cause it is way to easy to be mean than to be nice.
2007-05-24 08:23:50
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Ok, I am not Anti - Catholic, I just do not believe a lot of what the Catholics believe.
I feel that Catholics completely disregard the teachings of the Bible to retain authority over their followers.
Let me explain...
The bible says "you shall not make yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them for I the Lord your God am a jealous God." Exodus 20: 4-5
This experpt is directly from the Ten Commandments. The Catholics make statues of Mary and kiss the feet of these statues. They pray to Mary....hence, the "Hail Mary"
They hold on to certain beads in a rosary while they pray....All you have to do is talk to God....he will always listen...He never leaves us.
They all praise the Pope as if he were a holy man himself....He is no closer to God than I am. In fact, I am more certain about my relationship with God than I am about his.....
They tell a MAN what sins they have committed and that MAN tells them what they have to do to be forgiven by GOD.......My God only asks, that I ask forgiveness from HIM and be truly sorry. He would never ask me to earn his is freely is a gift...
That is what sets him apart from us....his Unconditional Love.
In so far as the good deeds of the "Church" these good deeds are accomplished by individuals...
There are good people and bad people in every Race, Sex, Creed, Color, Eduation Level, and yes even Religion.....
You can not say these people were good simply Because they were Catholic...
That would be exactly like saying that all Catholics are bad based on the events of recent where many Catholic Priests are facing charges of can not have it both ways.
There have been many good people that were not Catholic.....
I believe I have the ability to distinguish a good person from a bad person regardless of what religion that are but that does not mean that I believe that all Catholics are good based on the example of a few, just as i do not believe that all Catholics are bad based on the few in the recent media. It also does not mean that the Catholic Religion is a good Religion simply because of the few good people that follow it.
2007-05-23 04:00:20
answer #2
answered by Karleen 2
Are you aware of the history of the Catholic Church?
From their early beginnings of kidnapping Edgardo Mortara from his family and executing (boiling alive) any nay sayers against the church to church officials simply reassigning priests who were sexual predators (child rapists), and many congregations are now actually asking for *parishoners* to pay the legal debts incurred by the lawsuits over sex scandals.
What a mess and what un-Godly behavior! Think of Mother Teresa as a private entity who acted alone. She belonged to a convent and convents do not receive finanacial assistance from The Vatican. They must rely on donations or their own good work, to exist.
As for the Pope, what would you expect a Pope to do if shot? If he had *not* forgiven the man then he would be going against the Bible and Catholicism itself and a public outcry would've erupted.
I think you're looking at the "Wiki-pedia" type of overview of the church and not reading and watching films regarding the full story of events throughout history. Talk about ignorance.
Another example - In the early to mid 1990's the U.S. Catholic Bishop's Council ruled unanimously in favor of advocating the use of condoms - mostly - to help prevent the spread of AIDS. Pope John Paul over-ruled their decision preferring to keep with the "old ways" of the church.
I think, in light of the AIDS epidemic and how Hispanic people, who are Catholics, are immigrating illegally to take care of families they can't afford to support, the Pope made a disasterous decision.
We must learn to take the good with the bad, find balance, and see both sides. I'm having a little trouble with that though based on just *how* bad the actions of the church have been and how millions of people have been negatively affected by their poor leadership. God would not approve.
2007-05-22 13:55:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Anti-Catholics hate. Since hate is irrational and ungodly, we should not be surprised to see haters act irrationally.
It's much easier for one to hate something, such as the Catholic Church, when one ignores the good that the Church has done. That also makes it easier to spread such hatred amongst the naive and ignorant.
Intellectually honest people know that everything and everyone has good qualities - more good than bad in most cases. With that in mind, to portray something, such as the Catholic Church, as "all bad" proves two things:
1) Haters are not trying to appeal to the average intellectually honest person.
2) The intended target of the hater are people who don't know any better, by virtue of being naive and/or ignorant of the thing being hated. They are "preaching to the choir" in other words.
Honest people know the Church has made mistakes, but they also know the Church has done - and continues to do - much good in the world.
When the Church has made mistakes, it was accidental, rather than out of premeditated malicious intent.
While haters are relatively small in number, they are very loud and obnoxious. They know they can't convince the intellectually honest of their views, so they just seek to annoy people like us. Don't give them the satisfaction.
2007-05-23 00:55:17
answer #4
answered by Daver 7
Because they are ANTI plain and simple. And most people don;t know half of what the Catholic Church does. that it runs the single largest Charitable institution in the world Catholic Charities USA. That it provides over 3/4 of the healthcare and AIDS medications to the continent of Africa. That the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is the largest monetary provider to Anti Human Trafficking information and recovery programs. That the Catholic Worker program runs and mans more homeless shelters and soup kitchens then anyone else in the US. That almost all of Americorps relies on Catholic Diocese for on ground operations and directorship of programs. That the single largest overseas volunteer groups are run by Catholic religious Orders such as the Sisters of Mercy, the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, etc. That Catholic orders and programs provide more education (schools) in third world countries then governements and all other private foundations combined. That they have run more orphanages and hospitals then anyother organization in history ever has or ever will.
