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I have a situation. There is a girl that i like and I have the luck that she trains the same sport with me in a same club. I'm new into it , 5 months and she has 8 years expirience. She works as a hair dresser in a nearby part of town, 15 minutes from ours. I'm the quiet type, don't say much usually but can be damn charismatic when I'm in my element. I'm worried that the situation has come off to a stalemate becouse she is sourly by now used to me as just as a another club guy that glances over her with his eyes, as everybody does. And she is aware of this.
I'm 19, going to college, and she is 18, and single :). The plan is like this. I wold wake up in 6.30 am, catch the train with which she goes to work and pray to God that she is in it. I have a good cover up story for what am I doing in the train. I wish to "feel the terrain" and at least casually chat with her once and see her reaction on me, is there any chance. We speak very little on our practices by the way.

2007-05-22 11:18:27 · 6 answers · asked by milauwio 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I don't have any tingles or anything for her at this stage currently , does it mean that my "crushiness" is slowly turning off ?
And does this all make me a stalker in one hand :P ?

Hope it doesn't.

2007-05-22 11:19:57 · update #1

6 answers

no u r not in love
it is just a crush

2007-05-22 11:22:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yea kinda but in a good kinda way u do and other do it only 2 talk 2 r try 2 "accidentally" run in 2 the person ( when they knw they would b there) [i.e. stalker]

Try, hope she'll b there tell her exactly how u feel and tell her u don't want 2 rush things u would if she likes to take things slow.

2007-05-22 18:37:58 · answer #2 · answered by sexy kath 2 · 0 0

Sounds more like ure in love. Strike up a conversation with her one day and see where it leads. Who knows she may have the "hots" for u as well! Good luck!

2007-05-22 18:25:12 · answer #3 · answered by Lady S 2 · 0 0

hey man,comin from a girl,i think you should ask her for help and if she helps you crack a few jokes flirt,then ask her how shes been and say that she can tell u anything and if she tells you her problems offer advice,then smile look embarrased and ask her out for a coffee and start as friends,dont rush it youll just scare her.

2007-05-22 18:33:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

go get a haircut from her!

2007-05-30 18:23:08 · answer #5 · answered by cheri h 7 · 0 0

stop being a f@g

2007-05-22 18:20:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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