If you are referring to the Buddhist concept of love - what Buddhism calls disattachment
then No; Disattachment is not a wholesome
balanced type of Love, and neither is Altruism. Philsosophies do not provide the means of learning How To Walk in unconditional Love. The Buddhist Philosophy teaches that the only way to end one's dissatisfactions/sufferings in life is through following the 8-fold path of siddartha gautama.
Siddhartha Gautama did not believe in
"the" Creator God, but believed in the gods/devas of Hinduism. The philosophical methods of good works {8-fold path) which he taught 2,600 yrs ago lead to Emptiness.
Buddhism does have their version of an eternal heaven called Nirvana. Nirvana is a state of total emptiness.
Once a person starts practicing Buddhism even just to simply learn to relax one's mind through insight meditation, they progressively will be drawn into the other
self-realization facets of this philosophy.
Was a Buddhist for over 25 yrs.
The most effective means of not just lessoning, but totally controlling one's selfish
desires only takes place through humbly yielding one's life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. After doing so, The "Holy" Spirit comes into the person - and teaches the person How To Walk in the (Holy) Spirit, and in His {the Holy Spirits) fruits [love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, self-control], and as a result will Not fulfill the Cravings, the Desires of the carnal nature.
Through What is called in the Word of God, the bible - The {Grace founded) Principle of the Path of Purification - a Born Again Christian believer humbly learns and daily practices to Walk in Holiness.
Salvation itself - is By Grace through faith {faith believes The Word of God, therefore receives - receives Jesus as Lord & Savior,
and it is not of our own good works {through the 8-fold path of Buddhism),
Salvation is a Gift of God {Jesus).
Once a person is saved by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ - the LORD, and is Born Again - it is our responsibility to learn
and daily practice this Path of Purification.
This Life in Christ is not a life of suffering because of one's cravings and desires we must conquer with Christ. It is a life of triumph, success, Joy and Peace.
I have experienced more Peace of Mind, and Happiness in Life now as a Born Again believer in Jesus Christ than I ever had in my practice of Buddhism.
I would recommend a person who has just given their life to Jesus, submitting to His Lordship to begin reading the book:
"The Pursuit of Holiness" by: Jerry Bridges
I could write many books on my past life in Buddhism, and How my relationship with Jesus Christ and willingly yielding to His Lordship by humbly obeying The Word of God has given me so much purpose, Peace of Mind and Happiness.
And Jesus has provided me the Promise of Eternal Life. Nirvana was suppose to be an eternal place outside of time and space, however in this place there was suppose to be no life, no death, no movement, no suffering, but simply happiness.
Having No movement, No LIFE, and no purpose is Not a great eternal promise.
In heaven, where I shall be someday soon with my Lord - Eternal LIFE continues on, with no tears, suffering, and there is movement, there are relationships with people there, there is Joy, Peace and a everlasting relationship with "the" God who created me.
*If you wish, you may click under dad&son, to learn How To Receive this eternal Life in Christ Jesus - the LORD.*
I am no one important: Jesus - the Prince of Peace is the One who is most important,
and I encourage you to keep your mind and eyes on Him alone. He alone is the One who can save you from your sins and "from yourself & your Cravings & Desires", then you will truly have Freedom and everlasting Peace. And best of all - that freedom and Peace begins at the moment you receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Please do not waste 28+ yrs of your life as I did. *Give you Life to Jesus, and He "will" give you the "unselfish" desires/hopes of your heart/mind.
Thank You for patiently reading this.
From: dad&son.
P.S. - I do greatly appreciate your reply.
Am a bit concerned with some things you had to say however: you said that Buddhism has helped you to change ways or things about yourself which you could never have changed. And near the end you shared how you view the Word of God.
Am not sure if you are a Born Again(Jn 3:3) Christian, as Jesus said we are to be, or not
Once a person becomes a born again Christian one of the hardest things to learn is walking in the fruit of The Holy Spirit of gentleness {in the original greek - this word means Humility). Humility allows the Word of God to do the following:
"Every Scripture God breathed {do you believe this ?) AND is profitable for instruction, for reproof, and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obediance, and for training in "righteusness"
in living a holy life, in conformity to God's Will in thought, purpose and action."
2 Timothy 3:16 amplified bible.
Though written by men, all the Scriptures are divinely inspired {literally God-breathed)
and it is our rule for Faith, Conduct & Life.
