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I met someone about 5 years ago that I worked with. I fell deeply in love with him. We both had feelings for each other and talked about them but nothing ever happened between us. I was married at the time and he was dealing with a drug addiction. I hadn't seen him for 2+ years until about a week ago. I am now divorced and he has been clean nearly a year. We've had just 2 brief conversations over the last week but it is apparent that the feelings are still alive and well. I feel that my biggest mistake last time around was being needy and coming on way to strong. I'm not in the same spot anymore though and want more than anything in the world to make this work, I just don't want to push him away again. I don't get the rules of dating, and the waiting game. Can anyone tell me what the difference between coming on to strong, and not strong enough is. I just don't want to push him away again, it was hard enough the first time around.

2007-05-22 10:31:26 · 2 answers · asked by hthr_1974 4 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

2 answers

Always give him enough space to where he come to you. Make your feelings clear to him, that's all you can do at this point. If he is as interested in you then he will reciprocate those feeling. Love is all about patience...as hard as that is! You've waited this long already, continue with your life don't wait anymore or else you'll resent him. What ever you do don't ruin this chance by smothering him. Men like the chase. No need to play games but don't be so easy to give in.

2007-05-22 10:52:02 · answer #1 · answered by angelxouxielove 2 · 0 0

just go with the flow, you dont have to be allover him,or tell him all the time things like i think about you all the time,i think i love you, i want a relationship with you things like that just act like a lady and go with the flow dont be pushy.

2007-05-22 17:54:40 · answer #2 · answered by moe 5 · 0 0

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