Don't feel obligated to be with someone just because he is a brother of a friend. That's no reason to date someone. If she gets pissy about it then she isn't much of a friend. As for the guy, if you don't like him, what is the big deal? Just say you aren't interested and leave it alone.
2007-05-22 10:01:26
answer #1
answered by getusedtoit 4
I'm a guy so this comes from a guys point of view. There are a lot of good ways to let someone down easy. First stress that you like them put not in a romantic way. Second, you could say my parents wont allow me to date anyone older than me. Third, talk about chemistry and how it is either there or not. Fourth, try I value your friendship too much. Hope this helps if the gets creepy just say, at first I thought you were nice and I wanted to be your friend but now you kinda creepy, leave me alone or I will tell someone your bothering me.
2007-05-22 10:04:12
answer #2
answered by Jeffrey M 1
Well all I can say don't worry about hurting someones feelings because if you just don't feel it for them there is nothing you can do about it. If you really don't want anyone to get hurt its difficult to say any way you put it for the most part. But just tell him that you just aren't looking for a relationship right now and are focusing on school or work or whatever is really important to you right now. Tell him its nothing against him and you don't aren't trying to be mean or anything its just not the right time for you to be with someone right now. Also you can put in that he is your friends brother, and you wouldn't want to ruin friendships or have any awkwardness if something was ever to go wrong. If that doesn't work and he was to still get upset then theres nothing you can do hun...hes a big Luck
2007-05-22 09:59:34
answer #3
answered by sobrietygirl88 2
I once was on a plane from Europe back to the States, and the plane made an emergency landing in Iceland. The pilots had received a message that the plane was set to explode. We landed in the middle of the runway and were escorted away by NATO soldiers. Nobody was told what was going on at the time. The people in charge planned to let the plane explode on the runway. False alarm in the end, but a very cool story, and I got to stay at a 4 star hotel for free.
2016-04-01 02:55:17
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
In our world today, dear, one should be more decisive. You have to calculate matters in this way:
I lose and he wins
I win and he loses
Do you want to be a loser? AND For what?
For someone you don't like.
if he doesn't understand that you don't like him nor are you ready to make a relation with him, I say if he doesn't get to understand it, he is either idiot and a fool OR an intruder, unbearable one. In either cases away with him.
Just tell him you've someone dear to you and you will never let him down.
If he insists, he deserves anything you will do to him.
2007-05-22 10:08:38
answer #5
answered by hy003002 5
just dont go to that friends house for a little while. i had the same thing happen with a best friend and her older brother. i even had the same thing happen with a friend and her father. the friend with the father was so embarrassed and we didnt talk after that, but the one friend that her brother hit on me, well i kinda ignored him and he went back to being the brother type.
if he keeps pushing it, let him know you see him as a brother, but nothing more.
2007-05-22 09:59:16
answer #6
answered by jenniferjones 2
Your friend won't be mad. Just tell him that you are not looking for a relationship right now and that you like being single. Thats the easiest way to get your point across.
2007-05-22 09:55:39
answer #7
answered by PlatinumWeirdo 2
Say you are not ready to be in a relationship .... tell him you really don't think it would be a good idea to go out with one of your friends brother.
2007-05-22 09:59:25
answer #8
answered by DavidV 3
Tell him that you don't feel the same way and even if you did, you don't want to date any of your brother's friends.
2007-05-22 09:55:29
answer #9
answered by Stefka 5
Hmmm...that's tough. Just tell him that you'd rather be friends. Make up something about not wanting to date him since you're friends with his sister. That should do it!
2007-05-22 09:55:48
answer #10
answered by ..... 5