And these are not individuals like you mention these are the Church as a insitution itself.
2007-05-22 13:41:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If they started saying good things about the Church, they wouldn't be anti-Catholic anymore, LOL!
Your 100% right. John Paul II, Mother Theresa - you can't find better models of faith. How many protestants can we name that have made a mark as big as JPII and M. Theresa?
2007-05-23 12:55:41
answer #6
answered by Danny H 6
"Mother Teresa" did not do charitable work. She used the poor for her own purposes:
She never met a dollar she didn't like. She was ignorant and superstitious, but she never lacked for craftiness or cunning. She spouted slogans about compassion and humility while she built a commercial empire and a personal cult by exploiting the poorest of the poor. With help from publicity agents and a phony 'miracle, she became an international celebrity and used her fame to promote the Vatican's political aims. She was Mother Teresa of Calcutta."
Why are some of us anti-catholic church? Leaving out the distant past, you know, the Inquisitions, Crusades, "witch" burnings, etc. How about the not-so-distant past, WWII:
"The Concordat between the Vatican and the Nazis
"Cardinal Secretary of State, Eugenio Pacelli (later to become Pope Pius XII) signs the Concordat between Nazi Germany and the Vatican at a formal ceremony in Rome on 20 July 1933. Nazi Vice-Chancellor Franz von Papen sits at the left, Pacelli in the middle, and the Rudolf Buttmann sits at the right.
"The Concordat effectively legitimized Hitler and the Nazi government to the eyes of Catholicism, Christianity, and the world. "
But, to more modern concerns:
The church hierarchy protected priests who raped children (nothing new, by the way, nor reserved for those in the U.S.). The church is against birth control, even condoms, even for those too poor to take care of children, and even though condom use could prevent the spread of AIDS.
The catholic church is not, and has never, supported civil rights, personal freedom, or democracy. In fact, the Vatican, a foreign country, has threatened some U.S. catholic politicians with excommunication, etc., if those politicians don't put loyalty to the Vatican before their oath to their own country's Constitution.
There are many more reasons - such as the catholic church's resistance to science over the centuries, its demand for blind obedience rather than critical thinking - but I think I've given enough reasons for anyone with at least half a brain to dislike the catholic church.
2007-05-22 14:05:45
answer #7
answered by YY4Me 7
There had been many great people of peace who offered their time, service and lives to the world who were Catholics and the honor and recognition was never denied to them even by non-Catholics.
These were the people who believed that the religion they were in was the true religion of God.
Some of them may have had their doubts about it but since it had been there already existing and have made many souls to be good (even if it is not necessarily right, just as long as the ends justify the means) they have stuck to their mission.
The Catholic Religion have a record of questionable origin and the Book of Revelation have so many things pointing to their true nature. They have started with lies that the liers were convinced to believe in their own lies and they were not hidden in the Book of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Amos and Revelation.
Those who oppose have their reasons and they are not all ignorant...go to this
2007-05-22 13:45:13
answer #8
answered by Rallie Florencio C 7
The Church caused the crusades, it killed Muslims and Jews alike for their money, land, and spices, and trade routes...All in the name of God...Put down the infidels.
The Spanish Inquisition and tried like many others to stop the printing of the bible in peoples native tong.
The Holy Roman Church, killed off the printers and translates of the Bible, and their own Templar Knights when they became too powerful.
Pope Benedict sided with the Nazis in WWII by remaining silent against the atrocities. Which the recent Pope has had to apologize for, big comfort that was, eh?
You are the ignorant one, I was raises Catholic and I know those truths.
Ask the people of Ruanda , Africa if their own priest and nuns turned them in for slaughter, because of tribal loyalty. Rather than protect them because they were all Catholic and supposed Children of God. Deary, try reading the United Nations WEB site. one and a while!
2007-05-22 13:39:18
answer #9
answered by bugsie 7
Mother Theresa and John Paul II are not the Catholic Church. They are individuals who happened to be Catholic, and devout ones, at that.
What does the fact the man was Muslim (who tried to kill John Paul II) have to do with anything?
You cannot make claims that the work of these two people are the workings of the Church. The Church itself is a corrupt, foul institution, which is becoming increasingly political in agenda, and attempting to flood politics with their moral system.
There is a reason why religion doesn't work well in government: not everyone follows the Catholic doctrine of life.
Catholics have done good in the past, but so have gays, lesbians, and all the other people the Catholic church has bothered to scapegoat constantly over the years, and villify.
2007-05-22 13:30:22
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I wouldn't describe myself as anti-Catholic just because I disagree with quite a few things in Catholic doctrine. As a social worker, Catholic Charities is one of my favorite organizations to turn to when I have clients in need of assistance. One would be hard put to find a finer example of a Christian life then Mother Theresa. Bishop Desmond Tutu is a person I admire greatly for his work. Also, some of my closest personal friends are Catholic. I am not against Catholic people at all, I am against a lot of their religious practices that I see as in opposition to Biblical teaching.
2007-05-22 13:47:55
answer #11
answered by wendy08010 6