IF you do Not believe that all the Scriptures in the Word of God are divinely inspired, it will not work for you. And I understand why you have gone out intellectually following some of a different path[Buddhism], other than the One God wants you to follow.
Jesus words are this: "No one can serve two Masters {Master = Lord); for he will hate the one and love the other or he will stand by and be devoted to the one and despise and be against the other. You can not serve {as Lord) both God and mammon{whatever one is trusting in: whether philosophys, deceitful riches, money possessions, or anything one is trusting in more than God and His Holy Word)" Matthew 6:24
As a born again Christian matures in the Word of God and in his relationship with Jesus - one of the first things he learns is that Jesus {Jn. 1:1,14 The Word of God) is Lord of his life only to the degree which he yields in humble obediance to His {Jesus' - the Word of God) Lordship. *If we are not attentively listening to the voice of The Holy Spirit within us - He will speak to us through other born again believers, using the Holy Word of God-bible.
I admonish you to listen to the Word today, and yield to what you have heard. 1Jn.1:9
God the Father, Jesus - the Word of God personified {made flesh) and The Holy Spirit are more than energies and powers.
God is much, much more than simply descriptive words such as energy, love, kindness, patience, compassionate, etc.
God {The Father, Jesus - the Son, and The Holy Spirit) are persons who want you to truly have a personal relationship with Him.
God created you in His image and likeness
{that is you also have a spirit [the real you],
a soul {mind/intellect, will and emotions - and live in a physical body - read 1 Thess. 5:23) to have a personal relationship with you. We can have our own plans, and ways in Life, or we can follow the wonderful plan that God intends for us.
Our Walk with God takes time to cultivate, and requires much Patience, and time alone at the feet of Jesus[humility] in prayer, and praising Him, and in studying His Word/bible
and allowing the Holy Word of God/bible to correct us, purify us {Jn. 17:17) and change us by His Holy Spirit. God knows the thoughts and intents of your heart and mind.
He knows you much better than you know yourself - knows your wants and needs; He knows all your weaknesses and your strengths. HE is always there for you to go to in times of need, and HE wishes you to completely humbly yield to His Lordship - to the Lordship of Jesus.
Will be praying for you, AND I ask that you would also please pray for me - that I may daily decrease, so that Jesus may increase by His Holy Spirit in & through me.
May God help you to daily grow in His Grace through His Holy Word.
From: dad&son.
Have added you to my contacts, if you do not mind.
2007-05-22 13:51:58
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
A little self denial never hurt anyone.
One needs to know what desire is, as opposed to love, and also know something about the limitations of practicing detachment from desire.
St. Paul said it can become a form of will worship for any individual. He does note that the body must be kept in subjection by all; and that giving up sexual desire, while not a calling for everyone, is under strict limitations.
Some Eastern teaching aims to get rid of all desire and not to covet anything. This runs counter to Christian teaching which sees desire and love as having a priority in ones life in respect to loving God and ones neighbor. And even loving ones wife as "Christ loved the church and gave himself for it."
That same love and desire can be perverted to lessor sets of priorities; being misused to covet less than God; what God has given to others; or what God has not provided to anyone.
One does need the realization that they are more than their desires. There is a 'danger' for Christians looking at Eastern teachings to confuse desire and sin; or not realize that the world is partly our own internal set of wants which are then played upon by others.
Dealing with desire, by setting ones self apart from the world and its concerns and persuits, is not required in much of organized Christianity today, except as they look for money.
In Eastern teaching it is detachment. In Christianity it is called holyness with a reflection in the ritual practice called sanctification. Few can really explain these ideas today.
In the case of Christianity these days it might be safe to say that a lot of self denial wouldn't hurt when it comes to striving for physical, mental and spiritual perfection. The idea isn't to better ones self; but to set ones self aside before God. God will take care of making you better through the troubles, trials and corrections he selects for you.
2007-05-22 14:32:46
answer #2
answered by Tommy 6
undesirable, i understand the keyboard and could desire to have the two hands on domicile keys, then i'm off to the races :) Hmm, yet there are different issues I do nicely with one hand . EDIT: Hmm, my candy mushy Fox, are we being naughty on the instant, and quite witty ... stunning :) love your angel, xxxooo
2016-10-31 03:27:48
answer #5
answered by ? 4