that presumably "lives" in the store, and as I waited to pay for the toy, the cat took a dog biscuit from a display and one of the girls whacked it on the head.
My heart said "Rescue at least one of these poor creatures" but my head said "If you do, the space that's left behind will be filled within hours."
And all this is in an enlightened first world country, Australia. Which brings me to my question - what can we do?
I know pet stores sell cats and dogs and so on in the US, at least some states, because we visited a megastore in Florida that had dozens of puppies.
15:38:02 ·
update #1
Does anyone perhaps have experience of campaigning to get local authorities to ban stores from selling animals?
15:39:46 ·
update #2
Sorry if this sounds sooky (Australian for wussy!) but it just makes me want to HOWWWLLL!!!
15:44:37 ·
update #3
Brandy, maybe I was too impatient with you but I do think it ought to be general knowledge that it is winter in the southern part of the world when it is summer in the northern. Thank you for your input on this question anyway - the welfare of animals should be far more important than our personal niggles, I think!
22:42:56 ·
update #4
maybe you can start a petition to help get them to stop selling unhealthy animals. i hate when i see those things happening. it really get under my skin. i have 4 horses 2 dogs and 2 cats some which are rescues. here is a site where you can start a petition. get everyone you know to sign it and help stop this. let me know when you start one and i will sign it. just email me, good luck.
here is the form, it is free.
here is the home page
2007-05-22 15:48:39
answer #1
answered by cdr_22689 2
Aww, I'm glad your cat is okay. I have a hamster in my apartment since I can't have a dog. I put him in his little play area today which is basically a storage bin with toys and tubes and things, but it doesn't have a lid. I went to the kitchen for a few minutes and when I came back he was gone. He's so tiny and my room is kinda messy so for a split second I freaked out. I didn't think I'd ever see him again. But after what felt like an eternity, he poked his little head out from a pair of my jeans. He's fine, thankfully.
2016-05-20 06:58:08
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Camera phones are wonderful for things like this. Just a few weeks ago I am proud to say I got a store closed down what I videoed a girl grabbing at a Yorkie pup by it's back legs to get it out of the cage and slapping at it and cussing it when it nipped her.
Go you your nearest humane society etc with pictures. They don;t lie. They may help at least get the dogs better conditions and the best senario would be to get them closed down like I did.
2007-05-22 16:15:06
answer #3
answered by Mr. P's Person 6
File a complaint with the local police and Animal Control office. Animal Control officers can go into the pet shop and cite it for any health/safety violations. Pet shops usually get their dogs from backyard breeders and puppy mills -- and Animal Control may be able to shut their sources down so they can't get anymore dogs or cats.
If it's a large "chain store" also file a complaint with the shop's corporate headquarters.
Contact your local news media and let them know about your concerns. You could also "picket" the shop to draw media attention to it.
We helped to successfully shut down a pet shop here that was selling unweaned and sickly puppies for outrageous prices.
2007-05-22 15:49:26
answer #4
answered by Fetch 11 Humane Society 5
How sad. Spread the word. Do not buy one thing from this deplorable store, not a toy, not a treat, not anything, I don't care how cheap stuff is. Those poor babies are being purchased from puppy mills and sold at a huge price, and people feel sorr for the babies so they buy this little sick puppy or kitty and are stuck with a lifetime of vet bills. Oh my, I wish these deplorable stores would all be closed down.
2007-05-22 15:48:06
answer #5
answered by doris s 3
i have been in this same situation, no i do not like your style of answering questions, you were very rude to me in one of my questions but... like i said i have see the same, the ranch supplier store in the town i use to live sold Chic's and ducks and geese, i had gotten a chic for Easter and when i went back a month later to get my chicken more feed i saw that the same batch that my chic was from was still there, they all had sores,patches of missing feathers and poop in there feeders and were obviously ignored. i had called the police and animal control it was not right that just because these were cheap chickens with short life spans they are still animals and living things i keep up on calling and going to the store to check the animals it took twice but they did "clean" up there act. save those poor animals!!!!
2007-05-22 22:01:24
answer #6
answered by brandy t 3
One of the things you can do is to NEVER buy anything from a pet store that sells puppies, not a toy, not a bisquit, not anything.
And spread the word about where they get their puppies from even to the 16 year old employees.
2007-05-22 15:44:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
is there some place u can report them to? just horrid....i can't believe places like this...i live in PA usa we have tons of puppy millers. and one day i was looking for some thing and almost came home with a white husky....i felt sooooo bad for her. but like u i stopped myself. to save one only lines the breeders pockets. i don't even go to pet shops anymore. i shop at petedge.com ...but that don't help u. i'm sure u have some place to report the poor conditions these pups are in...and cats....even if u can take pics...and send them in.....it would be one place fewer that the millers have to sell thier dogs.
good luck
2007-05-22 15:59:44
answer #8
answered by dragonwolf 5
Pictures, lots of pictures. Send them to your local animal control. This is terrible, many of these w*nkers get their pups from puppy mills, and you are PERFECTLY RIGHT in not buying one of them, because it gives them more money. State your case and be firm. There are many people looking out for animals and rescue organizations will gladly help you.
2007-05-22 15:42:16
answer #9
answered by Fiveohfive 3
No, and I an guilty in the first degree. I went into a Debby's Pet store in the United state sand saw a Border Collie Pup caged!!! I was so angry I bought $ 800.00 worth of border collie to rescue her.'DUH! of course the next week there was a new one to take her place!
Don't go into the MEGA- PET STORES, stick to the mom and pop stores, Like me you will be better off!
one sap to another!
2007-05-22 15:44:49
answer #10
answered by bugsie 7